
Game Begins: Maritime Banquet 10

Over a hundred people poured out of the container like sardines when it was opened, crazed.

The two of them fled down the narrow alleyway, the crazed mob in hot pursuit.

Everyone at the lower level lifted their heads together.

Heavy footsteps and screams echoed.

Wen Nannan looked through the peephole and saw two people rushing down the stairs, covered in blood, their expressions a mix of terror and panic.

Many crew members were dumbfounded in the hallway before they could react. At this moment, those "people" rushed in, pouncing on the nearest crew member and crazily biting.

These beings could hardly be called humans anymore. They are far scarier than Xiao Li who is still locked in the room.

Their skin was pitch black, their bodies covered in pus and gore. Their lips were gone, revealing sickening gums. From their mouths came only animalistic growls.

Some had lost their lower halves but continued to crawl relentlessly toward the living, dragging their exposed intestines and organs behind them.

There was no mistaking it. These were zombies.

Wen Nannan looked outside the door, but there was still someone unknown who wanted to get close to these zombies.

"What are you doing, standing there? Run! Get back to your rooms!"

Wen Nannan shouted, successfully alerting some people and also attracting the attention of several zombies who had just emerged.

Wen Nannan was startled and quickly used the small sofa and refrigerator in her room to barricade the door.

Fortunately, these zombies didn't focus on breaking down her door. The sounds made by the other people in the corridor drew their attention.

Wen Nannan watched the zombies, a chill ran down her spine.

What the hell kind of game was this? She couldn't even watch zombie movies in real life!

But this was no time to be scared. Wen Nannan took out a notebook filled with writing and began to observe and record the zombies.

Her view through the peephole was limited, so she could only note down what she could see within her line of sight, such as who had been bitten or scratched.

These zombies were extremely sensitive to sound.

What about their vision?

Wen Nannan glanced at the brightly lit corridor. Within her field of view, a large man was desperately trying to stifle his breathing as he pressed himself against the wall, but the zombie next to him had already spotted him.

The able-bodied zombies moved with surprising speed.

Although the man had the potential for explosive speed when his life was threatened and quickly hid in a room, he was still scratched by the chasing zombies.

Wen Nannan felt a pang of sympathy for the man and quickly jotted down what she had seen.

*Zombie Characteristics:

* Sensitive hearing

* Normal vision

* Not afraid of light

* Fast speed

* No sense of pain

Recalling how the zombies had broken down the door earlier, Wen Nannan added another line to her notes:

* Great strength

But where did these zombies come from? They were clearly not crew members.

And was there a connection between the strange illness that Xiao Li and the others had contracted and these zombies?

Wen Nannan put two question marks next to this thought in her notebook.

She continued to monitor the situation outside.

The people outside were reacting relatively quickly. Most of them had already escaped back to their rooms.

Of course, there are also some unlucky people who are surrounded by hundreds of zombies, bitten to pieces and unrecognizable.

Perhaps other survivors have also discovered the sensitivity of zombies to sound, and the entire cabin has quieted down, or rather... a dead silence.

Wen Nannan sat down on the sofa and took a few sips of water to calm her nerves.

Her legs had gone weak, so she sat there for a long time before getting up and silencing all the electronic clocks and phones in her room.

Unfortunately, not everyone had thought of this.

Some careless individuals had left their electronic devices on, and the piercing sound of an alarm clock suddenly rang out from one of the rooms, drawing a horde of zombies to its source.

Wen Nannan, whose vision was obstructed, couldn't see them.

However, the sound of a crash from behind was clear, and moments later, the commotion ended with several screams.

The outcome was self-evident, as the entire cabin was filled with the stench of decay and blood.

Wen Nannan lowered her head and wrote in her notebook:

Maintain absolute silence. The cabin door cannot withstand zombie attacks.

Learning from the mistakes of others, all survivors remained quiet.

The eleventh day of their seafaring survival passed without incident.

The twelfth day of their seafaring survival also passed without incident.

On the thirteenth day of their seafaring survival, around three in the morning, another room made a sound.

"Catch him!"

"Oh my god, I've been bitten."

"Help me!"

Wen Nannan sat up abruptly and peered out the peephole.

The door opposite her opened on its own, and a blood-covered person rushed out, closely pursued by a companion who had entered the room with them two days earlier.

However, the companion had turned into a zombie.

The man who had escaped searched around, banging on closed doors.

But no one answered.

Wen Nannan didn't dare to open the door either.

The man's ear had been bitten off, and blood was gushing out.

He was then tackled by a blonde zombie.

The survivors who had been hiding after being injured two days earlier had fallen ill.

The bitten people in other rooms also fell ill one after another, some being thrown out by their roommates, while others died along with their roommates in the mouths of the zombies.

From three in the morning until six or seven in the morning, it was a long and dark time for the survivors in the cabin.

Wen Nannan looked at the room opposite her. She remembered that the man opposite had been scratched by a zombie, but there was still no movement. Could he be dead?

At nine in the morning, the crisis was temporarily over.

Wen Nannan stopped paying attention to the room opposite and got up to stretch, beginning her twice-daily exercise routine.

Although she couldn't develop martial arts skills, she hoped to be able to outrun the zombies in an emergency.

Wen Nannan knew that, in addition to luck, she also had keen observation skills and the foresight to prepare.

Among the survivors in the cabin, she was the most well-prepared.

After finishing her morning exercises, Wen Nannan heated up the remaining food in the refrigerator and ate it reluctantly.

She flipped to the first page of her notebook and crossed off today's date. There were only seventeen days left before she could leave this terrifying game.