
Chapter 5

4 hours later on the Iwa front

Konoha had already finished taking care of the corpses of their comrades after 2 hours of corpse cleaning. Mean while, the medical tents were having trouble due to the sheer amount of the wounded Konoha Shinobi.

The ones that have chakra is helping by, putting traps at the battle ground while the others would be reinforcing the defensive walls and making foxholes.

Akari met up with Touya and Tada after 3 hours due to them helping the others in either reinforcing the defence or carry the corpses.

A while later

Tada:" Oh, you're back kid!"

"Hmm?, oh it's you old man, so is you're back aching yet?" Akari said in a joking tone.

" Hahahaha!, nice joke kid" Touya laughs in depreciatingly

"By the way, where's Tada?" Akari asks in a curious tone

"Oh, if you're looking for Tada, you'll see him at the kitchen tent, I think he's helping some of the cooking-nin" Touya says so as he points the direction

"Well perfect then, I want to eat, I haven't eaten anything yet for the last 3-4 hours" Akari replied as he touches his tummy.

"Then wait for me I'll join you too"

Akari waited a bit for Touya to finish his tasks before going with Akari to eat.

When they arrived there, Akari saw Tanimoto holding two plates filled with food.

Akari:"Yo, Moto-san, how are you doing?"

"Hmm, oh it's you Akari-kun and Touya-san, good afternoon to you both, I'm just bringing some food for me and Sawaya to eat" Tanimoto notices Akari and replies with a smile on her face

Touya:"What the heck is Sawaya doing having her wife pick up their food?"

Akari agreed on what Touya said and helps Tanimoto carry the plates which prompted her to thank the kid. After that, Akari can see that Tanimoto had a troubled face.

Tanimoto:"Oh...I guess you guys don't know"

Akari:"Why what's the problem Moto-san?"

Tanimoto stares at the ground for a bit then faced them with a brave smile

Tanimoto:" Sawaya, he... he's on the medical tent after being stabbed and burned by the enemy to protect me"

Akari:" Whaaat!!, is he okay!?, are there no problems?"

When Akari heard that Sawaya was heavilly injured, he almost dropped the plates before asking her.

Tanimoto:" They said he's okay now but the burns he has will be observed for a bit"

Touya:" Hmm, looks like this is gonna be a while so I'll go with you guys later after I eat, and also...it looks like that Tada needs a bit of help"

"Oh yeah also tell Sawaya I said hello and that maybe I'll visit later with Tada"

Touya says as he goes towards Tada's direction. Akari and Tanimoto bid farewell but not before Akari asks Touya to bring some food later if he's coming later too.

When they arrived, Akari followed Tanimoto and saw the injuries that Sawaya had. Akari showed great concern when he saw him and couldn't help but ask several times if Sawaya was okay.

Sawaya had 3 stab wound, 2 at his stomach and 1 on his legs, then some 2nd degree burn at his back reaching to the front of his shoulders.

While they were talking, Tanimoto was eating some food and feeding Sawaya at the same time. They talked for a while then brought up the topic of Akari fighting the Iwa's.

Sawaya:" I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you charging then suddenly turning to a blur and suddenly appearing to an Iwa shinobi that would suddenly burst out bleeding"

Tanimoto:"Yeah!, even me was surprised by the skill that you had Akari-kun"

Sawaya:" Some shinobi among them are even calling you with your nickname "Blurred Death" or "Iwa Killer""

Tanimoto:" I even saw some surprised expressions when they saw such a young kid that was already a well-known shinobi and was already Jounin ranked at your age.

While the two couple was busy saying some things about the kid. They saw that he was really embarrassed, causing the kid to cover his face to mask it's red color.

This caused the two to laugh which even more embarrassed Akari for a while. When they stopped laughing. Sawaya remembered the things he did when he was at the age of Akari and showed to him what kind of difference he had with Akari at such a young age.

Sawaya:"It's really amazing that you're really skillful at your age, when I was at you're age I was just busy trying to have Tanimoto accept me"

Tanimoto gets red which Sawaya notices and teases her a bit. Their flirting with each other continued for a while making it unbearable for Akari. Akari tried to say goodbye to the both of them but the newlyweds were on a world of their own. So Akari straight up walks away and leaves them alone on their own world. When he got outside he looked up and saw the setting sun. He looks at the sun for a bit before proceeding to walk away.

But not before encountering Touya and Tada outside.

Tada:" OH!, it's you Akari-san, what are you doing here?"

Akari:" Yo Tada, I was just leaving because the two are really unbearable right now"

Touya:" Hahaha, even at the medical area, they won't even stop flirting, maybe those two are causing some trouble to the others there hahaha...so, are you leaving now, you're not gonna stay a bit?"

Akari:" Yeah, I want to rest my body now and I feel hungry so I wanna eat now before going to sleep"

Touya:" hahaha, I see I see, well speaking of eating, heres you're food"

Akari:" Oh thank you very much... well I'm going now so you guys take care now"

Touya:" Yeah yeah, I'll see you again tomorrow"

Tada" Bye bye Akari-san "

With that, the trio bid farewell and Akari went to sleep on his tent, but the problem was that he don't know where it was. Thus Akari went around the camp for a whole 30 minutes to search for his tent.

When he saw his tent, he felt like going to heaven when he went inside.

After getting inside, he quickly ate his food, drank some water and washed himself using water release and went to sleep.

Fast Forward 3 days

Nothing much happened for the next three days except with Akari chatting with the others and helping them sometimes.

In those three days, Akari began getting famous around the camp as more shinobi got to know about his feats earning him his new nickname called "Bloody Flash Fang".

He was called that due to him only being seen as a blur or a flash that is red in color due to the amount of blood that sometimes gets on his clothes.

The Iwa didn't really attack with large numbers this time around but a few skirmishes were still going around the frontlines.

In those three days, the supplies were now insufficient to relieve the needs of the other shinobi's, prompting the Shinobi Captain to speed up the request for supplies.

Fast Forward 2 Days

In those 2 days, the camp was having a hard time to keep their morale up as the supplies that they were suppose to have by now were still not here.

Due to the limited supplies, the number of deaths increased as the injured shinobis was not having their appropriate needs.

The camp was constantly attacked by the Iwa, adding stress and fatigue to the defending shinobis.

Fast Forwards 3 Days

There have been reports of Konoha shinobi going rouge, reducing the amount of Konoha shinobi that is able to fight the Iwa.

Akari was steadily getting recognition in the past days as he keep fighting and killing most of the Iwa shinobi, reducing the amount of stress the Konoha shinobi have to suffer.

Tada is getting used to the shinobi life and from time to time gets to kill Iwa shinobi together with Touya.

Speaking of Touya, he was also getting some recognition as he was always together with Akari to fight the Iwa shinobi.

Fast Forward 4 Days

The whole camp is now falling apart due to the constant disappearance of Konoha shinobi, dropping the initial number 903 troops to 678 troops.

The majority of the injured shinobis was now dying due to not having the required needs.

Sawaya was one of the few that was able to recover and was now able to be discharged and ready to go again.

The problem was that Tanimoto was getting weak due to her giving most of the food she's getting to Sawaya.

Akari and Touya was now joined by Tada in repelling the constant attacks of the enemy.

The trio fought well with their cooperated jutsus causing trouble to the Iwa shinobi.

Akari now had 2,379 confirmed kills from the past few days combined with the first day of defending the camp from the constant attacks of Iwa shinobi.

Due to always joining Akari to fight the Iwa, Tada now had 467 confirmed kills with his usual cooperated jutsu with Touya and Akari, while Touya had at least 564 confirmed kills and 178 unconfirmed kills. The three fought side by side for whole time they were together earning the three of them the nickname of "Battered Guardians" due to them looking fatigued and battered when they fight the Iwa.

The number of days they have stayed at the camp to act as reinforcements was now a week and a day.

The next day, while Akari and the duo was resting their bodies and talking with each other at a position where they can see the whole battlefield away from the camp of at least 6 kilometers. The trio sensed a large number of shinobis enter their detection seal. The trio get ready to fight but was immediately shocked when they saw at least 6000 Iwa Shinobi coming to their direction.

Touya:" OI OI OI OI OI!!, That's way too many!"

Tada:"What are we gonna do!?, They're too many Akari-san, I'll admit that I can maybe fight a hundred of them when I'm with you guys but!!..."

Tada was panicking at the mere thought of fighting that many Iwa shinobi that he had a tear coming out of his eyes. While Touya was a bit level headed due to being a veteran and had the experience of fighting many Iwa against them from the past few days.

Akari calms down Tada and observes the approaching enemies for a bit before retreating with the rest of them.

Akari:" Let's retreat first while laying down some traps so we can slow them down a bit and then tell the commander what's the situation"

They would put traps along the way when they were retreating. The traps would consist of pitfalls with sharp rocks or some lethal poison at the end while the other traps would be some colorless and odourless poison mist that would appear if they stepped on a certain place or a large scale explosive seal that would explode if a certain amount of people are within it's range.

After they put a few traps and seals to delay the enemy or somewhat damage them, the trio made a beeline towards the commanders camp while alerting the whole camp.

Tada and Touya broke off of Akari to alert the whole camp to prepare for the incoming attack.

While Akari would be going at the commanders tent to discuss some sort of strategy with the other Jounin commanders.






While the camp was preparing, explosions and occasional screams would be heard at the distance. This put some of the Konoha shinobi to be anxious and at edge when they knew the oncoming disaster on their way.





A few hours pass and some Iwa shinobi can be seen at the distance.




"RUUUMMMBBLEEEEE!!!" The land rumbles as the Iwa Shinobis Charges ahead.






Konoha Shinobis roars loudly to as their morale goes up to defend this place .

Sorry guys I had no idea what I was supposed to do next and I was a bit busy due to school so I was late for some posts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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