
Supreme Overlord System (Re-Write)

Ren Yagami a 27 year old [otaku], died due to a newly discovered deadly virus outbreak. one of God's Pillars will ask him to do a task which will lead him to the top of the World. *Also the cover is not mine if the original owner wants me to remove it please let me know.* •Wish Fulfillment• •Most likely I will mess up the original story a bit here and there, so please understand if it doesn't make sense or isn't like in 'canon'.• =================^================= [warning!] [This novel is a translation from Indonesian to English (Well.. I edited it and included my ideas in this book, because otherwise the results would be messy.) This novel has content (18+) and I also wrote this FanFic according to my own wishes, so the name, place, etc. what's here is my own bullshit please don't take it seriously.] =================^================= because this is going to be a Mega Harem where the MC wants every (Waifu) he dreams of, so I hope you guys don't take it seriously when there's so much bul*sh*t here. ==================^================= [I don't have any characters other than OC, so forgive me if I don't perfectly imitate every character trait in this FF] ==================^================= • I like to write Fanfic with OP MC, I write to my heart's content, I don't want to bother if I can make it easy (Even though it doesn't make sense). So if you like the OP character and are just looking for the 'Lemon', then read this Fanfic. Don't expect too much about anything, because I write it to my heart's content, so turn off your brain when reading my Fanfic and use your 'D'.• - LewdSenPai ==================^==================

LewdSenPai · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
89 Chs

[Sayonara H.O.T.D - Konnichiwa Konoha]

(A/N: Yo! I want to apologize for uploading the chapter late and a bit short, because I was grieving, which my grandmother passed away at 04:00 AM.

I have no intention of dropping this FanFic so you can rest easy).


Ren did not take long to find his wives. Seeing them getting along so well together made Ren smile.

Having a harmonious and happy family, like what Ren wants.

There was only one thing missing, a 'Child'.

Even though Shuko is pregnant with his child, the child in Shuko's womb is not yet born.

Meanwhile, what Ren meant was when he saw his wives and children getting along together.

That's what Ren meant by something lacking.

Well, that's for later. for now Ren will enjoy this.

Aoi had originally told Ren that, because he had the God Bloodline, it would be very difficult for Ren to have children.

But despite all that, Aoi also said, Aoi can make Ren have children if he and his wives want it.

That's why Ren didn't really press it even though he had a slight desire to have children.

Ren will only wait for his wives to ask him directly.

"All right, come closer." Ren said.

Hearing their husband's voice, Those who were joking and chatting stopped and approached Ren.

"Don't you all have forgotten business?" Ren asked.

"I don't think Ren, we all have no business left here." Rika said.

"That's right dear, I also don't forget anything, and neither do the others." Yuriko chimed in.

Hearing this Ren smiled and nodded his head before saying.

"Okay, you guys can get closer to me."

'Aoi, I'm ready. we're going to Naruto's world.' Ren said to Aoi.

[Okay Ren.]

[Then specify your background and the timeline you want to go to.]

Hearing this Ren thought about it carefully and grinned as he said.

'I want to be an Uchiha and Madara's best friend. while for the timeline...two months before the battle between Hashirama and Madara.'

'Ah that's right, don't forget to buy me the Uchiha Bloodline.' Ren added.

[Understood Ren~.]

[Purchase of Uchiha Bloodline----Successful.

Installation of Uchiha Bloodline ---- Success.

Specifying Background ---- Success.]

[World Teleportation will start soon in --- ]

[--- 3.]

[--- 2.]

[--- 1.]

After the countdown, Space around them warped and they suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye.




Ren then opened his eyes and looked around him.

Ren and his wives arrived at a village with Shinobi walking around.

His wives stared at this new world in astonishment.

They did not expect that they would actually transmigrate to another world.

"I have prepared a place for all of us, you can go there and wait for me at home." Ren said while pointing in a certain direction.

Those who heard this raised their eyebrows curiously, but in the end they nodded their heads and went where Ren pointed.

After seeing his wives off and out of sight, Ren smirked.

Ren then wanted to take a step forward, but before Ren could take a step, Ren heard a sound and someone suddenly appeared beside him.

"Ren, Hashirama called us both to the Hogake room."

Ren turned around and saw the man in Red Crimson Armor and his porcupine hair covering one of his eye.

Of course Ren immediately recognized this man in front of him.

Uchiha Madara.

Ren's first impression of the anime version and the original version of Madara was he is 'Cool'.

It's so cool that Ren even has the desire to punch this antagonist character's face until he's black and blue.

"Oh, Madara-chan, let's go." Ren said casually.

Meanwhile, Madara had his veins popping out on his forehead and shouted.

"I told you to stop calling me like that!"

"Madara-chan is Madara-chan, what's wrong with that." Ren said and turned around leaving Madara there.

"Stop! you bastard! I'm not done talking to you!" Madara shouted again.

While Ren just whistled and crossed his hands behind his head while walking.

"Haahh..." in the Madara just sighed.




Moments later Ren and Madara arrived at the Hokage's room.

"Yo! my best friend and also Ren."

"Okay don't talk too much, what's wrong with you calling the two of us Hashirama." Madara said.

While Ren's first impression of the anime version of Hashirama and the original version was the opposite of his first impression of Madara.

While Hashirama who heard Madara's words his face became gloomy and muttered something sadly.

'This guy really is the same as the one in the anime.' Ren thought.

Ren was trying hard not to laugh when he saw Hashirama's gloomy face.

But a few moments later with Madara's shout, Hashirama returned to normal.

"Sorry, sorry, I wanted to let you two know... it looks like we're going to have a run-in with Iwa."

"Because of that, can I ask the two of you to go to the borders of the Fire Nation?" Hashirama finished explaining.

"I told you, you are too soft Hashirama. If they want war, we should accept it and destroy them." Madara said.

"We can't do that Madara, if we start a war with Iwagakure, what about the other villages?"

Ren, Hashirama and Madara heard another voice and saw someone entering the room.

Ren who saw the man immediately recognized him and smiled.

Tobirama Senju, Hashirama Senju's younger brother.

Ren's first impression upon seeing him was that he immediately knew he was a serious person.

"With me and Hashirama, destroying a village and defending the village is easy." Madara snorted.

"You are too impulsive Madara, we haven't prepared for the next war yet. After the war that happened with Kirigakure, we have to wait another year to prepare for the next war." Tobirama said.

"Tobirama is right, the most important thing right now is protecting the village. After the war with Kirigakure, we still have to strengthen the village's defenses first." Hashirama said.

As they talk, Ren looks at his background and the history Aoi created about him.

First, Ren here is a friend of Madara and Hashirama since childhood.

Secondly, Ren is also known as {Kuro Kenjin} (Black Sword God) in the Shinobi world.

The nickname was earned because of his terrible sword art after killing three thousand Shinobi in one swing when Konoha fought Kirigakure.

After the two-sided war that killed Izuna, Madara's attitude changed, but he was still good friends with Ren.

Ren was also known by every member of the Uchiha and the village as the owner of the largest Harem here because he had ten wives.

In addition, in the Uchiha clan, Ren is the only good friend with Tobirama, considering his character who doesn't really like Uchiha.

Ren also has a bounty on his head worth one hundred million Ryo.

As for the power of his eyes, Ren is known to have {Three Tomoe} and has not awakened his {Mangekyo}.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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