

In a world filled with secrets and danger, Anya finds herself trapped between her haunting past and a future teetering on the edge of darkness. Struggling with the burden of an unknown illness and a tragic history, she seeks solace within the confines of her fractured heart. But when an attempt on her life reveals a web of betrayal and deceit, Anya's fragile existence is shattered. She learned that she was to be sold to the ruthless Russian mafia boss who was more cruel that her wicked uncle. But when she tried to run away, she ended up in the arms of the waiting mafia boss and that shattered her. The ruthless capo, Vincenzo, unexpectedly becomes her ally, unravelling a side of him she never knew existed. As they navigate through a treacherous underworld, they discover a shared strength that defies all odds. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery, where past and present collide, and the lines between trust and betrayal blur. As they inch closer to the truth, Anya's determination intensifies, and she realizes she is no longer willing to be a victim. She will stop at nothing to expose the darkness that threatens to consume her. In this gripping tale of resilience, love, and redemption, Anya must confront her deepest fears, confront the demons of her past, and find the strength to fight for justice. Will she uncover the truth and find the freedom she seeks, or will the shadows of her past devour her once more? "Tainted Desires" is a captivating suspense novel that explores the intricate dance between secrets, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of a woman determined to reclaim her life. Prepare to be enthralled by a tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final, heart-stopping revelation.

Daoistovr4xe · Thanh xuân
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19 Chs



Alessia sat on the edge of the bed, her grip on Anya's hand tight as tears streamed down her face. The sight of her anguish tore at my heart. I approached them, my steps heavy with a mixture of worry and determination.

The doctor, his expression grave, approached me and placed a small bottle in my hands. I examined it closely, my brow furrowing as I sought to understand its significance.

"What is this?" I inquired, my voice tinged with a mixture of urgency and frustration.

The doctor's gaze met mine, his eyes filled with a sombre understanding. He exhaled heavily before delivering the weighty revelation. "She was poisoned. That bottle was found with the culprit."

My fingers tightened around the bottle, my knuckles turning white as the gravity of the situation sank in. The vile scent that wafted from it reached my nostrils, assaulting my senses with its putrid odour.

"How come Anya could not smell this in her food?" I managed to utter, my voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and concern.

The doctor's response further solidified the gravity of the situation. "Her olfactory nerve is damaged. She has anosmia," he explained, his tone bearing the weight of a difficult truth.

Alessia, overcome with a flood of emotions, stood before the doctor, her grip on his shirt revealing her desperation for answers. Matteo and Carlo, usually composed, mirrored my astonishment as we all grappled with this newfound knowledge.

"She has what?" Alessia's voice wavered, a mixture of disbelief and concern resonating within her words.

I stared at the doctor, my eyes searching for reassurance or perhaps a glimmer of a solution. The idea of Anya being robbed of such a basic sense felt like an additional injustice in a world already marred by darkness.

Carlo, his voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and concern, sought to clarify the doctor's words. "Wait. You mean she can't smell?" he questioned, hoping for an alternative explanation.

The doctor nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice carrying a weight that matched our own growing realization.

Anya lay still on the bed, her fragile form a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Alessia, her voice trembling with concern, returned to her side, tenderly caressing her hair as if offering comfort through her touch.

"What could be the cause?" I asked the doctor.

"The only possible assessment of the situation is that maybe she had a head trauma," he had explained. My heart clenched at the thought of her enduring such a traumatic experience.

I could only imagine the ordeal she had endured, the darkness she had fought against. Who could have inflicted such harm upon her? Anger stirred within me, the fire of my determination intensifying.

"Luckily for her, she was found quickly. If you had wasted a little time, it would have been too late. She should be okay in two days." His words resonated within me, easing the weight that had settled upon my shoulders.

I nodded, acknowledging the doctor's words as he walked away, leaving us in a cocoon of tension and anticipation. Two days. It felt like an eternity, yet also a flicker of hope, as I clung to the belief that Anya would emerge from this ordeal stronger.

"Did she tell you who sent her?" Carlo asked. His words hung in the air, a bitter reminder of the unanswered questions that now lay buried with Natalina.

"She died before I could ask her," I replied, my voice laced with an undercurrent of seething rage. The opportunity for closure, for the truth to be unveiled, had slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. Any chance of bringing the responsible party to justice had vanished, swallowed by the void left in Natalina's lifeless body.

"Fucking bitch," Carlo muttered, his voice thick with contempt. The anger within him mirrored my own, a shared sentiment of betrayal and the thirst for vengeance.

Matteo, usually composed and level-headed, expressed his disbelief at the magnitude of Anya's condition. "I can't believe she was suffering from something this huge," he murmured, his words tinged with a mix of sorrow and determination.

The fire within me burned brighter, fuelled by whatever I held for Anya and the rage that coursed through my veins. The need to protect her, to avenge the pain inflicted upon her, consumed me entirely. I turned to Carlo and Matteo, their unwavering loyalty like a beacon in the darkness.

"I want you guys to search everywhere," I commanded, my voice resolute. "I don't care who you have to get rid of to find the person who did this. Comb everywhere and bring me the person responsible."

"Yes boss." They bowed and walked away.

I moved to Alessia and my hand found its way to her hair, gentle in its touch, as I sought to offer her solace amidst the chaos that surrounded us. Her words resonated within me, resonating with a promise that mirrored my own resolve. "Vince, you have to catch whoever did this to her, okay?" Her plea tugged at my heartstrings, reminding me of the responsibility I bore.

I pressed my lips together, my jaw clenched with determination as I directed my gaze towards Anya's still form.

"Please Vince. She is the only friend I have after a long time, you have to watch over her for me. Please." She begged.

With a sigh, I pulled her close, enfolding her in the safety of my embrace. My hand moved in soothing circles upon her back, an attempt to ease her pain and offer her a measure of comfort. "I promise to find them," I assured her, my voice laced with determination. "Don't cry anymore."

As she pulled away, her tear-stained eyes met mine, searching for reassurance amidst the turmoil. I summoned a small smile, an offering of strength and support in the face of adversity. She nodded, her trust in me unspoken yet palpable.

"Now go to your room." I told her.

She cleaned her face and stared at Anya one last time before leaving.

As I sat before Anya, her pale and still form before me, a complex mixture of emotions surged within me.

My fingers gently hovered in front of her nose, feeling the delicate rhythm of her breath against my skin. Relief washed over me as the knowledge of her continued existence reassured my troubled heart.

Despite my initial reservations, I couldn't bear the thought of her slipping away, for it would not only shatter Alessia's spirit but also leave an indelible mark upon my own.

As I gazed at Anya, my thoughts drifted back to the shattered fragments of my past. Despite the constant abuse from my father, there had been moments of happiness. Our family, imperfect as it was, had somehow found solace in one another's presence. My mother's love and strength had illuminated our lives, shielding us from the darkest corners of our reality.

But everything changed when my mother's life was tragically cut short. Helplessness consumed me, engulfing my soul with guilt and regret. I blamed myself for not being able to save her, for failing to shield her from the storm that raged within our home.

That haunting feeling of powerlessness haunted me relentlessly, leaving an indelible mark on my heart. The pain of losing someone I couldn't save, someone I cherished, haunted me to this day. The wounds were still raw, the guilt still gnawed at my conscience.

The depths of my emotions surged, mingling anger with a renewed sense of purpose. The burning desire to protect Anya, to ensure that she didn't suffer the same fate as my mother, ignited a fire within me.

Anya's troubled relationship with her father cast a shadow of suspicion upon him. Could he be responsible for the pain she carried? The anger that sparked within her eyes when his name was mentioned seemed to hint at a hidden truth. If he was indeed the source of her suffering, then I am going to make him fucking pay for what he did to her and my mother.

I sat there, mesmerized by her presence, losing track of time as the daylight slowly faded into darkness. With gentle care, I rose to my feet and retrieved a duvet and draped it over her petite form, tucking it in at the edges to provide warmth and protection.

Quietly, I exited the room, closing the door behind me to maintain her peaceful sanctuary. The heaviness in my heart matched the weight of the darkness that enveloped me. The echoes of pain and suffering from the distant cage reverberated through my thoughts, amplifying my already foul mood.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, jolting me from my troubled contemplation. Irritation seeped into my voice as I retrieved the device and answered the call. "What?" I barked, my impatience evident.

"Boss, we have a problem!" Blanca's voice crackled with urgency through the phone, intermingled with the chaotic sounds of screams and commotion in the background.

My grip tightened on the phone as frustration surged within me. "What the fuck is going on?" I gritted my teeth, the tension in my jaw palpable.

"We need you here, boss. Some..." The line abruptly cut off, leaving me hanging in suspense, my mind racing with dire possibilities.

I cursed under my breath, the urgency of the situation propelling me into immediate action. Without a moment's hesitation, I hurriedly made my way to my car, the engine roaring to life as I accelerated toward the bar that Blanca was responsible for. The streets blurred past me, mirroring the turmoil coursing through my veins.

Arriving at the scene, I scanned the exterior of the bar, searching for signs of the turmoil that had been relayed through the phone. Strangely, the facade appeared deceptively calm, belying the chaos that had been described to me.

Stepping forward with purpose, I approached the guard stationed outside, expecting him to recognize me and promptly grant me access. However, to my astonishment, the idiot stared at me blankly, seemingly oblivious to my presence and authority.

"I need to see your ticket," the guard stated firmly, his voice laced with a hint of authority.

I scoffed at his demand, my frustration boiling over. "Do I need a ticket to enter my own freaking bar?" I sneered, the contempt evident in my tone.

As realization dawned on the guard's face, his complexion drained of colour. Fear glimmered in his eyes as he stammered, "Vincenzo Cassano."

I was in no mood for pleasantries or delays. "Get the hell out of my face and open the damned door," I growled, my anger seething beneath the surface.

Reacting to the intensity of my command, the guard swiftly complied, hastily unlocking the door and stepping aside. I stormed past him, my presence demanding respect and obedience.

Entering the bar, I was met with a scene of chaos and panic. People were scrambling for safety, their fear palpable in the air. Amongst the frenzied crowd, my eyes narrowed as I caught sight of a group of individuals that stood out from the rest. Their unnaturally pale faces and blackened lips marked them as something altogether different.

Amidst the chaos that consumed the bar, my eyes scanned the scene and landed upon familiar faces. Matteo and Carlo, fought valiantly against the strange assailants.

Suddenly, one of the attackers charged towards me, their intentions clear. Without hesitation, I swiftly donned my gloves, my instincts sharpening as I prepared to defend myself. I deftly dodged their initial strike, my agility tested to its limits.

Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, gripping the assailant's collar tightly, my knuckles connecting with their face in a powerful blow. However, to my surprise, the impact failed to elicit the usual reaction. This person, stood unperturbed, seemingly unfazed by the force I had exerted.

"What the fuck? What are you?" I tilted my head in confusion, my mind racing to comprehend their resilience.

Refusing to back down, I swiftly adjusted my strategy, capitalizing on my skills and experience. Grabbing hold of their hand, I twisted it, using the momentum to swing them off balance. Despite their initial resistance, they recoiled, granting me an opening.

In an instant, I seized their neck, my grip firm and unyielding. A surge of satisfaction coursed through me as I twisted, feeling the resistance fade as their body went limp. The lifeless form crumpled to the ground.

I approached Matteo and forcefully pulled the assailant away from him.

"What are all these people?" I demanded, my voice laced with a mix of urgency and frustration.

"These people are under the influence of a strange drug," Matteo explained, his tone grave.

"A drug?" I repeated, my mind grappling to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Yes, a strange drug," he confirmed, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air.

"I can't see Nico. Didn't he come with you guys?"

"He should be somewhere upstairs," Matteo responded, his voice laced with concern. "But one of these bastards has Alessia."

"What the fuck? What is Alessia doing here in the first place?" I bellowed, frustration mingling with fear for her safety.

One of the pale-faced man lunged at me, his intentions clear. Without hesitation, I aimed for his left eye, plunging the blade with force, expecting to incapacitate him. But to my shock, he remained unfazed, his strength undiminished.

"They are freaking strong," Matteo's voice rang out, a mix of astonishment and concern.

Retrieving my knife, I slashed at his neck, aiming for a vital point. The assailant momentarily froze, his eyes regaining clarity before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. The questions echoed in my mind, each answer eluding me as the mysterious nature of these individuals confounded me further.

Determined to find Alessia and ensure her safety, I pushed forward, climbing the stairs with purpose. The urgency of the situation propelled me, discarding any semblance of caution or formalities. I needed to locate her, to shield her from the danger that surrounded us.

Pulling out my gun, I embraced the weight of the metal in my hands, finding solace in the familiarity of the weaponry. The chaos intensified as I opened fire, unleashing a barrage of bullets upon the approaching assailants.

The sound reverberated through the air, drawing the attention of others who sought to do us harm. They closed in, driven by their twisted allegiance to the mysterious drug that gripped them.

I maintained a steady rhythm, each pull of the trigger sending rounds of ammunition towards the encroaching enemies. The recoil of the gun was familiar against my palms, the noise drowning out all other sounds as I focused solely on the task at hand.

My movements became fluid, a dance of survival and retaliation. The adrenaline surged within me, heightening my senses and sharpening my aim. Time seemed to bend as I fought against the odds, the cacophony of gunfire and screams filling my ears.

With a seamless transition, I drew my second gun, dual-wielding the weapons with precision. The bullets found their targets, creating a path through the sea of adversaries. They fell before me, their presence mere obstacles in my determined quest.

With urgency pulsing through my veins, I called out to Blanca amidst the chaos, my voice cutting through the tumultuous scene. "Where is Nico and Alessia?" I shouted, my desperation evident in my tone.

"Keep going east, you will find them!" Blanca's response reached my ears, driving me forward as I fought off the relentless attackers. Every step I took, every blow I delivered, was fuelled by the need to reach Nico and Alessia, to ensure their safety.

"My brother would come kick your asses." I heard Alessia shout, her defiant spirit unyielding even in the face of danger.

I burst through the door, my heart pounding in my chest as I surveyed the room. Nico was nowhere to be found, but my eyes zeroed in on Alessia, kneeling on the floor.

Several figures with strange masks adorned their faces surrounded her, their intentions unclear. A surge of protective fury coursed through me as I witnessed her defiant gesture towards the man seated at the table.

She caught sight of me, her face lighting up with relief and happiness. "Vince!" she cried out, her voice filled with genuine joy as she ran towards me.

My gaze scanned her form, assessing her for any visible signs of harm. Concern etched into my features, I asked, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I am fine," she assured me, her voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded us.

"Good," I replied, a sense of relief washing over me. "I want you to go outside. You will see Blanca. Tell her I said she should take you home, okay?"

Alessia nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Okay. Be careful," she uttered, her worry evident in her voice.

I brushed my fingers against her cheek, the brief contact filled with unspoken reassurance. "I will," I promised, my voice firm and resolute.

With a final glance, Alessia turned and ran towards the exit, disappearing into the chaos outside.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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