
Displaying skill part-2

Jason attention focused to the centre of the yard were Graffin was already chatting with the gathered men, two of which he recognized as Jon Snow and an older man with an odd 'mutton-chop' hairstyle that tied under his chin who seemed to be drilling the soldiers.

"At last our mysterious guest reveals himself. Jason correct? My name is Ser Rodrik Cassel, Master-At-Arms for House Stark." The older man said, in a friendly deep voice, offering one hand towards the Surgebinder.

Jason reached out and shook it, being surprised at the man's quite strong grip considering his age. "Glad to meet you Rodrik. I apologize if I've been a bit reclusive, just been needing some time to rest up."

"Understandable. At the least, I'm glad you've come to join us for a bit of training. Bet a fellow like you can beat a little skill into the amateurs here." The Master-At-Arms chuckled out while the younger trainees gave annoyed looks.

"Think you're putting too much faith in the man Rodrik. He is around the same age as us." One of the younger men spoke out, stepping out from the main group. He had been chatting with Jon, the two seeming good friends from what Jason could tell. He also seemed out of place among the northerners in appearance yet seemed to fit in well with the group.

"Then, by all means, Theon, you get to fight him first if you feel so confident," Rodrik answered back, drawing a short look of surprise and nervousness from Theon.

He had heard about Theon, a political ward of Eddard's. From what he knew from around the keep, Theon's father was the ruler of the Iron Isles who tried to rebel against the new King Robert. Yet for a 'prisoner' he seemed happy and free enough with even quite the prideful ego.

Jason smirked as the young man quickly hid his reaction, giving a huff as he'd move to the nearby weapon rack to get a training blade. "Fine…no complaints here." He muttered as he'd flex his sword arm and get a feel of the weapon's grip while the Surgebinder moved to check over the other blades.

He'd check over each of the practice swords to find the right one to fight with. By the time he picked his weapon, Theon was grumbling as he was kept waiting. "About time…"

Turning the face him, Jason gave a few test swings and spun the blade in his grasp in a small show of dexterity to his opponent before pacing forward into the sparring circle. "Knowing your weapon is key to every fight. Gives me an edge which you lack." He calmly informed his impatient foe, giving him the same lesson he received from Dalinar.

"Smug bastard," Theon muttered as he paced around the sparring ring. Both of them faced each other, a dozen paces away while the rest of the men surrounded the ring. Rodrik looked between the two before nodding to start the fight. Jason shifted his stance as his sword arm was out to his side and blade low, seeming open toward his enemy. Theon narrowed his gaze, unsure what Jason was doing yet made the first move as he'd give a yell and rush in, sword raised to strike down at the Surgebinder.

Yet if anything this left the young man exposed as Jason quickly rose his blade up to parry the attack aside before shoving the Theon forward with his left shoulder, making him stagger back. He'd flow with his movements, stepping in as blunt blade hit at Theon's gut to draw a pained grunt from the man before Jason shifted to the side. "Dead." Jason simply stated, drawing a growl from the prideful man. He imitated Dalinar when he was training him.

This time Theon kept his distance as he'd slash out more quickly, mixing in high and low attacks. Jason simply focused on blocking and dodging, frustrating his enemy more. "Grah! Stand still!" The next high strike he'd raise his sword to lock blades with Theon who struggling to overcome Jason's strength. Quickly Jason twisted their blades about, forcing Theon's sword down into the soft dirt before punching him right in the gut at the same spot he had struck earlier. The blow knocked the wind out of the man, leaving him stunned as Jason stepped in with his right foot, tripping him roughly onto his back. By the time Theon struggled to get up, he had a sword tip at his throat. "Dead Again," Jason remarked again with a small smirk. The gathered crowd chuckle while the young man growled in anger.

He'd bat Jason's sword aside and hurry up onto his feet, the Surgebinder giving him a chance to do so. "Still trying? Keep this up and you'll have more than a bruised pride." Jason warned.

"Not one to give up," Theon muttered with a tense grin across his face. "You fight defensively…not willing to risk open attack." He'd shift to have his sword up in a guard, a quite good one from what Jason had seen before. Jason moves in to give a testing strike, Theon blocked and giving a quick slash to keep the Surgebinder back. It seemed Theon was taking this fight more seriously, not being at reckless as before. The Surgebinder decided to take his time, practice more duelling moves instead of the more complex attacks he often used against monsters of his world.

For a moment Jason debated on how to counter-attack, thinking to outmanoeuvre him for a side or back attack. However, he decided it was time to use a more unique attack to test Theon and be a show of his skill. Putting some distance between him and Theon, he'd drift his blade low before stepping forward, raising the practice sword up and about before twisting about. The young man gave a surprised yelp as Jason began to spin and slash about, blade whirling rapidly while a panicked Theon back stepped. Theon struggled to fend off the quick attacks as his sword clang against Jason's spinning blade, causing the weapon being knocked out of the young man's grip. Disarmed, Theon tensed as the blunt sword spun down towards his neck, just stopping inches away. The young noble was panting from the exertion and hint of fear, sweat on his brow as he looked right at Jason's calm face.

The crowd of men stared, shocked looks showing among the younger recruits while the older members muttered about, obviously impressed. In the end, Jason put his sword away before offering a hand to Theon, who still winded after that whirling attack. "Handled yourself pretty well," Jason remarked he'd pull Theon up, who'd quickly dust himself off from the fall before picking up his sword.

"Thanks, I guess…still never seen an attack like that." The young man muttered as he rubbed at his bruised stomach and moved out of the sparring ring. He'd move up to Jon and quickly the two began to chat with the Stark seeming to be asking many questions.

"Once saw a Dornish blades men fight spin about like that…just with spear or saber." One older soldier commented.

"Aye but the outsider has more power behind those blows. A solid block would have a Dorn tumbling off his feet! Has more of that Northern or Stormlander ferocity to it." Another soldier remarked as the men were debating about the fight.

"By the Seven you're acting like gossiping maids!" Rodrik grumbled, making the others quiet down. "From what I heard you trained at some hidden keep right? How did they train you in fighting?" The master-at-arms questioned.

"Trained in learning multiple fighting styles from different countries and cultures. Different moves and stances are used to give us a flexible yet unpredictable. Considering it was made to fight unconventional enemies…well…you get the idea." The Surgebinder explained. "Had my whole life to practice and add my personal touch to it."

"Still plan to spar a bit more?" Rodrik questioned. "I'm sure one of the veterans will test yah."

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