
Supreme Hacker has it easy in another world(Hiatus)

Alex, an ordinary child got into the world hackers due to a certain incident in his childhood, he pursuit knowledge but what he got was beyond the understanding of humankind. Alex, was an ordinary 8year old boy due to a certain event he got interested in hacking and got into the world of programming, to support himself financially he relied on his skills to make millions. however he met his demise, before he could fully enjoy his hard earned money and the programme he worked hard for his entire life. watch Alex and his journey together. This is a new novel, also my it's my first time writing a novel, so advices are appreciated, also support the novel to motivate me for writing.

Comic_addict_98 · Thành thị
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chapter -3 The current Me

In a dimly lit room a boy looked up and down "wait! Where am i? I was just at the hospital, and now am here? Wait what I can move my body?" The boy was suprised to find out he was able to move his body. He was none other than Alex.

"What is happening where is this what happened? How am I here?" Alex started panicking in panic he trued to get up but fell flat on face due to the panick.

"Aah! That hurts" his mind was truly unstable unable to handle what has happened, he thought he was going to die in hospital but woke up in a bed and was able to move his body.

"Is this my life flashing before I die? Maybe am dead?" He started making weird assumptions. He sat down and stopped for about an hour to someone else it would look like he was peacefully thinking something. But in reality his mind was in havoc he didn't knew what happened, what is happening and what will happen.

Soon a sharp pain made him scream in agony, he fell on the bed collapsing. After waking up Alex tried to reorganize his thoughts again he looked calm on surface but in his mind he was practically screaming.

"I actually transmigrated? What is this a fu**** anime bullsh*** wtf man how am I, just wth is this, is my life a joke? I FU**** DIED AND NOW HERE I AM AGAIN TO SUFFER MOTHERFU****" Alex kept ranting but after ranting for more than 3-4hours he calmed down and started to accept the reality.

From the memories he recieved he realized he was in a parallel world, everything here was same as his previous life apart from some things.

The current Alex history was like this.... He was born in the year 2006 he was pretty normal child he had a close cousin who was a year older than him, he had a female childhoodbestfriend and he was extremely close to his grandma.

However life wasnt peaceful on his 11th birthday which was on August 14th, 2015 his grandma died, he considered himself as an unlucky person and blammed his birthday for the death of his grandma, well what can you expect from a 11 year old child who saw first death in his life.

That was not enough though as if god hated him or something a month after his grandma's death, his cousin who was 12years old died due to heart attack. He went into extreme depression stopped talking to anyone however his bestfriend was still there to support him.

However one day his noticed that she started to distance herself from him, he tried asking but no avail, however 3months later he went to her home and asked her mother what happened, her mother revealed a shocking news, that her bestfriend's cousin who was 14years old committed sucide due to her life being destroyed, she was r@**d, this news shocked him and he realized why her bestfriend distanced herself from him.

He was ignorant he only cared about his own happiness she always tried to help him understand him try her best to help him but he on the other hand never saw her sadness. And exactly after 11months on 12th November 2016 his bestfriend took her own life by jumping off the building, leaving behind a note for him.

He broke down to tears after her death it felt as if the world around him ended he had nothing to lose anymore he was tired and extremely depressed he shut himself indoors, and never went out again he became sickly, weak, introverted, and lost the will to leave.

However a particular anime called "Naruto" picked his interest he watched it and was intenly addicted to anime he started watching tons of anime he watched a little over 200 Animes. It had been four years since he shut himself up indoors.

After 4years in the year 2020 a global pandemic occured which resulted in country lockdown. He decided that he needs to change he worked himself hard started many things like exercise and others to change himself, however nothing worked as he was extremely sickly for his age of boys.

His height was a little over 4'11'' and weighed around 38kg, he looked like a walking skeleton, however he didn't give up and worked hard only to become aveage of his age by the year 2022. He was ready to start his new life from this year leaving every sad things behind.

August 12th 2022 The day he changed school he was going to be a student of 11th grade this year, he completely changed his previous self to start a new, he made some good friends here, one was an anime nerd like him, one wears glasses just like him, one was good at painting, one was fond of gold and gold chains, one really rich, one with dark humours, and one who doesn't come at school regularly, oh also one his friend was really tall like 6'4 or 5.

Out of all these he made a friend who looked exactly like her deceased bestfriend, he made her his friend only because he saw the image of his previous bestfriend in her, however soon time passed and he realized that she actually doesn't represent his deceased bestfriend it's just that he started to see her as his bestfriend.

For him it was hard to accept a new bestfriend, but after many failed attempts he successfully accepted her as his new bestfriend. Soon he passed 12th grade but problems never seized to leave him, he noticed his bestfriend slowly getting away, not just his bestfriend but his friends too. He tried his best to keep in touch but they just started fading away one by one. First his grandma, then his cousin, then his bestfriend, then friends, the current bestfriends, parents, siblings, every one of them fading away slowly.

He was left in depression, he seek sucide helpline, appointred therapists, and tried many things but he couldn't bear the burden of his life he was just 18 years old and already experienced many things that some even in their 30s don't experience.

Getting extremely depressed he decided that since no one needs him anymore there is no point in living. And so he took his own life by cutting his wrist.

Only after receiving the memories did Alex realized his wrists were wounded and he was sitting on top a bedsheet that was soaked in his own blood. "This guy.... he suffered a lot..... worry not my friend I took over your body but not your spirit I will make sure to make your deceased friends and family proud."

Alex vowed to help this poor souls spirit. He got up and packed everything. Yes, he was leaving this town, state, city, and country altogether to start a new life with a new name, he thought it's best to dissapear without telling anyone as he didn't want to face his friends and family because of his current emotions.

Soon he packed everything ready to leave, as he stepped a foot out the door he heard a weird noise in his mind


The voice echoed in his mind followed by the words...

I don't know what describes misery the best so I wrote my own past as Alex's past.

Comic_addict_98creators' thoughts