
Swipe to Forever: A modern love story

Love at her fingertips. A woman, constantly betrayed by her partners, tries out a marriage app that Forever changes hers and her friend's future

A_T_Whisper · Thành thị
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9 Chs

A leap of faith

One week later after the breakup, around 10 AM at Jane's house, Tiana arrived to chat and hang out with her friend. However, she found Jane lying in bed, still sulking over her breakup with Michael. Tiana decided to do something to help rekindle Jane's spirit and get her over the cheating jerk.

Fed up, Tiana yelled at Jane, pulled the blankets off of her, and rolled her off the bed. "Come on, get up now! It's been a week, Jane! You need to forget that bastard or you'll just continue suffering alone," she cautioned.

Jane's world was crumbling before her eyes, and she couldn't understand why she always ended up with bad boyfriends. Tearfully looking into Tiana's eyes, she asked, "Is something wrong with me, T? Why do all the men I date always do this?"

"You are great! It's the men's fault for not noticing how lucky they are to date someone as precious as you. They are the ones to blame. I say forget all of them. They don't deserve you anyway," Tiana comforted her friend.

Jane expressed her dream of having a family and her frustration with constantly facing obstacles in her dating life. Tiana realized the extent of Jane's devastation and knew she needed to take action to prevent her friend from sinking into resentment and self-pity.

"You can have a family. If someone as sweet and loving as you is denied even that, nothing in this world would make sense to me. Come on, I know something we can do to help you get over this," Tiana suggested.

Tiana helped Jane get up and took her in her car to an unknown place to help her overcome her disappointment with men. During the car ride, Jane asked Tiana where they were going. Tiana responded that they were going to a place where Jane would experience the joy equivalent to seeing a thousand supernovas at the same time.

Excited about the surprise, Jane momentarily forgot about her troubles. However, she was shocked when Tiana pulled up in front of an aquarium. Confused, Jane asked why they were at the aquarium.

"We're here to look at all the fish and animals. There's a saying that it's almost impossible not to forget your troubles when you watch a dolphin jumping and playing with a ball in the water. The cuteness will eat all your worries away!" Tiana explained.

"This is the joy of a thousand supernovas you were talking about? I thought you were taking me to a club to dance and meet guys or something!" Jane exclaimed.

"A club? You know I don't do well with large crowds!" Tiana replied.

"You really need to start challenging yourself. How is it possible that you're 35 years old and have never dated once in your life?" Jane expressed her concern. Tiana, being a quiet and introverted girl, always avoided confrontations and social situations altogether.

"I just don't know how to flirt with people. Dating isn't for everyone. I'm comfortable with my life," Tiana explained. Jane felt pity for her friend, realizing that Tiana had been single her entire life and was missing out on an important aspect of human connection.

"Look, T, I know my dating life has been hectic for some time now, but it's not all bad. Dating allows you to connect with someone on a deep level, almost touching one's soul. Having someone who truly understands you when no one else does is a gift," Jane shared with Tiana.

"And you think that's good? You spent five years dating Michael only to be thrown aside. Considering all the time you wasted, don't you regret ever dating him in the first place?" Jane continued

Tiana Walker had a secret that shook the foundation of her self-confidence and hindered her desire to date. It all began during her fourth-grade years, when an incident unfolded, forever altering the course of her life.

From a young age, Tiana stood out as a remarkably bright and astute student, consistently claiming the top spot in her class. She embraced her intellect with pride, finding solace in being different from her peers. Her parents, hailing from an upper-class background, instilled in her the notion that she must work exceptionally hard to uphold their family's honor and reputation. This upbringing molded Tiana into a determined and headstrong individual, often looking down upon her classmates whom she considered beneath her. Amplifying this mindset was her home room teacher, who showered her with excessive praises, using her as an exemplar for the other students.

One fateful day in third grade, Tiana's classroom teacher asked her to stand before the class and explain how she had successfully solved a problem that had stumped everyone else. Standing tall and confident as usual, she took a few steps forward, only to trip over herself and tumble face-first onto the floor. Though seemingly harmless for someone her age, this incident threatened to shatter her pride, elegance, and self-esteem—the very pillars she cherished. To Tiana, it was a nightmare worse than any other imaginable.

In that moment, time stood still as she lay on the ground, her mind going blank. After what felt like an eternity, her teacher rushed to her aid and helped her back up. Glancing back at her classmates, Tiana was met with a shocking sight—everyone was laughing at her. Their laughter wasn't innocent or light-hearted; it was fueled by the joy of witnessing the downfall of the seemingly flawless "Miss Perfect" to whom their parents constantly compared them. Their gleeful screams echoed, leaving Tiana paralyzed with the sudden, excruciating embarrassment that engulfed her. As she realized the magnitude of the humiliation she faced, her heart raced, dizziness threatened to consume her, and consciousness teetered on the edge.

Her teacher admonished the laughing students and suggested that Tiana return to her seat, but she knew that if she did so, the incident would haunt her for the rest of her life. And indeed, it did. Summoning every ounce of courage within her, she defiantly proclaimed that she would still solve the problem. Determination coursed through her veins as she stood before the class, attempting to solve the problem, but the smirks on their faces revealed their anticipation of her failure. The weight of their judgment, their eyes filled with contempt, intensified her nerves to the point where she forgot how she had even solved the problem in the first place. Her voice grew raspy, her vision blurred, and a complete breakdown ensued. The classroom erupted in loud laughter once more, driven by one boy named Bruce, who stood up and relentlessly jeered at Tiana, encouraging the other students to join him in mocking her.

Yet, in that moment, an unprecedented fire ignited within Tiana's heart. It was a destructive force, but also immensely empowering. Her fear dissolved as she impulsively grabbed a duster and hurled it at Bruce, striking him squarely in the face. Blood streamed from his nose, and silence fell upon the class.

From that day forward, her classmates learned that even the seemingly flawless beings in their lives were fallible. They resorted to calling her names, labeling her as a psychopath. With her confidence shattered, Tiana withdrew from the spotlight, constantly apologizing for the most minor of things. Despite her parents' tireless efforts to reignite her vigor and assertiveness, nothing seemed to work. Tiana concluded that her anti-social tendencies were inherent and that she had been pretending all along. She lost faith in herself and distanced herself from any responsibilities, especially dating. Occasionally, her parents and Jane would coax her into going on blind dates, but the outcome was always the same. Overwhelmed by the pressure to prove her worthiness to a stranger, she would succumb to nervousness, turning each date into a torturous ordeal designed to expose her weaknesses.

When Jane brought up Tiana's lack of dating, it struck a chord deep within Tiana. She couldn't deny that her life felt monotonous and devoid of meaning, with nothing to look forward to. However, despite this realization, Tiana wasn't ready to take the plunge into the dating world just yet. So, she shifted the conversation and suggested that they go to her place and watch movies instead.

Once they arrived at Tiana's house, Tiana busied herself with preparing snacks while Jane settled onto the sofa and absentmindedly flipped through TV channels. Suddenly, her attention was captured by a commercial that caught her interest. The advertisement was for a marriage app called Fate in One Tap (FOT), which claimed to solve all the problems of loneliness, awkwardness, and failed dates. It promised the chance to find a soulmate, someone who would never betray their love and would always support and cherish them. Jane's despondent mood evaporated, and she became excited about the prospect.

"T, are you seeing this?" Jane exclaimed with newfound cheerfulness.

"Yeah, I've seen that FOT dating app commercial before. It's been running for a while now," Tiana replied.

"And you're just telling me now? This is exactly what I've been looking for—a marriage setup application."

Tiana contended, "It's just a sales pitch. How can they expect someone to marry a total stranger?"

Ignoring Tiana's skepticism, Jane declared, "You know what? I'm going to give it a try! I'm going to find my husband through this app."

Surprised by Jane's determination, Tiana responded, "You're going to do what now?"

"I'm going to go and get myself a husband," Jane persisted defiantly.

"Are you that desperate? How can you marry someone you don't even know?" Tiana questioned, concerned for her friend.

"All the men I've dated so far have shown their incompetence and cheating nature. Why should I suffer through pointless dating again? At least this time, he will be tied to me forever. Not to mention, they guarantee 100% loyalty," Jane explained her reasoning.

Tiana couldn't believe Jane's naivety and desperation to marry a complete stranger. Having made up her mind about her own life, Tiana tried to reason with her friend.

"You can't be that naive! Are you really that desperate to marry someone you've never met?"

Undeterred, Jane stood up and proclaimed her stance on the matter to her friend.

"Thanks for your concern. You're truly the only friend who genuinely cares about me. But this time, I'll follow my heart and do this. See you tomorrow, T! I need to prepare and see how much I have in case the app is expensive."

With those words, Jane hurriedly left Tiana's house, determined to purchase herself a husband at the first light of the following day. Tiana watched her friend depart, feeling a mix of concern and uncertainty about Jane's decision.