
Celebration of Sovereignty

The death of the Drakna, Glorack, and Petra people set Daniel's heart at ease. 

He didn't possess the powers of a Lord anymore, but he could be considered the sole ruler of the hidden region, at last. It felt great.

"Rebuilding the Summoning Gate will take a while. It might not be done before the Primedival Pyramid will collapse with the treasures inside it," The Lamia Queen pointed out reluctantly after she saw that everyone was overjoyed, and eager to celebrate emerging victorious against the other Lords whom they had fought for years.

"I will instruct the citizens to return. They can repair the Summoning Gate, and I'll reactivate it with the Lord Seal once it's done. But just as you said, it might take a while. That means I should spend most of my time inside the Primedival Pyramid. After all, the Pyramid is for us to loot now that the other threats have been eliminated," Danny responded with a wide grin.