
Taboo Incest sex stories

some sort stories of taboo This story is a complete work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone, alive or dead is pure coincidence. All of the characters in this story are 18 years and older.

DJROM · Thành thị
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"Happy Birthday, Mom!" I said over the phone as soon as my mother answered. "How old are you again? 25? No... Wait, you couldn't be a day over 21!"

"Oh, Matthew. Would you stop! You know I'm 42 today. We couldn't possibly be the same age." My mother joked back.

"Well, I stand by my statement. You don't look a day over 21!" I continued. "Are you getting into anything tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, you know me. I'm just a boring old woman; I don't have any plans for tonight. I think some of the girls want to have a get together this weekend and celebrate but nothing too crazy." She answered.

"Alright, well have fun! Happy Birthday, I love you."

"I love you too, honey. Thanks for calling." She replied.

When I turned 18 I moved out of mom's house and into my own apartment, I picked up a job as a male stripper and have been doing that ever since. I'm currently 21 and live in Los Angeles, California; Mom was never much of a big city kind of gal and had relocated to Palmdale, which was about 40 miles outside of LA. Palmdale was much nicer than LA, she had a huge house and a good job with way more friends than she ever had in LA; I hated visiting because it's basically the middle of nowhere, in the desert. Mom had no idea that I had been stripping for all these years; when I moved out I told her I was starting my own online marketing business with a friend... Which was partially true. The business just turned out to be an "adult entertainment" business.

A few days prior to Mom's birthday, I got a call from a client who wanted to hire me for a party the upcoming weekend. The beauty of my business was, it wasn't a club; each performer was available for hire by the hour anywhere in the greater Los Angeles area and even some parts of Orange County. Basically, there weren't too many places in SoCal we wouldn't travel to.

Anyway, the client had scheduled for me to arrive at 9 PM in Santa Monica. We have various outfits, characters, and scenarios that clients can choose from; this specific client had chosen the "kidnapping" scenario for a friend. She told me it was for her friend's birthday and she was desperately in need of some excitement; I invited her in to our offices and we discussed the details.

The party would take place on Saturday night at her house and all of the guests would be arriving around 8 PM. I was scheduled to arrive at 9 PM in a blacked out car, a black outfit, with a black ski mask; I would then wait outside the house and the client would send her friend outside to grab something from her car and that's when I would grab her. I've done this scenario countless times and had no problem at all pulling it off; every woman I've done this to has absolutely loved it. We signed the legal agreement and she was on her way!

Fast forward to Saturday night...

I arrive in Santa Monica a few minutes before 9 PM and park my car across the street from the Clients house; I kill the headlights and watch the house closely. There's a large window at the front of the house that peers into the living room and the blinds were open, giving me a direct view into the house. I see the back of four heads sitting on the couch in front of the window and across from them in a chair is the client who hired me. The client had texted me about half hour prior to inform me of what the client would be wearing; she was wearing a bright pink button up blouse and a long black skirt, along with a pair of black lace stockings. I laid eyes on the target, though I could only see the back of her head; I waited for my cue to strike... While inside the room:

The girls all had tall glasses of wine and I could hear music coming from inside the house, two of them were dancing and they all looked like they were starting to get a bit buzzed. There was a bowl of fruits and vegetables on the table and the client gathered them around and began demonstrating sex acts with a cucumber. Perhaps it was a sexual party game; I couldn't hear what was being said.

"What's the biggest cock you girls have ever had?" The client asked the room as she picked up a large, thick cucumber from the table.

"Oh, boy. Here we go again..." The target said, placing her hand to her forehead.

"Come on, loosen up! Have another drink, it's your birthday!" One of the girls coached her.

"Seriously!" The client said, "I think this is about as big as I've got." She wrapped two hands around the base of the cucumber and there was still a few inches left at the top. Her eyes went wide. "I could barely fit it in my mouth, it was so thick." she said, as she proceeded to place the cucumber to her lips.

The girls all giggled and looked at each other; she passed it to one of the girls who attempted to fit the cucumber in her mouth but to no avail. She then passed it to another girl in the room who took it about a quarter of the way down.

"How about you Ari? Do you think you could take it?" The client asked the target.

"Oh, no. Really I don't think so..." Ari responded.

"Come on, you've got to at least try!" The girls are shouted at her.

Ari threw her head back and chugged what was left of her tall glass of wine.

"Alright, sure. Let me see that thing..." She said.

She held the cucumber in her hand and looked at it for a few seconds; she then opened her mouth as wide as possible and stuck her tongue all the way out. She slowly pushed the cucumber through the threshold of her lips and took it more than half way before gagging on it. Every single one of the girls cheered as she continued to try and get it down but she couldn't go all the way.

"Wow! You're a fucking naughty little freak aren't you? Where did that come from!" The client asked.

Ari shrugged her shoulders and her face began to turn bright red.

"Well if you like that big ol' cucumber, you're going to love what we got you for your birthday present..." The client said. "Why don't you run out to my car and grab it. I left it in the trunk."

Ari stood up and made her way to the front door.

I watched the target stand up from the couch and walk to the door; it was extremely dark outside which was best for what I was about to do. The target drunkenly stumbled down the front porch steps in her heels; it was dark and she was totally unsuspecting of anything. She made her way to the back of the client's car and opened the trunk; she bent over and began searching around for her present. I silently snuck up behind her and pulled a black sack over top of her head; I quickly placed one hand over her mouth to muffle her scream and wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. She kicked and flailed her arms effortlessly, she was far too drunk to even come close to putting up a fight; I pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed her hands behind her back. I then threw her over my shoulder and placed her in the trunk of my car.

All of the girls were eagerly watching from the window as I "kidnapped" their friend; after placing her in the trunk I looked up to them and waved, signaling them to follow me back to our warehouse set for this scenario. The set wasn't too far from the client's house so within a matter of minutes we were all there; I instructed the girls to go in and have a seat around the chair in the middle of the room and to keep quiet while I brought the target inside.

Once they were inside, I opened the trunk and pulled the target out over my shoulder once again. I noticed her tits were huge and were all but busting out of the blouse she was wearing, my cock started to get erect. I took her inside and placed her in the chair I had set up in the middle of the room, I tied her ankles together as she begged me to set her free; she sounded like she had been crying.

"Please sir, I don't know who you are. Just please don't hurt me... Please let me go." She pleaded.

This is the darkest part of the show so I hurried on to the next step without saying anything. I stood behind her and placed both of my hands on her shoulders, she tensed up immediately. I slowly pulled the sack from her head over her eyes, her were wincing while adjusting to the dimly lit room.

"SURPRISE!!" All of the girls yelled. "Don't worry! He's a stripper." They assured her.

Her makeup and mascara had begun to run down her face due to the tears, she was in shock. Her shock soon turned to anger and she started to yell, "You fucking BITC-."

I placed a ball gag around her head and shoved it into her mouth, tightening it appropriately to silence her anger and slid the sack back over her head. All we could hear now were the muffled screams of the target as she kicked her legs. I uncuffed her hands and turned on some dance music to start the routine; all the girls whistled and cheered.

The first thing I did was dance my way over to the target and sat in her lap, grinding my crotch on her tits down to her lap; I was still fully clothed. I took her hands in mine and placed them on my chest and allowed her to rub it, admiring my body; the next thing I did was take that blouse that her breasts were busting out of and ripped it open down the middle; the buttons exploded and fell to the floor as her tits popped out of it. She had on a tight, dark maroon bra that was pushing her size 34E enhanced breasts together. The girls continued to whistle and howl.

"Oooow! You go girl!" The client yelled.

I continued to grind on her lap and pulled the sack over her nose exposing her lips and the ball gag. I softly ran my fingers around the edges of her lips that were bit down tightly on the gag, my finger made its way down her lips to her chin where I grabbed it with my hand and tilted her head back to where she was looking up to me. I then leaned in and ran my tongue around the base of the ball gag just outside of her lips and bit down on it myself and yanked the sack off of her head completely.

I never expected what was waiting for me under that sack, I couldn't fucking believe it. The target was my own mother! And I was now face to face, basically lip to lip with my mother; whose breasts were all but exposed, with a face full of runny makeup, and a ball gag in her mouth. The shock of seeing mom underneath that hood sent me jumping backwards towards all of the girls; Mom had a huge smile on her face and was looking sexy as hell. Her huge tits were all but falling out of her bra and her skirt had started to ride up her thighs, exposing the matching thong she had underneath.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her... But I had to. She looked like she was really enjoying herself; I didn't want to take this experience away from her. I turned towards the girls and grabbed my cock over top of my pants; I gripped it tightly and shook it up and down in their faces. Slowly I danced backwards back towards Mom who was sitting there, drunk and eager. I spun in her direction just before I reached her and ripped my black tank top in half and threw it at her; she grabbed it and held it over her head spinning it like a helicopter.

I unbuckled and unzipped my pants before sliding across the remainder of the room on my knees and buried my face in her lap. The only thing that was keeping me from having my face buried in my mother's pussy was the thin layer of her lace thong and my black ski mask. I could feel the warmth and moistness between her legs and shoved my nose as deep as I could to get a nice smell before sticking my tongue out and running it up her thighs to the base of her vagina; my cock was rock solid. Usually, this is where I'd remove the mask for the routine but I was too ashamed to remove it; I figured I'd continue as I would normally, just without removing the mask.

Mom's head fell back as my tongue moved its way up the inner part of her thigh and up the slit of her vagina; she screamed just as my tongue reached her clit. I jumped to my feet and dropped my pants. I threw one leg over Mom's shoulder and began thrusting my hips back and forth in front of her face, grinding and gyrating my hard cock in my mother's face. We pretty much let anything go at these events, depending on how attractive the clients are.

It only took a few seconds before Mom grabbed my rock hard cock through my thong and grasped it tight; my hand instinctively reached out and grabbed the back of her head along with a handful of her hair. I pulled her hair tightly and tilted her head back again once more so she was making eye contact with me; she smiled and pulled my cock closer and closer to her face. She pulled it all the way to her lips and slightly opened her mouth and gently bit down on the outline of my cock through my thong.

"Owwww! Ooooow!" The girls continued to howl.

Mom released my cock and I released her hair and turned so that my back was facing her; she smacked my ass and yelled, "Take that mask off!"

I turned back to her and made an "uh-huh" gesture with my finger, shaking it back and forth.

Mom had now lifted her legs into the air and was untying the rope around her ankles; once the rope was untied she hiked her skirt even higher up her thighs to where it was now hugging her hips. She spread her legs even wider, giving me a nice view of the outline of her pussy lips; she placed both of her hands upon her huge breasts and bounced them up and down in her grasp.

"Show us your face and I'll show you these..." Mom said, as she began running her fingers across the outline of her bra, slightly pulling it back so that her nipples were just barely peeking out.

I shook my head once more, denying her proposition. I turned back towards the girls and danced a bit and said, "She's fucking crazy!"

When I turned back to Mom, to my surprise she was on all fours now in the floor looking up at me; she had stripped herself down to just her lingerie. I'd never seen Mom act like this; this carefree. She must have been REALLY drunk. I hesitated for a moment; the seductive look Mom was giving me was confusing and arousing at the same time. Where do I draw the line? I couldn't give myself up now, after everything I've done!

Mom reached up from her knees and grabbed a handful of the waistband of my thong and started pulling it down, my cock popped out and bobbed up and down in front of her face.

"Oh my God! Ari!! This is too fucking hot! You are so wild." The client yelled, egging her on.

Mom ran one hand down my thigh and grabbed my cock with her other hand and attempted to shove the head of my cock into her open mouth. I grabbed a handful of her hair once again and pulled back, just in time to keep my cock from going in her mouth. Behind the chair I had placed Mom in was a full bedroom set, equipped with a king size bed; Despite her thick Colombian figure and huge tits, Mom was only about 5'4" and only weighed about 115 lbs. To avoid her grabbing my cock again, I grabbed her by both arms and picked her up and threw her on the edge of the bed.

Mom gasped out of excitement as I lifted her into the air and sat on the edge of the bed awaiting my next move. I extended one of my hands to hers and pulled her back to her feet; I pulled her closely until we were face to face. She attempted to kiss me; Mom was no longer drunk and eager, she was drunk and horny. Before she could land the kiss, I spun her around and bent her over the edge of bed; shoving her face down into the mattress.

Her face bounced up from the mattress and she had a huge smile on her face; her thong was riding high up her ass and was giving me the best view of my life. I placed one hand at the top of her thong and pulled it up higher and placed my other hand on my cock and began stroking it as she looked back at me. I bent down into a squat position while pulling her thong to the side; her legs began to tremble and I could hear her moaning. We were no longer paying attention to her friends. I sat there on my knees, looking into my mother's asshole and pussy while stroking my cock.

Before I knew it, Mom had reached back grabbing a handful of my mask; she pulled me in quickly and closely so that my face was now buried in her ass. She screamed, "YESSSS!" as my tongue instinctively made its way up and down her ass crack all the way down to her sweet, sweet vagina.

I was so turned on; my cock was dripping pre-cum. I hadn't even noticed that Mom ripped the mask off my head when she pulled me in closer. She straightened her legs while bent over the edge of bed and pushed her ass back into my face as hard as she could; I grabbed her ass with both hands and spread it wide before spitting in her asshole and burying my tongue as deep as possible. My "caveman" side had taken over and I was furiously feasting upon my Mom's ass and pussy.

I stood up straight and Mom slid down the edge of the bed to where she was now sitting with her ass on the floor and her back against the bed; she took my cock into her hands and started sucking my balls. My head flew back as she massaged each ball back and forth with her tongue; her hand guided my cock back down as her tongue moved its way up from my balls up the shaft of my cock and into her mouth. She wrapped her tiny hands around the base of my cock and began stroking it up and down in sync with her mouth, taking my cock deeper and deeper into her throat each time.

I reached down and pulled her bra down over her tits, finally freeing them for everyone in the room to see; Mom continued to suck my cock with everything she had, her eyes closed tightly. I placed one hand around her throat and started to squeeze gently choking her; I pulled her to her feet so that she was now standing before me her. Her eyes were still sealed shut, especially now that I was choking her. She had one hand still firmly gripped around my cock as I leaned in and passionately kissed her while still choking her; I released my grip around her throat and we pulled back for a slight second when she finally opened her eyes...

"Matthew?!!" She whispered and her eyes went wide. "What the fuck..."

I panicked and reach to feel the mask over my face but it was gone. Blood rushed to my face and I started to blush, I was so embarrassed. Luckily my back was to her friends and none of them could hear what she had said. Without much time to think, I picked Mom up once again and tossed her backwards onto the back; just to create some distance between us and not alarm any of her friends.

To my surprise, Mom shrugged her shoulders and sat on her knees; she held a hand up and with one finger motioned for me to come to her. Hesitantly I placed one knee on the bed and she moved over towards me; she wrapped her arm around my head and pulled me in for another kiss.

"I'm so fucking horny, don't stop now. Please..." Mom begged in my ear.

Once again my primal side had taken full control and I placed both hands on Mom's thong before ripping it right off her body. Mom sat back on her heels as she kneeled on the bed, with her legs wide she reached down and with two fingers spread her pussy for me to see; she stuck her tongue out and placed a finger upon it and slid it down the back of her throat. I grabbed one her huge tits in my hand and pushed her back onto her ass; I grabbed underneath her legs and pulled her closer.

Immediately I dropped to my knees and began working my tongue slowly up Mom's slit, tasting every last drop of her pussy. She bit down on her finger as my tongue moved closer to her clit; she pulled the skin around her clit back exposing it for me and I swirled my tongue around it over and over as we made eye contact. Mom smirked and ran her tongue across her top lip as I placed my entire mouth on her cunt, I couldn't hold back a smile myself.

I stood and held Mom's legs in both arms and positioned my cock at the bottom of her slit; she leaned her head back flat on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Do it."

I gripped my cock and pumped it once with my hand, a load of pre-cum shot out onto Mom's cunt; I slid my cock up and down her slit, across her clit teasing her. I placed my hands on the inner part of Mom's thighs and pushed the head of my thick cock into her cunt. She bit down, clenching her teeth and grabbed my hand shoving it to one of her tits; I gripped it tightly and started to pinch one of her nipples before finally shoving the entirety of my cock deep inside my Mother's cunt.

Mom screamed in ecstasy as I bent over top of her; we were now face to face as I continued to pump my cock deeply in and out of her. Her friends watched in awe, a few of them were even rubbing their hands between their thighs. I fucked Mom hard and fast before eventually flipping her legs over and laying her on her side; I kept fucking in and out of her with no interruption as we moved into the new position.

Mom reached up and grabbed by the chin with one hand and looked me right in the eyes and said, "GOD I fucking love this cock!"

I shoved my thumb into her mouth and she started to suck on it as I pumped her cunt. If I would have let her talk to me like that any longer I would have cum instantly!

"Lay down, baby." Mom instructed me.

I laid flat on my back on the bed and she crawled between my legs on her knees, I knew what was coming next. As she did before she placed both hands at the base of my cock and began stroking it up and down, while letting spit drip from her mouth down the head of my cock. When the spit met her hands she started a twisting motion as she went up and down. She pulled the skin of my cock down tightly and held it at the base and began to gently suck the tip; she moved my cock in and out of her mouth, taking it in her cheek and letting it stretch her mouth out.

Mom sucked my cock fast, about half way down allowing herself to gag each time and cough up a bit more spit making it nice and wet. She took it down as far as she could, looked me in the eyes and winked; she had almost swallowed my entire cock before gagging and coughing spit all over it. Tears began to stream down her face and her mascara started running once more; she pulled all the way back allowing my cock to leave her throat and kept her mouth wide open, letting all the spit from the back of her throat to drip down my cock and balls.

She arched her back and pushed her ass far up into the air for me to admire while sucking my cock, when she noticed my eyes were on it she shook it back and forth to tease me. Immediately I sat up and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up to my face while spinning her, so that her ass was now about to be seated on my face. Mom never let go of my cock, even when I grabbed her ass and slammed it down on my face; I jammed my tongue deep into Mom's ass and twirled it.

I pushed Mom back a little further and began to lick her clit until I felt her legs begin to tremble; she grabbed my cock tightly but stopped stroking it and began to squeal. Suddenly she had a huge squirting orgasm all over my face and I swallowed as much as I possibly could; the taste of her cunt drove me crazy.

I threw her forward onto the bed and sat up; her cunt was now soaking wet, literally. I jammed my dick into her vagina, doggy style and grabbed her wide hips and pulled her back as hard as I could engorging her on my cock. Her back arched and she fell forward onto her face in a heap of exhausted ecstasy. I thrusted hard and deep, harder than I had before; Mom reached under and ran her fingers across my balls as they slapped against her clit. She ran her fingers from my balls down to her clit and started rubbing it in a circular motion; her pussy seized and started tightening around my cock.

Mom reached back with her other hand and spread her ass so I could see her beautiful asshole; I placed my hand on her hand which was gripping her ass and our fingers locked. She pulled me forward as she pushed her hips and ass back simultaneously as I pumped my cock deep into her. My head was now leaned over her shoulder and my mouth was directly by her ear.

"You are so fucking dirty, Mom." I whispered.

"I haven't been for a long fucking time... This is just for you baby." She softly responded. "Now I want you to cum for your filthy fucking mother. Cum inside Mommy baby." She instructed, as she continued to push back against my cock.

"Fuck. I'm gonna... Mom! I'm gonna cum..." I said in her ear. My thrusting slowed and I began to shake; Mom did not even begin to stop throwing her ass back for me and pumped harder and harder until my cock was completely drained inside of her. I came more than I ever have; I filled her cunt up and pulled my cock out and continued to stroke it, before I knew it I was having ANOTHER orgasm and stroked my cock until my cum sprayed all over Mom's asshole and covered her entire ass.

Mom was a messy sweaty wreck; her hair was wild and her makeup was all over her face. She flipped over and placed her hand over her cunt and pushed all of the cum out into her hand; she rubbed it all over her face and lips before pushing every last bit into her mouth and swallowed it all. Her eyes were locked on me and I have never been so embarrassed; she licked her lips as I quickly gathered my things.

Her friends cheered loudly and I overheard them asking to be next; I even heard one of them ask for my number! I had to get out of there asap... I held my clothes in a pile in my arms and quickly made my way to the door; I turned to look at the group of girls one last time before leaving and bowed. When I looked up mom was giving me the "call me" signal with her thumb and pinky finger. She winked as I pushed my back up against the door and disappeared into the darkness.

Mom laid flat on the bed, exhausted as all her friends circled her.

"Holy fuck, Ari..." One girl said.

"What... The... Hell..." Another girl said.

"Are you okay?" The client asked her.

"Oh, I'm... I'm more than fine..." Mom responded.

"So you aren't mad that I had you kidnapped?" The client asked.

"Mad? After that? Did you even see the way he fucked me?" Mom asked. "I couldn't be happier... That was the best birthday gift anyone has ever given me... Make sure you tip that boy big time!" Mom added.

The girls all laughed and agreed they'd be hiring him for the next birthday..."Matthew, I know you've been avoiding me since my birthday. I really wish you would call me back. We really need to talk about what happened that night. Please, give me a call as soon as you get this message.

Love, Mom"

It was true, I had been avoiding my mother for a couple of months now; she sent text after text and left countless voicemails but I couldn't bring myself to face her. I was too embarrassed; I was too afraid.. Too afraid that if I did face her, what would happen. Although it was awkward that I ended up having sex with my mom in front of a group of her friends, deep down I enjoyed it; I enjoyed it so much that I wanted it more than anything else in the world. So I did what any rational person would and tried to bury those thoughts deep down.

To no avail.

It had been three months and I just could not get the thought of mom's tight cunt wrapped around my cock; softly milking every drop of cum from my balls deep inside of her. What if it happened again? What if she told my father or her friends? What if she was ashamed? What if she claims I took advantage of her while she was drunk? I had so many questions with too many possible scenarios played out in my head.

I needed answers.

I decided to head up to Mom's house in Palmdale so we could finally speak face to face and settle this. The sun was setting as I hit the freeway, Mom lived a good distance away from LA and I didn't want to get caught in traffic. It was around 8 PM when I arrived; I slowly approached Mom's house and parked my car across the street. Her car was in the drive way and my dad's car was nowhere to be seen, all the lights in the house were off; I was afraid she wouldn't be home.

I knocked on the front door; no answer. I waited around for a few seconds before trying again and still no answer. I twisted the knob on the door and to my surprise it was unlocked; I pushed the door open and yelled "Mom?"

No answer.

I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, it was dark but I knew my way around; I flipped the switch and saw a large note sitting on the kitchen table.

"Honey, I figured we could start celebrating our Anniversary a few days early.. I'm upstairs in bed face down; my ass is ready for you, just how you like it. My ankles and one of my wrists is tied down and restrained already. Finish tying me down and you may have your way with my body.

- Ari"

I could feel the blood rushing to my face; I began to get hot and my hands began to tremble with adrenaline. My cock started to twitch and grow beneath my shorts. When was my father going to be home? Should I leave or should I investigate? I drove all this way; of course I had to investigate.

I moved slowly through the house and quietly up the stairs; Mom's door was open. It was dark but dimly lit by candle light; I approached the door way. I could see the dark silhouetted outline of Mom's body; as promised, there she was face down, ass up. Like a deer in headlights, I was frozen; afraid to make any sudden movements, I had no idea what to do next.

"...Mom?" I spoke out quietly, so I wouldn't startle her.

She didn't respond or even move a muscle. I slowly moved closer to investigate the situation further; my eyes made their way up from the foot of her bed, to her feet, and up her legs until they were glued upon her fat ass, just lying there waiting to be used.

She had on black lace stockings that were tightly wrapping around her thick thighs along with a black garter belt and matching black lace panties; the stockings were so tight that her hips were spilling over the top of them, accentuating the thickness of her lower body. I placed my hand on the back of her calf and softly caressed it running my hand all the way up to the back of her knee, up her thigh, until I was at the base of her ass; I cupped the bottom of her ass in my hand and rubbed it moving closer to the inner part of her thigh. I could feel the warmth from her sweet pussy already. My cock was rock solid.

Mom laughed, "Finally.. you're home."

She didn't raise up or attempt to turn her head and look in my direction; I released her ass and continued up her body. Her eyes were closed tightly and she had headphones in her ears; I leaned in closely to try and hear what she was listening to. It wasn't anything specific, just a loud vibration sound; almost as if you were in an airplane. I believe it's used commonly for sensory deprivation in the bedroom.

Mom raised the hand that was free and twisted her wrist around in a circular motion as if she was trying to get my attention. I still wasn't sure what to do; I had the perfect opportunity right in front of me to have Mom once again.

"C'mon.. Finish tying me down." She said.

If you say so, Mom. I grabbed her wrist tightly and forced it down flat to the bed; I held her arm down and reached around to the bed post when I found the final wrist restraint. Without hesitation I locked her wrist into place and took a step back, admiring her body and the situation I was currently in the middle of. I could feel myself beginning lose control and once again, my instincts took over.

I stripped down completely naked and climbed onto the bed; mom was spread eagle, face down and restrained. I sat between her legs and massaged her thighs with both hands, running them up and down over and over until I made my way to her ass once more. I grabbed both ass cheeks with my hands and massaged them, as if I was kneading dough. Finally I spread her cheeks wide open and it was at this moment I realized, Mom was wearing crotch-less panties.

Her pussy was already dripping wet and leaking out onto the bed; I caught a whiff of her magnificent scent and it drove my cock crazy. Without thinking I grabbed my cock tightly and stroked it, just once; I huge load of pre-cum shot out the tip and dripped right down Mom's exposed slit. Mom must have felt the pre-cum sliding down her slit because she started to wiggle her hips back and forth, shaking her huge ass right in my face.

I couldn't take it any longer. I spread her cheeks as wide as possible and lunged forward allowing my entire face to be buried between them. Mom gasped and tensed up for a second; I rubbed my face up and down, around in circles in her ass and pussy just to experience and smell her pheromones. I pulled back a bit and just took in the sight of her dripping wet pussy and tight little asshole as it winked back at me in anticipation.

I shoved my tongue as deeply as I could into her cunt and licked furiously up and down her slit all the way up to her asshole and back down; trying to swallow as much of her sweet nectar as I could. After tongue fucking her holes for quite some time I could feel her body was tense and trembling, she was ready to cum. I stopped completely.

Mom started to moan and even began whispering, begging for me to make her cum; well, I suppose she was begging my father. Regardless, I grabbed my cock and placed it at the bottom of her slit and pressed it firmly against her clit; I rubbed it up and down teasing her pussy. I gently placed the head of my cock inside Mom's warm cunt and fucked in and out, with only the head. I pushed deeper until my cock was halfway inside of Mom and stopped; I felt her pussy squeeze around my cock, just as I had imagined it for the last few months. I rested inside her; stretching her pussy out just enough for my cock.

Suddenly I remembered the note she left on the table. Mom had prepared her ass for dad; why was I fucking her pussy? I pulled my cock out and buried my tongue deep inside Mom's ass again before spitting as much as I could into it. I stroked the tip of my cock at the base of her asshole allowing more pre-cum to drip out for more lube. After a few seconds of teasing her beautiful asshole, it was time; carefully I put the tip of my cock inside her.

Mom's ass was tight but I could tell this wasn't her first rodeo; I spread her ass wider and wider as she breathed deeply. With each deep breath I could feel my cock move deeper inside of her hole; inch by inch until my cock was buried all the way inside her asshole. My balls rested upon her wet cunt; her ass clenched and tightened around my cock as I slowly pulled back before pumping forward again.

Mom couldn't contain her moans anymore and moans turned to screams; with each scream I pumped faster. I placed both of my hands in the center of her back and help myself up; pushing her face further into the mattress. I pounded away at Mom's ass until she started to scream, "I'm going to cum!"

I fucked her hole as hard as I could until I felt her ass clench tightly and her body began to spasm; her ass was so tight that I was fighting as hard I could possibly could to not cum. Her trembling began to slow and with it, my strokes began to slow; I reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her face from the mattress. Without thinking, I leaned forward and pulled the headphone from her ear; I bit down on her earlobe and allowed her to feel the warmth of my breath on her neck.

"Oh.. My God." Mom said, "Your cock is so fucking thick baby."

In the heat of the moment, the words fell right out of my mouth.

"How does it feel to have your son's cock in your ass, Mom?"

Mom's ass clenched tightly around my cock and her whole body tensed up again; she pushed herself up from the mattress as much as she could while being restrained and her head turned in my direction quickly.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" She screamed.

I jumped back, just as startled as she was. I was so caught up in the moment that I had forgotten Mom didn't know it was me.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I panicked. I removed my cock from her ass and jumped off the bed. "Shit! I'm sorry!!!" I started to apologize.

"Matthew, what the fuck are you doing here?!!!" Mom asked.

"I.. I got your voicemail and thought we could talk about--" She interrupted me.

"TALK? TALK? You wanted to talk so you just walk in and fuck your mother's ass?" Mom was irate.

"Oh God." I was stumbling over my words, "I'm sorry Mom, it's just that ever since your birthday all I could think about was.. Well. You know and then I come over today and find you like this.. I couldn't control myself. I don't know what happened!"

"Look! Now is not the time, your father will be home any minute!" Mom yelled at me.

Sure enough, as soon as she said that we both heard a car door slam outside quickly followed by the sound of it locking.

"Shit! That's your dad. You've got to hide." Mom said, "Grab your things and get under the bed."

I gathered my clothes and started to slide under the bed.

"Wait! You have to untie my wrist."

Luckily Mom thought of that, otherwise we were sure to be caught. I slid under the bed and waited for my father to make his way up to the bedroom to find his anniversary gift. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it was going to explode.

"Well, well. What have we here?" I heard dad say, as he entered the room. He slowly made his way over to the bed just as I had only minutes before.

"Oh, hey Honey. Do you like your present?" Mom asked.

"Hmm.." Dad answered.


"I fucking love it." Dad said, while giving Mom's ass a hard slap. I was uncomfortable but more jealous than anything.

I felt the bed start to compress a little further on top of me and I could feel the anger building within myself; I don't think I can sit here while my Father fucks MY Mom. I could hear Dad moaning to himself; I assume he was playing with Mom's ass just as I had.

"Wait.." Mom said, "Why don't you hit the shower first. I know you've had a long day. I haven't been waiting long.."

Surprisingly Mom was able to convince Dad he needed to shower first somehow; without being too obvious. I would have never been able to walk away from that ass; in fact, as soon as I heard Dad get in the shower, I wasn't able to walk away from that ass.

"Hurry! Now, go go!" Mom whispered as loudly as she could. I rolled out from under the bed and started to get dressed quickly. My cock was still rock hard and as soon as I saw Mom's ass, I froze once again.

Half dressed, I hopped back onto the bed and spit into the palm of my hand before coating the tip of my cock with it and started to enter Mom's ass again. Mom, with one hand free now attempted to swat me away; afraid that my father would catch us.

"No! Seriously, we don't have time for this. He's going to take a quick shower, you have to leave!" Mom said, urgently.

"Shh.. I'll only take a second." I assured her.

A second was all I needed as I started to fuck her ass again; it clenched tightly around my cock and it only took a few deep, hard pumps before I buried it deeply and shot a huge load of cum inside Mom's ass. I jumped up and quickly got dressed.

"I can't believe you." Mom said, "We are GOING to talk about this, SOON. And you better not avoid me again or I'll come find you."

The shower turned off and I scurried out of the bedroom quickly; Dad entered the room and leaped back onto the bed. Ready to go, he strapped Mom's hand down and placed the headphone back in her ear.

The last thing I heard out of Mom's mouth was, "Use lots of lube tonight, baby. My ass is pretty tight right now."

I quietly slipped out of the house unbeknownst to my father and began my drive back to LA.I slipped out of my parents' house and rushed back to my car and back to my home in LA; I couldn't believe I'd almost ruined my parents anniversary because I lost control of myself and fucked my mom in the ass. Hell, forget their anniversary; that would have ruined their marriage and my relationship with both of my parents.. But I'd be lying if I said the feeling of Mom's ass wrapped around my cock wasn't the best thing I'd ever experienced.

Luckily when I arrived back to my apartment my roommate was already in bed; I rushed upstairs and hopped in the shower and began washing Mom's ass from my cock. That night I laid in bed for hours, not being able to fall asleep. I searched deep within myself and tried to find a logical solution to my problems; the only conclusion I came to was, ignore my mother once again and let the thoughts I had about her go. Besides, I had plenty of options that were much more ideal as far as women go.

As the weeks went by, Mom began to reach out again via phone call, text, and e-mail; much like before I couldn't find the courage to respond. I couldn't possibly avoid my mother for the rest of my life but I was damn sure gonna try.

I came home from the gym, like I would any other day; my roommate was sitting on the couch in the living room playing videos games. I sat down beside him and kicked back when he finally took the time to acknowledge I was in the room.

"Oh, dude your Mom stopped by." He said as he paused his video game.

"What? Are you serious?" I asked. My roommate had never met anyone from my family, much less my beautiful mother.

"Yeah dude, actually she's upstairs in your room. She seemed PISSED!" He informed me, as he continued his game.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You couldn't have told me that as soon as I walked in?" I asked, defensively.

"I fuckin forgot man, Jesus. Calm down." He said, as he took a hit from the massive bong on the coffee table.

I stormed off up the stairs to my room, half pissed at my roommate and half terrified of what awaited me in my bedroom. I approached my bedroom door which was half closed and took a deep breath; Mom must have been extremely angry with me, she's never even been to my apartment. I pushed through the door and entered slowly, I couldn't believe what I saw next; Mom was lying in my bed on her back with one leg crossed over the other wearing nothing but a pair of black high heels, black stockings, and a black thong. No top, no bra. My mouth dropped open wide and I quickly slammed the door behind me.

"Mom! What the fuck is this?" I said, whisper shouting as loudly and as quietly as I could so my roommate wouldn't hear.

Mom didn't answer but instead crawled onto her knees so that she was standing straight up on the bed looking me in the eyes. She smiled confidently and placed both hands upon her massive breasts, cupping them and shaking them. I couldn't believe my eyes, I stumbled around the room; turning my back to her for a brief moment to process the situation. When I turned back around, Mom mouthed the words "come here" and instructed me with one finger.

I took a step back, "What? No. You must be crazy"

Mom motioned once again with her finger for me to come closer.

"Forget this, I'm leaving." I said, as I turned my back to Mom once again.

Mom rushed off the bed and jumped in front of me, placing her back against the door. I took a few steps back unsure of her next move. Mom locked the door behind her and took a few steps forward, seductively staring at me; I kept stumbling my way backwards as Mom placed the tip of her finger in her mouth and bit down. It seems as if the roles had been reversed and Mom was not able to control herself, this time.

I reached the edge of my bed and couldn't inch back any further; Mom placed her finger upon my lips and leaned in close to whisper, "Shhh."

Her finger made its way from my lips and down my chest until Mom had her hand wrapped around my cock through my gym shorts; she softly squeezed it and I could feel the blood rush as it began to swell. Mom laughed and kissed my neck; she quietly whispered in my ear once more, "Good boy."

I finally gained the courage to look Mom directly in the eyes and as soon as I did she shoved me back with all the strength she could gather, pushing me onto the bed.

"Right now? RIGHT NOW? Mom, my roommate is literally right downstairs!" I said, still trying to keep quiet.

"You're going to do as I say or I'm going to let your father know about our little secret." Mom said, sternly. We could hear the echo of the video game my roommate was playing throughout the apartment and through the walls; he was so stoned he'd probably forgotten Mom was even there.

Mom hopped on the bed beside me and sat on her knees; she went down to all fours resting her head on my thigh and grasping my cock through my shorts. Her eyes were glued.

"You know, I was so mad at you for almost ruining my anniversary gift for your father." Mom began, softly stroking my cock through the shorts. "My ass was so stretched out from you, by the time he slipped his tiny little cock inside of me I could barely feel it.. I realized something that night."

I had nothing to say; Mom had slid my shorts down over my cock and was now holding it in her hand.

"I realized, even though I love your Father... I fucking love your cock, son." Mom said, with her left hand gripping my cock; her wedding ring staring me right in the face.

Mom ran her tongue up and down the shaft of my cock, never letting her grip go of the base; she made her way up to head and swirled her tongue around it. Pre-cum shot out and started dripping down; she made sure to catch every drop with her mouth before wrapping her lips around the head. Something occurred to me as Mom gently suckled the head of my member; Mom had been cheating on my father.. With ME.

Mom looked up at me and let a string of saliva drip from her mouth and onto my cock as she stroked it with both hands; her breasts were wrapped around the base resting upon my balls.

"What's wrong sweetie? Isn't this what you wanted?" Mom asked as she stroked my cock.

"Of course, Mom.. It's just that.."

Mom released her hold on my cock, "It's just what?" She asked.

"It's just.. What about dad? You're cheating on him.. With your son!" I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Oh, honey. Don't worry about your Father. He's plenty satisfied.." Mom winked and placed both of her hands behind her back. Without breaking eye contact Mom opened her mouth as wide as she could and took my cock down the back of her throat all the way to the bottom without gagging.

Yeah, if Mom was sucking his cock like this.. I'm sure he's plenty satisfied. Mom continued to fuck her throat with my cock, gagging and spitting all over it; I couldn't fight it. I had to give in and embrace the moment. Once again, I lost control. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Mom's waist and threw her flat on her back on the bed; I placed both hands on her thong and ripped it clean off her body.

Much to her surprise, Mom gasped and her eyes went wide; she was smitten with lust. I threw one of her legs over my shoulder and wrapped my arm around it, allowing my hand to make it's way up to her breast. Mom reached down with her left hand and pulled the hood of her clit back, exposing her vagina for my pleasure. I placed my tongue at the bottom of her slit and licked my way to the top, tasting every last drop of her sweet pussy juice; once I arrived at her clit, there it was once again staring me in the face. Her wedding ring.

I felt much less morally obliged this time and continued to furiously lick her cunt until neither of could take it any longer; with my face covered in the wetness of her vagina, I moved my way up to her face and leaned in to kiss her. I stuck my tongue out and she sucked it in with her lips, tasting all of the sweet juice I'd just gotten from her slit. We kissed passionately before I flipped her over onto her knees, doggy style and started to run the head of my cock over her asshole and down her wet slit until it reached her clit and back up again.

I pushed forward, slowly entering her vagina and made small thrusts in and out; teasing her hole. Mom reached back with one hand and pulled me forward by the thigh, attempting to get my cock all the way inside of her. I pulled back and continued to tease her; I grabbed her hand and placed it on her ass cheek.

"Spread it." I instructed Mom.

She listened appropriately and spread her ass with one hand wide enough for me to get the perfect view of both of her holes and my cock slowly pushing it's way deep inside her cunt. I pushed until I was balls deep in my mother's vagina; her legs began to tremble and her hand shot back down to the mattress so she could keep her balance. I continued to slowly impale my mother; Mom looked back over her shoulder and slowly ran her hand back across her ass cheek; this time instead of spreading it she twirled a finger around her asshole and started to press forward.

Mom pushed her finger as deeply as she could into her asshole and I could feel it massaging my cock through her vaginal wall. A few slow and deep strokes of this sent me over the fucking edge and I pushed her hand away, grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled back. My thrusts were no longer slow and deep; they were fast and hard. Mom could hardly muffle her screams and the pounding of her ass meeting my hips was as loud as a thunderstorm.

I released my grip on Mom's hair and shoved her back down to the mattress, face first and continued pounding away at the wet hole I was birthed from. I could feel Mom's body begin to tense up as she laid there; face down, ass up. I did not slow my strokes until she gasped out the words, "I'm cumming!"

As soon as I heard the words, I slowed my strokes way down and pushed as deeply as I could; Mom's wet slit tightened around my cock and I could feel it pulling my foreskin up from the base and around the head. Her pussy was literally jerking my cock off; I pushed deep, until my balls rested on her clit and I froze. Mom continued to shiver with ecstasy as I tried my hardest to keep myself from cumming deep inside of her.

I pulled out slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements or tense up; just to be sure I didn't accidentally cum too soon. I took a step back from the edge of the bed and Mom flipped around to her back with her head lying off the bed. Upside down, she pulled me in closer by the thighs and took the head of my cock into her loving lips. She guided me back and forth with my hips, with one hand her pussy; gently rubbing her clit.

I placed both hands on Mom's tits and started to fuck her throat while she played with herself; I was amazed at how easily she swallowed my entire cock in this position. Mom slipped my cock out of her mouth and pulled me forward a bit more, she began to suck on my balls as my cock rested between her massive breasts; I slowly pumped my cock between her tits. I was right on the edge, I couldn't last much longer.

Mom didn't stop at the balls, she kept pulling me over top of her as I felt her wandering mouth and tongue kiss and lick over the bottom of my ball sack further and further until her mouth reached my asshole. My legs stiffened and I could hear Mom let out a slight giggle as her tongue penetrated my ass; she grabbed my cock and started stroking it as fast as she could.

"Oh, fuck!" I yelled, as she tongue fucked my asshole. "I'm gonna.. CUM!"

With almost no warning at all, my cock erupted and cum started squirting all over Mom's tits and her stomach. She never slowed her strokes and kept her tongue buried deeply inside of me until I was done cumming.

Mom sat up with a huge smile on her face and sat on the edge of the bed; she grabbed my cock once more and gave it a nice soft kiss on the tip. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she tasted the very last drip of my cum.

"Fuck.. That's exactly what Mommy neede---" Mom was interrupted by the bedroom door flying open.

"What the fuck!!" My roommate yelled.

I jumped back away from Mom, startled.

"Dude what are you doing! My fucking door was locked!!" I yelled back at him.

"No it wasn't.. I thought I heard someone fucking up here. Dude, you're fucking your Mom?!" He asked.

Mom sat in silence with her jaw on the floor; her face began to blush bright red and she just put her hands in the air. We had been caught; she clenched her teeth and shrugged.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled, shoving my roommate back through the doorway; I slammed it shut and made sure it locked behind me this time.

"Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed." Mom began.

"YOU'RE EMBARRASSED? My roommate just caught me fucking my own Mother! I thought you locked the door!" I was irate.

"I.. I.. I thought I did! I'm sorry, honey. I just.." Mom scrambled to find the right thing to say.

"Enough. That's enough. Just stop." I said, while getting dressed. "Get dressed. I'm going to go talk to him. You need to leave right now."

I told my roommate I would explain later; I just needed him to go to his room until Mom had left.

"Look, please just don't be mad at me." Mom continued as I walked her to the door. "I really hope we can do this again sometime."

I had no words for her. I kissed her on the cheek and sent her on her way. My roommate poked his head out of his room.

"You wanna tell me what that was all about now?" He asked.

"No. I'm gonna shower and go to bed. I can't talk about this right now." I said.

"Dude, like I get it. Your mom is really hot." He said, laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, Chris." I yelled as I slammed the bathroom door behind me.

Little did I know, Chris had a plan of his own.

"C'mon, c'mon! Where the fuck is it.. Ah yes!" Chris said to himself. He'd snuck into my room whilst I was in the shower and was searching around for my cell phone.

"Mom! Got it." Chris copied Mom's number down into his phone and quickly left my room. When I got out of the shower, his bedroom door was closed and the lights were off; I went to bed that night afraid to face him the next day.

The next day, Mom received the following text:

"This is Matt's roommate, I have pictures from last night. If you don't want your husband to see them, give me your address."

Mom was hesitant to answer; she didn't believe Chris could possibly have pictures of us.

"Excuse me? I don't believe you. Besides why would I give you my address? I'm calling Matthew." Mom responded.

In a matter of seconds, Chris had sent a picture of Mom kissing my cock, both of us in plain sight. Apparently he had crept in before bursting in to catch us and snapped a few photos.

"Alright. Fine. What do you want from me?" Mom asked.

"You know exactly what I want. Send me your address, get ready, and leave the door unlocked." Chris replied.

"1326 Fairview Ave. Palmdale, CA" Mom reluctantly gave Chris what he wanted.

As soon as Chris got the address he rushed to Mom's house; as instructed the door was unlocked. Mom was still in the shower so Chris let himself in; he wandered around the house until finding my parents' bedroom, again he let himself in. Quietly.

He watched from behind the door, as he had the night before while Mom and I made love; Mom had her back to the door and didn't hear him come in. He watched as the water and soap ran down her curvaceous body before moving in for a closer look. He stripped all of his clothes off and slid the sliding glass door to the side and stepped in behind Mom; with one hand on his hard cock he tapped Mom on the shoulder.

"AHH! What the fuck!!" Mom screamed she was nearly scared to death; she quickly backed herself against the wall and covered her breasts and vagina with her hands.

Chris didn't say a word; rather he just stood there looking at Mom from head to toe while slowly stroking his cock.

"You couldn't fucking wait for me to get out of the shower first? You little fucking prick!" Mom yelled.

Chris was not fazed by Mom's harsh words; instead he just moved closer towards her. He was as hypnotized by her body as I was. Mom turned her back as much as she could to him, wary of his touch; Chris pulled Mom by the arm and brought her closer to him. Her ass was now pressed up against his rock hard cock and she gasped.

"I can't believe this, I can't fucking believe this." She said.

Chris continued to explore her body and wrapped both arms around her, taking both of her breasts in his hand with a firm grip; he thrust his cock between her ass cheeks up and down before pinching her nipples. Mom let her guard down a bit and tried to relax; Chris started kissing her neck.

"You uhh.. You like what you see?" Mom asked.

Chris spun Mom around to face him; he pushed her down to her knees. Mom looked up at him, half afraid of what she'd gotten herself into. Chris inched forward; Mom was still very reluctant.

"Give me your tits." He instructed.

Mom obliged, almost unwillingly; she took his cock between her tits and pushed them together tightly with her hands.

"Oh, FUCK yeah." Chris couldn't help himself.

Mom stroked his cock up and down between her tits; Chris' outburst of joy was exciting for her. She couldn't hold back her smile as she looked up at the young man she was satisfying.

"You like that huh?" She said, sensually sliding her wet soapy tits along his thick rod. "You like those big titties?" Mom said, the smile faded from her face and she released his cock.

Mom stuck her tongue all the way out; Chris could feel her breath on the tip of his cock which rested directly in front of her face. Mom ran her hand up his thigh until she was cupping his ball in her hand; she massaged them a bit before taking a firm hold at the base of his cock.

"You want me to suck your cock?" Mom asked.

Chris was speechless; Mom held his cock tightly trapping all the blood flow allowing his cock to become fully engorged. She stuck her tongue out once again and just barely licked the tip. She pulled back and opened her mouth as wide as she could and looked up at Chris and laughed. Before she knew it, he grabbed her by the back of the head and was pushing her down on his cock; Mom threw her hands to the side and slid his cock all the way down her throat. When she made it to the base of his cock, she stuck her tongue out and started licking his balls.

Mom sat on her knees with her hands behind her back, looking up at Chris; with her mouth wide open. He grabbed his cock and slid it side to side across her tongue and face before slowly pushing it down her throat and back out again. Mom had completely submitted to him and was caught up in the moment; until the phone rang.

Mom hopped out of the shower and grabbed her towel.

"Oh no! It's probably my husband." She said. "Shit! SHIT! It's Matthew. Be fucking quiet!" She yelled as she answered the phone."

"Hey, honey."

"Hey Mom, is this a good time to talk?" I asked.

"Umm.. Not really baby. I just got in from work and I'm just finishing up in the shower. Can I give you a call back in a bit?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered.

Mom sighed, "What am I doing?"

"Come on, lets go to the bed." Chris chimed in as he pushed her out the door.

"What the fuck is this?" Mom yelled, turning back to Chris.

Much to her surprise, there was another guy in the room sitting on her bed; his cock was already hard and he was stroking it softly.

"Oh, no. No. No! This is not happening. I didn't agree to this." Mom told Chris pushing him back up against the wall.

"That's too bad.. Because now we've got pics of YOU in YOUR shower with ME!" Chris responded.

"You fucking asshole." Mom said.

The guy on the bed tossed his phone over to Chris and he showed Mom the evidence.

"Now, get your sexy ass over there and let him eat your pussy." Chris demanded.Mom walked over to her bed and lay back flat, staring at the ceiling wondering how she got herself into this mess. The other guy fell to his knees before her magnificent cunt and started licking it up and down; Mom laid there silently as he went to town. Chris stood in the corner stroking his dick and shouting instructions.

"Now, suck his dick!" He commanded.

Mom did not move and refused to oblige; she laid there motionless staring at the ceiling. The other guy climbed on top of her and went into a push up position; he opened Mom's mouth with his hand and slid his cock inside. After teasing the head of his cock a bit, Mom shoved him off of her.

"Get up." She said.

He did as he was told and sat on his knees beside her on the bed; Mom went on to all fours with her ass and pussy facing Chris.

"This what you wanted?" She asked, looking back at Chris.

He nodded and Mom turned her full attention to the other guy; she opened wide and started fucking his cock with her throat as fast as she could. Spit and slobber started to drip everywhere; she was moving so fast she forgot to breathe. Mom pulled back exhaled, the spit grew into a giant bubble and she laughed before going back in for more. Mom let the spit from her mouth fall into her hands and moved it down to her cunt and started playing with herself.

"Alright, STOP!" Chris yelled.

Mom didn't stop, instead she continued fucking the cock with her mouth.

"I said STOP!" He yelled again.

Mom pulled back; with spit covering her face and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Fuck her." Chis further instructed.

The other guy sat down on the edge of the bed and guided Mom onto his lap; her pussy was dripping wet from the spit and probably just from the sheer enjoyment she was getting out of this. She pushed her hips down as low as she could go and her tight hole swallowed his cock whole, all the way down to the balls. His eyes went wide and his mind was being blown; Mom looked back at Chris again, stuck her finger in her mouth and got it nice and wet before she reached around and stuck it in her asshole.

"OH FUCK!" The other guy yelled. He couldn't believe it.

Mom laughed and pressed her forehead against his, "You like that?" She asked.

"Spread her ass!" Chris yelled.

He obliged and spread Mom's ass as wide as he could; she removed her finger and her asshole stared Chris right in the face. He spit a huge wad onto his cock and moved closer before pressing the tip of his cock against the entrance of Mom's asshole.

Mom jerked forward, away from both cocks to allow her holes to stretch and adjust to being filled simultaneous but to no avail; Chris pulled her back by the arm and sat her all the way down on the other cock and shoved his deeply into her ass. Mom screamed as the two guys destroyed her holes for their own pleasure.

"I want her cunt." Chris said after a few minutes of fucking Mom's tight ass.

Mom turned towards Chris and sat on the other cock reverse cowgirl; her cunt was stretched wide from the thick cock she just had inside her. Chris pushed forward into the wide opening and froze; he exhaled deeply and pulled out quickly.

"Oh my God! That cunt is amazing. I almost came already.." He said.

He entered Mom again, slowly this time as the other cock thrusted in and out of her asshole; Chris could feel the other cock pressing against his through Mom's vaginal wall. He could hardly contain himself as the other cock massaged the tip of his own.

"Fuck, stop. I can't. Get up!" He demanded.

Mom couldn't help but laugh! "You fucking amateur." She said, teasing him. "Is this the first time you've ever been with a woman?"

Chris was embarrassed and his embarrassment quickly turned to anger; he spit in Mom's face before flipping her onto her stomach over the edge of bed and shoved his cock into her asshole once again. The other guy laid flat on the bed in front of Mom grabbed her by the hair, jamming her face down on his cock.

Chris fucked Mom's ass as hard as he could but Mom was still not impressed.

"Is that the best you can do?" She laughed, while looking back at Chris.

Chris thrusted harder and slapped Mom on the ass as hard as he could; Mom screamed and with each thrust her mouth was being pushed deeper and deeper onto the other cock.

The other guy fucked Mom's throat as Chris fucked her ass; he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Mom off his cock; he slapped her in the face before shoving her back down on his cock.

"Shit! I'm gonna fucking cum." He yelled as he fucked Mom's throat.

He pulled out just before he came and kept stroking his cock; he shot his load directly into Mom's eye and painted the rest of her face. Mom's ass tensed up and squeezed tightly around Chris' cock as the cum shot into her eye and he couldn't hold back any longer.

"I'm cumming too." He said, as he thrust deeply; his cock started shooting ropes of cum in Mom's ass. He pulled out and continued stroking; his cock kept cumming and cumming until Mom's ass was completely full and covered in cum.

Chris stood there trembling from the incredible orgasm he just had and shoved Mom over onto her side on the bed; Mom laid there in a pool of sweat, spit, and cum staring up at the ceiling. The guys quickly got dressed and prepared to leave.

"Don't forget, we've got fucking pictures whore." Chris said before closing the door behind him."Don't forget, we've got fucking pictures whore."

"Ahhhh!" Mom shot straight up; awakened by the sound of her alarm clock, she was a sweaty sticky mess. "What a terrible dream.." Mom thought to herself. She laid in bed and continued to recount what had just occurred in her dream; blackmailed by my roommate and his friend, she was horrified.

Around lunch time I received the following text:

"Matthew, please give me a call. It's urgent. Love, Mom."

I called Mom several times; no answer. I even called her work; nothing. Perhaps something serious was going on. I figured I'd make the drive once again up to Palmdale to check on her. It appeared Mom was home, her car in the driveway; the front door was unlocked yet again so I decided to let myself in this time as opposed to knocking.

"Mom?" I called out; again no response. This was all too familiar.

I made my way up to her bedroom; the door was open. It sounded like she was just getting out of the shower.

"Mom, it's me." I shouted from the doorway, so as not to startle her.

"Matthew?" She called back. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"You texted me earlier and said it was urgent; you weren't returning any of my calls so I got worried."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry Honey. Let me throw something on, I'm just getting ready for a date with your father." Mom yelled through the bathroom door.

"You know, you really should start locking your front door. You never know who could drop in." I said, jokingly.

Mom emerged from the bathroom in a smooth silk purple night gown; a cloud of steam from the hot shower followed behind her and quickly evaporated. She had on her black leggings and garter belt; her face was fully done up in make-up. Suffice to say, Mom was looking sexy as all hell; I was truly jealous of my dad.

"Oh, you know how forgetful I am." Mom laughed.

"So really, what was so urgent?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, baby. Really it's nothing." Mom told me, "I had a bad dream last night and I got caught up in my head. I'm sorry you drove all this way. I didn't mean to scare you."

"A bad dream? That's it? About what?" I attempted to pry more information out of her.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Mom stopped me, dead in my tracks. "What did your roommate say about the other day?"

"Oh, God." I said, "He was freaked out."

"What did you tell him?" She asked.

"The truth. I simply told him the truth."

"Matthew.." Mom started.

"No, don't worry. I explained it all. I told him there was a mix up and I was hired for your birthday party; I told him how things got carried away and by the time we realized it it was too late."

"Yeah but what about the other day!!" Mom said, anxiously.

"I placed it all on myself; I told him you were angry that I've been hiding the fact I was a stripper for all these years and somehow convinced him that I took advantage of you and seduced you, right there in my room."

Mom couldn't believe that I admitted to my friend that I seduced my own mother; she seemed to truly regret the entire situation. Mom sat down on the bed and tried to find the right thing to say.

"Here, have a seat." Mom instructed me to sit on the bed beside her. "Look, I'm really sorry this all happened in the first place."

"Mom, it's fine.."

"No, it's not." She interrupted. "Your father has been working late night overtime a lot lately and we haven't been seeing each other much. I've kind of been going through a mid-life crisis, I guess. With all the stress of getting older and not having your father around as much to talk to, it's been.. Hard."

"I.. I didn't realize that, Mom." I tried to calm her nerves.

"Of course not! You shouldn't have to deal with these things. It's my fault; I should have stopped things that first night at my party but I just couldn't.." Mom continued, "I took advantage of you! I needed someone to fulfill my needs and I ended up using my own son as the outlet. I am a terrible Mother."

"What?! No you aren't. Mom. If anything, you're the greatest mom on the planet. You're certainly the best woman I know. You didn't take advantage of me, I wanted you just as badly as you wanted me." I explained.

"Aww, thank you sweetie. I really needed to hear that." Mom said, resting her hand on my thigh. I could feel my cock begin to twitch beneath my pants; this was not the time nor the place.

"Well, I guess I should get going. You need to finish getting ready for your date." I told her.

Mom leaned in closer; she stared down at her hand which was still on my thigh. The closer she got, the further her hand went up; she skipped straight passed my cock and ran her hand up my chest. She reached the top of my shirt and her finger swirled around the top button; carefully undoing it.

"Well.. Maybe you should stay for a while?" Mom asked, indecisively.

"Mom, I don't think we should.." I said, as Mom unbuttoned the second button down my shirt. I pulled back and said, "Seriously, I don't think it's a good idea."

Just as I pulled back Mom pulled me closer by the shirt and ripped open the rest of the buttons. She could tell that I wanted her and my will power was growing weaker by the second.

"Mom! What about Dad?" I asked.

"He won't be home for another hour.." She said as her hand caressed it's way up my chest until she reached my neck; she pulled me in and began kissing me.

Our tongues met and we kissed passionately, "Fuck, I want you Mom." I moaned through a deep breath. We both paused, our faces so close to the other that our noses were still touching; I could feel Mom's mouth begin to widen as she tried to hold back her smile.

"I'm all yours, baby." Mom said, as she held me in her arms and carefully fell back onto the bed.

We continued to kiss but Mom was quick to get my cock in her mouth; she pivoted on the mattress and unzipped my pants, yanking my cock out as quickly as possible. She grabbed the base of my cock and ran her tongue around the head; I could feel the warm tease of her breath. Mom's ass was sitting right beside my head, almost in a 69 position except she was beside me; I pulled the night gown up over the curve of her voluptuous body and admired the view.

"Fuck.." I moaned as Mom started to slide the head of my cock into her mouth; I could feel the slight pressure from her teeth bearing down on the shaft as she let out a slight giggle.

Mom ran her other hand over my thigh and grabbed a tight handful of my balls and started to lick them while stroking the shaft.

"You like it when your Mom sucks your cock, don't you?" She asked, already aware of the answer.

I couldn't take it; my instincts had taken over yet again. I reached under and grabbed Mom around the waist and lifted her off the bed and onto my face; she sat back on her knees with my cock still in hand as I pulled her thong to the side and my tongue found it's way inside her wet hole. I could hear the clench of Mom's jaw slamming shut as her teeth grinded against themselves; the arch in her back weakened and she fell forward as she softly moaned.

I feasted upon Mom's sweet pussy for the first time with no regret or shame; for the first time we both knew what we were doing and we both wanted it. Mom continued to suck my cock as I ate her vagina; her strokes became shorter and shorter until she could no longer handle it. She released my cock from her mouth and screamed out in ecstasy; her legs trembled and I felt the spit from her mouth dripping down my shaft and balls.

With all her strength Mom broke the grip I had around her thighs and hopped off my face; she pivoted once again and pulled her thong off quickly. Mom positioned my cock at the base of her cunt, cowgirl style and shoved the soaking wet thong into my mouth.

"I want you to taste my pussy as I cum on that cock." She whispered in my ear, lowering herself down upon my shaft.

Mom hugged me tightly; her arms wrapped around my head as she slammed her throbbing vagina up and down taking every inch of my cock down to the balls. I could literally feel Mom's cunt throbbing with every last pump; tightening and squeezing as it gushed upon me until finally her strokes slowed down. Mom's speed became more sensual as her entire body started to tremble; she sat all the way down, her pussy swallowing my cock and screamed.

Mom lost control of her body as she started to cum so I hugged her tightly as she had been hugging me and started thrusting my hips as hard and as deep as I could to send her orgasm over the edge. Mom continued to scream, attempting to make out the words "I'm cumming" but to no avail; she had lost all motor function.

I could feel my cock begin to tighten inside of her vagina; I rolled Mom onto her back and quickly switched to a missionary position, with both of her legs cradled over my shoulders. I pumped slow and deep making sure to get every inch inside of her; Mom knew it was time.

"Cum for me, baby." Mom said, softly caressing my face with her hand. "Look me in the eyes, while you cum inside me."

Mom held my face tightly so that our eyes were locked; my mouth dropped wide and I struggled to find my breath as I pumped my final strokes into Mom's pussy before my cock erupted inside of her. I exhaled deeply as I started to cum and when I did Mom pulled my face even closer to hers and buried her tongue deeply in my mouth as I continued to push all the way inside her.

We made out long after my orgasm ended until I was lying on top of her motionless, with the exception of a slight twitch in my cock; we were both a sweaty mess.

Mom glanced over at the clock.

"OH shit! Your father." She said, pushing me off of her, "I forgot about our date." Mom stood up and checked herself out in the vanity mirror beside the bed. "Oh my God, my make-up! I have to take another shower and get ready. He'll be home soon. Will you lock the door on your way out?" Mom asked.

I nodded as Mom rushed to back into the bathroom to get ready; I was in a complete state of euphoria. I laid there completely relaxed in a pool of our juices, in my parents bed and just thought about how lucky I was. As per Mom's request, I got dressed and made my way out; locking the door behind me.

As Mom was getting out of the shower she heard a knock at the door; she rushed down thinking I must have forgotten something. She opened the door to find her best friend; the one who originally hired me for Mom's birthday party.

"Kristy! What are you doing here?" Mom said, surprised.

"That's all I get! What are you doing here?!" Kristy asked, "I hadn't heard from you in a while and I was in the neighborhood so I thought I'd drop by."

"Oh, I just thought you were someone else.." Mom explained.

"Oh really? Like who? Like that young man I just saw leave your house?"

"Kristy! Are you kidding? That was just my son." Mom continued explaining.

"Sure, whatever you say Ari." Kristy teased.

"C'mon in, I'm just getting ready for a date with Dan. Grab a drink, make yourself at home." Mom invited her guest inside.

Mom rushed back upstairs to finish getting dressed and Kristy did indeed make herself at home; she grabbed a drink from the refrigerator and made her way to the couch in the living room.

"Hm.. What the.." Kristy said to herself, sipping her tea; she had noticed a photo on the wall. A family portrait. She moved in to get a closer look at the picture and began to analyze it

"Oh.. My.. God." Kristy said to herself almost spitting her tea out.

"So what have you been up to lately?" Mom shouted on her way down the stairs.

"OH MY GOD!" Kristy shouted back at my mother.

"What?!!" Mom said frantically rushing to the living room; she found her guesting examining a photo and she could feel the look of embarrassment begin to overtake her face.

"Is this your son?!" Kristy asked.

"Umm..." Mom struggled to answer, "Yeah.. it is."

"But.." Kristy was at a loss for words. "Isn't this the stripper I hired for your birthday?!"

Mom was also left speechless.

"I... Um. I.." She stumbled over her words and slowly took a seat on the couch.

"Well! Is your son a stripper or not?!" Kristy continued.

"Yeah. He is." Mom said, ashamed of herself.

"OH MY GOD!! I knew he looked familiar. I've only seen pictures of him so I couldn't place him!"

"Look, just please.. Don't tell anyone." Mom begged.

"Wait so you seriously.. Had sex with your son in front of a room full of your friends?!" Kristy asked, sincerely.

"Yep.." Mom had no choice but to tell the truth just as I had with my roommate.

"FUCK! That is so HOT!" Kristy yelled.

"... Are you serious?" Mom asked.

"Yes! Ari, you really ARE such a slut!" Kristy responded. "None of us really thought you were a sexual person but my God.."

Suddenly, Mom's phone rang.

"Hello" Mom answered, "Oh, hey Honey. Yeah, I'm ready to go."

It was Dad.

"What? Oh, no. Really? Again?" Mom sounded disappointed. "God damn it, Dan. I can't believe you're cancelling on me AGAIN!" Mom yelled into her cell phone before aggressively hanging up; Mom was pissed, to say the least.

"I'm guessing Dan can't make the date?" Kristy asked.

"Yeah, he's working late as usual. He's never around anymore and I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of it." Mom replied.

The two of them sat in the living room as an awkward silence filled the room; Kristy could feel the tension in the air.

"Say.. Do you think I could maybe watch you and your boy make love again?" Kristy couldn't help herself. "Sorry, if that's a bit forward.."

Mom didn't answer; it was almost as if she ignored Kristy entirely.

"Oh, forget I asked. I was just joking." Kristy tried to break the silence.

"Actually.. I have a better idea." Mom finally answered. "I'll give you a call later this week once I have it all figured out."

And that was that, Kristy finished her tea and said her goodbyes; Mom washed her face and called it a night. Before falling asleep, Mom sent one last text message for the night.

"Hey Tiger, your father stood me up again tonight. What's say you come by one night this week and keep your ol' Mom company? I'll make it worth your time. Love, Mom."

I responded in the early morning after I saw the text:

"Sure thing, Mom. Just let me know what night works best for you. Love, Matthew."

"Friday." Mom texted back almost instantly.

I didn't hear from Mom for the rest of the week and when Friday finally rolled around I received another text, reminiscent of the instructions she had left for Dad on the table for their anniversary.

"Come over tonight at 10 PM; Your Father is going to be out of town this weekend for a conference. The door will be unlocked and the entire house will be pitch black; make your way into the living room and closed your eyes. I'll be waiting with further instructions.."

Mom sure did have a way with building suspense, that's for sure.

I did as I was told and showed up at 10 PM; the house was pitch black as promised. I found my way in to the living room and heard Mom's voice from across the room.

"Get undressed and close your eyes, baby." Mom instructed.

I removed my clothes and closed my eyes just as Mom had asked; she slowly approached me and placed her hands on my chest and rubbed all over my body. As usual my cock grew immediately with her touch.

"Now, get on your knees and stick your tongue out as far as you can." Mom continued.

I dropped to my knees and my tongue fell out quicker than you could imagine; I could feel the warmth of Mom's body directly in front of me.

"Are you ready?" Mom asked.

Before I could even answer, I felt two hands on the back of my head shoving me forward; I fell face first into Mom's ass.. Or so I thought. My eyes flew open as soon as I felt the hands on my head, I was startled. The room was still pitch black and I could only make out the curves of a silhouetted body in front of me.

"Ah-ah-ah" Mom said, in my ear as she knelt beside me. "Keep those eyes closed.." She reminded me. "Good boy, now lick her ass."

Mom kept both hands on the back of my head and gently guided me up and down the crack of the woman in front of me; my tongue exploring her slit top to bottom, from her asshole down to her increasingly wet vagina.

I felt the woman in front of me spread her ass with both hands and Mom stopped guiding me and left my mouth right are the entrance of her cunt; suddenly she shoved me forward again and my tongue was forced inside of the woman's vagina. My nose was buried in her asshole; Mom held me there until I struggled to breathe before finally releasing me.

"You like that, baby?" Mom asked as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Yes!" I exhaled.

"Yes, what?" Mom asked as she pulled my head back and leaned over to kiss me, tasting the pussy juice that remained on my tongue.

"Yes, Mommy!" I exhaled once more.

"Lay down, Baby. Mommy is gonna suck that cock of yours." Mom instructed.

I laid down and I felt Mom take her place between my legs; she slowly teased my cock with her hands and mouth gently gliding over it. After teasing me for a brief moment, Mom jammed my cock all the way down her throat; my heart was pounding out of my chest. I inhaled deeply as Mom devoured my cock and before I knew it I felt the other woman take a squat position over my face.

She placed her hands on my chest and lowered herself down until she was in a seated position on my face; my head was pushed to the floor with the weight of her body on top of me. She grinded her pussy back and forth across my face until she finally sat all the way back and forced my nose into her asshole once again and smothered me in it. Mom continued to furiously fuck her throat with my cock until I had to lift the woman from my face to take a breath.

She bounced up and stood over me crouched until I was ready for her to come back down; I grabbed her thighs and pulled her back over my face. This time my tongue shot all the way into her asshole and she bounced her ass up and down so I was essentially tongue fucking her. She stood up and took a step back so she was standing over me and I sat up a bit to look at Mom; Mom smiled and asked:

"Does she look familiar?"

The woman leaned over me and looked directly into my face before kissing me; it was Mom's friend, the one who had hired me for her birthday party.

"This is Kristy." Mom informed me.

Kristy knelt above me once more and leaned forward grabbing a hold of my cock; she held it tightly while Mom slid her throat up and down it slowly before moving aside and allowing Kristy to take it in her mouth. Mom made her way down and sucked my balls while Kristy took her time playing with the tip of my cock.

Mom cupped my balls with her hand and sucked them both until they filled her mouth and Kristy showed me the extent of her deep throat skills while attempting to take my cock all the way down; she couldn't go down as far as Mom but she easily took more than half. Kristy raised up once more and walked around until she was sitting between my legs beside Mom; both beautiful women who were in their forties were currently on their knees staring me in the face ready to please my every need. I'm not sure how I got so lucky but I sure was enjoying it.

They both took their turns swallowing as much of my cock as they could before slowing things back down; each of them placed their mouths on one side of my cock and slid up and down. They ran their tongues along the shaft of my cock up and down until the reached the head and their tongues met; to my surprise they ran with it and started to kiss for my enjoyment.

"Do you like watching Mommy kiss another woman?" Mom asked.

I didn't even have to answer before Mom continued to kiss her friend deeply; Mom stood and allowed Kristy to have my cock all to herself and asked if I'd like to have a taste of her pussy. Of course I did; Mom's cunt was already so wet that her juices were flowing down her thighs. I felt Kristy pumping my cock as fast as she could and I had to stop her.