
Tainted Destiny

In a realm teeming with fantastical creatures, a determined young man sets out on a perilous journey to fulfill his destiny. Armed with only his wits and the unwavering strength of his spirit, he battles his way through a treacherous landscape filled with dangerous beasts, powerful demons, and awe-inspiring angels. With every challenge he faces, he grows stronger and more resolute, determined to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. But as he rises through the ranks and gains the attention of powerful allies and enemies alike, he begins to question whether he can truly change his fate or whether he is destined for a darker, more tragic end. Will he triumph against all odds, or will he succumb to the forces that seek to bring him down? Only time will tell in this epic tale of courage, perseverance, and the power of destiny.

CANON_Player · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

A Tale of Survival and Revenge

As Neo was captured by the orcs, he was bound and gagged, his weapons and armor stripped from him. He was thrown into a cage with other prisoners, both men and women, all of them looking at him with despair in their eyes. They had been captured from various places, their fates uncertain.

The journey to the next baron was long and arduous. The orcs didn't give the prisoners much food or water, leaving them to suffer from hunger and thirst. The cages were cramped, and the prisoners had to take turns sleeping on the hard, cold floor. Neo felt his strength slowly draining away, his body growing weaker with each passing day.

As Neo learned more about the Orc Captain who killed his father, he discovered that his name was Igor. Despite being a Captain of a squad, Igor was a fourth rank knight, a level of strength and power that would have given a human knight a great deal of prestige in the human realm.

This realization only highlighted the vast strength and power difference between the two races. Neo couldn't help but feel a deep sense of anger and frustration at the fact that his people were so vastly outmatched in battle.

One day, as they were traveling through a dense forest, the orcs suddenly stopped. Neo could hear the sound of fighting in the distance, and his heart sank. He knew that it was probably soldiers from his father's land, fighting to protect their people. He felt a pang of guilt, knowing that he should have been there to fight alongside them.

The orcs returned to their cages, leaving the prisoners to wait in fear and anticipation. Hours passed before the orcs finally returned, dragging a soldier of his father's army behind them. Neo recognized him immediately, his heart sinking with despair. The soldier had been his friend, and now he was dead.

The orcs began to cut up the soldier's body, roasting his limbs over an open fire. Neo was forced to watch as they ate the flesh of his friend, tears streaming down his face. He was sickened by the sight, the smell of burning flesh making him gag. He could barely look at the other prisoners, knowing that they were all suffering in their own way.

The journey continued, the orcs moving ever closer to their destination. The prisoners were forced to work in the journey, their hands blistered and bleeding from the hard labor. Neo did his best to keep his spirits up, knowing that he had to survive if he ever hoped to escape. He swore to avenge his family and friends. Before this tragedy, Neo had always wanted to become stronger but he didn't have a clear goal. However, everything changed for him after witnessing the brutal slaughter of his loved ones. He was determined to do everything in his power to gain the strength he needed to seek revenge. But the days were long and grueling, his body aching from the hard work and lack of food.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at the next baron. Neo was thrown into a pit with other slaves, their bodies weak and malnourished. He was given close to no food, only enough to keep him alive. The conditions were deplorable, the stench of death and decay everywhere. He saw others die from sickness and exhaustion, their bodies left to rot in the pit.

Neo felt his spirit breaking, his will to live slowly fading away. He knew that he had to escape, to find a way back to his people and fight for his freedom. But the odds seemed insurmountable, the orcs too powerful and numerous to fight against.

And so he waited, biding his time, hoping for a chance to break free and make his escape. But in the meantime, he suffered, his body weak and battered, his spirit broken by the horrors he had witnessed.

As Neo and the orcs arrived at the next baron's estate, they quickly overwhelmed the guards and entered the castle. Neo was forced to watch as the orcs rampaged through the halls, killing and capturing anyone in their path.

He could hear the screams of the people and the clash of swords echoing through the castle. It was a terrifying scene that he couldn't bring himself to fully comprehend. The orcs seemed to show no mercy as they destroyed everything in their path.

Neo was filled with a mixture of fear and anger as he watched the orcs desecrate the estate. He could see the pain and suffering on the faces of the people around him. It was a sight that would haunt him for years to come.

Neo's grandfather, Baron Darius, was sitting in his study when the magical sphere began to glow with a faint blue light. He knew at once that it was a message from his son's estate, and he reached out to touch it. As he did, he felt a sharp pain in his hand, and the sphere began to glow even brighter.

Grandmother Isadora, who was working on her own spells in the adjacent room, sensed the sudden burst of magic and rushed in to see what had happened. She saw the sphere and knew that it was a message, but she also saw the pained expression on her husband's face. "What is it, my dear?" she asked, concerned.

"It's from our son-in-law's estate," Darius replied, his voice heavy with sorrow. "The message says that our daughter and son-in-law have been killed by orcs, and that Neo's body was not found."

Isadora gasped in shock, but quickly composed herself. "We must send a message to the capital for help," she said firmly, tears falling down her cheeks. "The orcs are growing bolder, and if they can attack a baron's estate, then no one is safe."

Darius nodded in agreement, and they immediately set to work crafting a message to the capital, detailing the tragedy that had befallen their family. Isadora added her own plea for aid, using her powerful magical abilities to infuse the message with urgency and desperation.

Days passed, and Darius and Isadora waited anxiously for a response. Finally, a messenger arrived with a letter from the capital. The letter was from the king himself, and it promised swift action to bring the orcs to justice and protect the people of the kingdom.

With a heavy heart, Darius turned to Isadora. "We can only hope that the king is true to his word," he said.