
Sword Emperor: Reincarnated Into A New World

He was reincarnated into a new world after his death in my previous One. Appearing in planet called earth, he became an Adventurer, hoping to restore his late father's reputation. But he discovers something terrifying In this journey of his. His previous murderer was also reincarnated.

Itz_Az_Abiola · Khác
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7 Chs



Adventures Academy




"Kids, are you okay", William uttered

"Yes we are, Jason just sprained his ankle... he'll be fine", Orian replied. He slowly supported Jason as they walked out of the training ground.

"Is it me, or this was really easy", William thought.

Abruptly; A ferocious Lion leaped at lashed at him from behind. He fell down instantly, the Nemean lion stood on his back to pin him down. "You let your guard down, you are too sloppy, so much for an S-Rank Adventurer", the disciple uttered". He was completely unfazed.


He bent down and grabbed William's forehead. "I'll show you what pain really is". "Hey!..... that's enough", a voice echoed.

"Who said that!", the disciple uttered as he looked around.


|| Flaming Technique__Self Burn ||

Abruptly; William's body was completely covered with fire, startling the beast and also its Master. The flame increased until it created a massive shockwave which repelled the beast and the disciple. The hood he wore was burned revealing his face. Charles leaped down from the roof where he hid to help the half dead instructor while James went to check the unconscious discipline.

"Gasp!.....Ch....Charles", James struggled to say, his hands covering his mouth as he screamed, "Charrrles!!".

"Dude!!... what's wrong", Charles Uttered as he walked towards Vincent.

"W...what!", Charles exclaimed

"Pascaaal", they chorused. Vincent tripped and fell while Charles stepped back. Two unknown men appeared out of nowhere and helped pascal up. "You've seen his face, you must die now", one of the man uttered.

"What!", Vincent uttered

Their aura shook the whole area, Vincent and Charles couldn't maintain their balance, the heavy wind created by the two men blew everyone away.




Orian got to the destroyed training ground, Vincent, Charles and William's unconscious bodies were lying on the ground, the enemy had escaped leaving Orian in awe.

Other instructors who Orian called for help came and took them to the Helic where they will be taken care of.

Before walking away,, Orian noticed footsteps created by aura. "What's this?". He slowly followed it until he found himself in a nearby forest. "The footprint stopped here", he turned around to search the area for anything suspicious that can help the investigation.

"Urgh.... nothing",he uttered as he turned around to leave.

Abruptly; A beast slammed it's head on Orian's back making him tumble and hit a nearby tree.


"Whah!....An hell Hound", Orian exclaimed.

Orian stood up and took a battle stance, "it's a deviant...a tamed deviant". Orian's aura immediately covered his whole body, the hell Hound wasn't intimidated at all, instead it growled even more and moved forward. "If I remember correctly, hell hounds can sense fear.....if am afraid it'll grow stronger", Orian thought as he unsheathed his blade.

The best leaped forward and lashed at him. "Concentrate, channel your aura and dodge!", Orian Yelled as he moved his feet and dodged the attack lashing at the hound's side. it roared out loudly as the hell flames covering it's body began to increase creating a massive flame wave which made orian unable to see.




Scarlet walked out of the Helic after dropping Jason, after walking for five minutes she got really uneasy, "where is that annoying guy?"

"Orian!", she yelled out

As she walk further she tripped and fell, she finally noticed the smoke coming from the forest close to the academy. "Orian!", she yelled as she stood up and ran towards the forest.





Orian's body was completely covered with burns. The beast would burn him anytime it got close enough leaving Orian in awe. "If this goes on I'll die", Orian thought to himself.

The beast dashed at him and moved in a zigzag motion. "Come on!... don't loose sight of him...look closely.... and slash", Orian immediately lashed at the hound from every angle almost tearing it apart.

The beast fell instantly but Orian was already done in, he rested his back behind a tree and closed his eyes. He sudden heard footsteps but he was unable to move, his eyes slowly opened to see a tall young man donned in a silver battle armor, the man bent down and dropped a piece of paper on Orian's leg.

"Take care of yourself, you did well", the man uttered as he stood up and ran away. Orian couldn't see his face but he noticed a scar in form of a lightening bolt by the man's neck before he left. Slowly, Orian fell unconscious.


The following day William was taken away by some men early in the morning, the training ground was being reconstructed while the two scout corp members stayed in the Helic with Orian and Jason.

"Uh!... where am I", Orian uttered as he sat down carefully.

"Hey!... don't move a muscle", scarlet uttered, she slowly helped him lie down on the bed. "Hey bro!", Jason who was beside Orian the whole time said, he tapped Orian on the shoulder before saying, "She's been sitting here since the incident yesterday, watching you"


"Uhm", she couldn't talk, her hands playing with her hair as she stared at Orian.

"Why's your face red all of a sudden", Jason uttered sarcastically.

"Hey shut up!", she yelled as she grabbed Orian's pillow and hit it on Jason.

"Hey that hurt!", he yelled

"Well you sh....", cutting her off, a man walked into the room, dressed in a brown clothing and brown trousers.

"Who are you?", scarlet asked

"Hello children, I am here to ask some questions", the man replied, he sat down on scarlet's sit and brought out a pen.

"Now...tell me what happened last night, every detail", he uttered


"Hey knock it off old man, don't you see he's still recovering"

"I have to note everything that happened last night, he isn't the only one I'll question either, you two are still going to answer all my questions later on"

"Really", scarlet uttered, she grinned her teeth together and clenched her fist in anger.

"Brother!", Orion yelled out as he barged into the room. As he entered he noticed the tense atmosphere and uttered, "Is anything wrong?"

"No ..not at all young man!.... I'll take my leave now" the man replied, he stood up and walked out immediately.

"Brother!", Orion yelled once more as he hugged Orian. "Don't ever do that again, don't leave me ever again". Tears rolled down his eyes as he cried out loudly.

"Am fine little bro.... it's okay"

"Orian, I found a piece of paper on your lap when I found you in the woods...I didn't open it but I kept it for you", Scarlet Uttered, putting her hand in her pocket and bringing out the piece of paper.

Orian slowly opened it and was startled after reading the content. "What's wrong, Jason asked".
