Xiao Feng was an agent of some kind of spy and assassination organization in our world, he was the best at everything, but due to a rare and seemingly incurable disease, he was executed by the same organization that raised him. The organization had told him that if he fulfilled all the imposed missions, at eighteen they would release Feng. Of course, this never happened, but now it had a ray of light, and it literally is. Although he didn't know it right away, he was in the world of Avatar! one of the few things that he can appreciate. Motivated by Aang and his friends, he wanted to travel the world and find his own path in life. With that in mind, he did his best for the organization so that one day he could be like Aang. - Avatar: The Last Airbender does not belong to me. - English is not my mother tongue.
'I didn't expect it to end this way ... They turned their back on me when my situation got worse. Well, there is no point in complaining. I just ... I just have to accept my fate. ' Xiao Feng thought as his soul sank into the darkest and deepest of eternity, or at least that was what he thought.
As Xiao Feng accepted his fate, he noticed something very strange.
'... I feel like I'm running out of air!' At that precise moment, Xiao Feng opened his eyes and was shocked.
His eyes saw with difficulty, but that was not the important thing. He was underwater!
Struggling to swim to the surface, he realized that his hands did not look like those of an adult.
Although he thought about it for a few seconds, he didn't care about it due to his situation.
He manages to get out of the water in time to get air.
Taking slow, controlled breaths of air, he manages to get out of the water. As soon as he touched down, he realized something important.
His body was very short, he could see strands of white hair perched on his forehead and he did not have his ordinary clothes.
Quickly he approached the water to observe himself and realized something even more important.
Apparently, he was a 5 or 6-year-old boy, and ... A symbol was engraved on his chest. It was not just any symbol of any symbology. It was none other than the symbol of the earth kingdom.
Memories of his past life and the countless hours watching the Avatar series came to his mind.
For a few seconds, he wondered if what he was seeing was real. To get out of doubts he pinched himself and, indeed, this was not an illusion.
As if I were a small child, I celebrate by jumping for joy.
It took a few seconds for him to return to normal and he noticed something worrisome.
He felt a slight discomfort in his back. Considering that he woke up just as he was drowning, he feared that what happened to the former owner of this body was not an accident.
He focused on his surroundings to see if anyone was around. It took a few seconds but he didn't feel any presence.
He greatly thanked the god who created human beings in avatar. They were not ordinary people so they had improved strength and senses compared to the people of planet earth, thanks to this he can use some skills without having previously trained.
He quickly fled the scene to prevent those people from returning, but now Xiao Feng had a problem.
If the people who had murdered him checked the body again, he would notice that it was gone. They shouldn't necessarily believe that he suddenly came back to life, but maybe they'll think that someone took him away and will start looking everywhere for Xiao Feng's body.
He moves quickly through the forest avoiding causing any kind of noise. Unfortunately, this was of no use as Xiao Feng was inadvertently advancing in the direction of the enemy.
As he ran, he stopped abruptly. He was about to fall off a cliff.
Surprised, he was relieved to have stopped at the right time, but to his bad luck, someone saw him on the other side of the cliff.
Like Feng, this boy was bringing garments from the earth kingdom. He made a great shout calling to his companions who rushed over to where he was.
There were about 10 people next to him and they were all surprised. "It seems like someone is difficult to kill ..." Said one with a tired tone.
Xiao Feng managed to see how one of the bandits made a bridge from the other end of the cliff.
'Shit! That's earthbending! ' with that thought Xiao Feng rushed to run in the opposite direction from the bandits.
Concentrating, he can hear the footsteps of the bandits. He realized that at the speed he was going, they would catch up with him in no time. Well, don't expect much from a child's body.
At the speed at which the bandits were going, he would have no chance to cheat and kill them. The only thing Xiao Feng could do was run for his life.
As he ran, louder was heard the sound of bandits coming towards him.
He ran past the lake where he almost drowned and thought if it would be a good idea to submerge, but after thinking about it, if he threw himself into the water, the earthbending master could make a layer of earth on the surface preventing him from getting out.
Instead of going to the water, he made a sharp turn, hoping that the bandits would not follow him.
To their bad luck, they managed to see him doing the turn and they did too.
Seeing that they got closer and closer, Xiao Feng tried to run as fast as he could without worrying about making a lot of noise, as it no longer made any sense since he was in his range of vision.
As he ran, he did not notice that the bandits stopped short. Xiao Feng turned to see if they were going to catch up with him but was shocked when he realized they weren't following him.
He turned his head forward and noticed that he was in a place with unstable rocks.
The rocks cracked and fell, revealing what they were over a tunnel.
Xiao Feng fell several meters and the bandits only reveled in watching their target fall.
The bandits all approached the hole Xiao Feng fell through and saw that it was quite deep.
One of them asked if they would come down to verify that he is dead but this was denied by the leader of the group.
Xiao Feng was exploring the tunnel he fell into, he was completely blind right now as there was no trace of light anywhere.
He probably had some broken ribs and stuff, but all he wanted was to find his way out.
Xiao Feng was a bit frustrated at not being able to escape the bandits. He thought several times that if he had had his old body they would not have had a chance.
As he walked, he heard something coming from the side.
It sounded like an earthquake even though the ground where he was standing didn't move.
He could feel a breeze coming from his right side. He also managed to feel the presence of something big, which was next to him.
Xiao Feng managed to hear something sniff him. He knew these were the Badgermole.
Immediately after realizing this, something appeared in front of him.
[Congratulations! You have found the BADGERMOLE, now you can start learning EARTHBENDING.]
"..." Xiao Feng was stunned at this.