
The Third Game:Yun Hai City 9

Torrential rain continued to pour, and the police station was no longer a safe haven.

Wen Nannan sat by the window in boredom, her gaze sweeping across the towering buildings until it landed on a particularly eye-catching structure-the Pearl Hotel, the landmark of Yunhai City.

Wen Nannan had a deep impression of it because the hotel's advertisements were everywhere, even plastered on buses.

In addition to being an iconic skyscraper, it is also known as the safest hotel.

A faint smile appeared on Wen Nannan's lips, as if she had found a new foothold.

However, the Pearl Hotel was located in the city center, far from its current location. Even if she took transportation a few days before the game started, it would take two to three hours.

As for now... If she were to row a basin to the hotel, the difficulty level would be MAX.

Wen Nannan suddenly remembered seeing an inflatable boat in the store in the first few days.

That store seemed to be not far from here, just a few blocks away.

Wen Nannan put away her dried clothes, put on the raincoat and rain pants she had prepared in advance, and sealed all possible water inlets such as the trouser legs and cuffs with tape.

Putting on her life jacket, Wen Nannan rowed her large basin towards the rain gear store.

She was the only one on the murky water, while in the surrounding high-rise buildings, pairs of curious eyes gathered on her through the windows covered by curtains.

The flood had already reached a height of seven or eight meters, and some self-built houses on the first floor were left with only a roof.

Lacking landmarks indicating the ground, Wen Nannan circled around on the water for a while before finding the rain gear store.

By this time, only one floor of the rain gear store remained.

Wen Nannan circled around, the house was covered by curtains, and she couldn't see the situation inside.

Thinking of the pistol in her space, Wen Nannan rowed her basin towards the house.

The glass windows without anti-theft nets were like decorations. Wen Nannan broke the window and entered, and it was dark and dim inside.

As soon as she entered, a black shadow jumped out from under the wall and pounced on her.

"Damn it, where did such a big rat come from?"

Wen Nannan was knocked into a stagger, and reflexively raised her leg to attack the other party's lower body.

With a scream, the black shadow fell to the ground, and Wen Nannan grabbed the kitchen knife in her hand and pressed it against his neck.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

The man was pushed to the ground and quickly begged for mercy.

Wen Nannan pulled open the curtain blocking the light and saw the person under her-the owner of the rain gear store.

Wen Nannan was stunned, but the kitchen knife in her hand did not move away, "You want to attack me?"

"Sister, I was scared when you broke into my house."

The store owner didn't dare to move, afraid that Wen Nannan's hand holding the knife would tremble, and carefully glanced at Wen Nannan's face, his eyes lit up, "I remember you, didn't you come to my store to buy something before?"

She was good-looking, but stingy with money, and she bargained for fifty cents for a long time.

"Sister, let's talk things out, can you put the knife away?"

Wen Nannan pursed her lips, slowly let go of him, and looked around, "I'm here to buy something from you. Is the inflatable boat I saw before still here?"

"No, it's gone."

The store owner shook his head vigorously, "Sister, don't you see the current situation, how can there still be a boat?"

Wen Nannan pursed her lips and quietly sized up the store owner.

"The boat is gone. How did you get here?"

At that moment, his forehead was covered with wet hair. His clothes were dry, but his shoes were still dripping with water, and there were wet footprints on the floor.

It was obvious that he had just been drenched in the rain outside.

Hearing this, the store owner was stunned and rushed forward, trying to grab the kitchen knife from Wen Nannan's hand.

"Sister, I used to be a law-abiding citizen, it's you who forced..."

"Sister, calm down, you're scaring people."

The dark muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at his forehead. He didn't expect this stingy little girl to be so vicious.

"Go straight, stand against the wall." Wen Nannan said coldly, "Where is the inflatable boat?"

The owner of the rain gear store was honest this time, "In my bedroom."

Wen Nannan snorted coldly and opened the door to the next room.

Inside were two brand new, unopened inflatable boats.

The red plastic basin can finally be officially retired!

Wen Nannan dragged one of the inflatable boats out, and threw a bag of bread and instant noodles to the rain gear store owner sitting on the ground.

She didn't take it for free.

The originally depressed store owner's eyes lit up when he saw the food.

He went out this time to find food.

Now that the world was in chaos and money was useless, the rain gear store owner was naturally unwilling to hear Wen Nannan say she wanted to buy his inflatable boat.

What's the difference between this and getting something for nothing?

Unexpectedly, he got a big bag of food in exchange, and the store owner was happy.

I didn't expect this stingy little girl to be so generous, which inevitably made him have other thoughts.