
Chapter 1: My Beginning

First Person's Point of View (1st POV)

[August 2018]

This is the beginning of the first semester of my 4th year at the Korea National University of Art. It has been three years that I have chosen to study theater which is a school of drama. It wasn't easy for me in these few years in order to pass each semester. I nearly broke down each time.

During that time, I learned about acting and dancing and also practicing some vocals. My vocal cannot consider impressive no matter what, just your average singer. I can only sing a high pitch for 2 seconds.

See? I'm not a talented one.

Then, I used my time as an extra in the big film and drama to study the tricks of those that got the main role and supporting role. At least, I learned quite a lot from observing them. Oh! Right. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kang Hyejin. I'm *cough*...2...*cough*...20 years old nearly 21. I was born on September 11th, 1997. So that means in several days it will be my birthday.

Today I come to the university to send the absence permission during the regular study course because I just got an acceptance notice from one of the dance clubs. I applied for the backup dancer for the k-pop star. You may ask why don't I become a trainee to the entertainment. The reason is my ambition isn't that high.

For me, I just want to perform along with the star. I don't want to be an idol itself. Too troublesome to be an idol. Although I can say that having a fan appreciate your art and song is really great, but the pressure they give is also heavy. I'm not strong enough to bear those burdens.

As for being an actress, well I also say that my ambition also isn't high. If my ability can perform as the main role, then I will accept it. If not. then I will also accept. Because it means that my ability isn't capable to act as the main role.

Since now that I'm in my dancing period, I will suspend my acting for the time being. After sending the notice to the school, I will visit the dance studio in the afternoon to learn about the work. Then tomorrow will be my first day of work.

I spend one hour from Seongbuk-gu to Cheongdam-dong district. This is where the studio located, and where I will be spending my time onward. I walk toward one of the grey building. I knock three times and open when I hear the voice from inside to invite me in.

There sitting a woman in office clothing, greeting me with a smile on her face.

"Ah! It's you, a newcomer!"

She then proceeds to stand up and come to greet me. While shaking her hand, I also return her greeting.

"Good afternoon! Hae-Won-nim! My name is Kang Hyejin. I will be in your care from now on."

"Stop with the honorific. Just call me unnie. We will see each other often."

"Ah! Yes! Hae-Won unnie."

"Come, I will introduce you to everyone."

Hae-Won unnie leads me toward the hallway, we walk past two or three rooms before we stop in front of the grey door. She opens the door and pulls me inside the room. Inside the room, there is a few operating pieces of equipment and some refreshment at the corner of the room. There are two walls full of the mirror and the bright lighting at the ceiling. The room seems big to me, I think it is around 25 m x 20 m.

There is a wall that hangs the logo of the studio, 'Crown'. Actually, this studio belongs to the entertainment company with the same name, 'Crown Entertainment'. The backup dancer group that I applied for also belongs to them too. There is a few k-pop idol groups and solo artist belong to the company. There was once a male idols group, but they disbanded after one year debuted.

Then, one of the idols in that group went solo, brought back a rather big achievement for the company after 9 months debuted. He got a Best New Male Artist, Best Dance Performance, Global Top 10 Fan's Choice rank 3rd in MAMA 2017. Moreover, He also got Rookie of the Year, Popularity Award from the Golden Disc Awards 2017. This achievement has saved Crown Entertainment to the new high. Let talk about it another time.

In the middle of the room, a group of men and women practice the choreography of some songs. I think it should be a recent new hit by Aaron, called 'Kiss Me Tonight'. Let me tell you! That solo artist of the Crown Ent. is Aaron.


That means that I will be performing Aaron's song. OMG! I hurry close my mouth and tried myself down. But, Ahhhhh! I cannot. This is Aaron's song. OMG! I wanna faint. As I busy myself with the overwhelmed emotion in me, I don't notice that Hae-Won unnie has done talking with a man from the dance group.

She pulls me to meet the man that seems to be a leader of this group of dancers. Only when I heard she said my name, I wake up from my fantasy.

"Hyejin, this is Han Dong-Yul. He is the leader of Black Dancer. Now his group is officially assigned exclusively to our Aaron-nim. When your application was approved, the group hasn't transferred to Aaron-nim. Now that the situation is like this, Dong-Yul-sunbae wants to give a chance because he saw the video of your dance to one of Aaron's songs. Good Luck! Dong-Yul-sunbae will take you from here."

After she said what she needed to, she turns around and left the room. Then the room suddenly turns silent. It is a little awkward, but this is my chance. Aaron is my idol, so why not.

"Hello, Dong-Yul-sunbae! My name is Kang Hyejin."

Dong-Yul-sunbae nods his head at my greeting and signals the rest of his group to rest and he turns to me again.

"Why don't you dance to a random song? We will test you on that."

I'm a little surprised at the request, but I nod as an answer that I can dance to the random song. I put away my thing to the wall nearby, and standby in the middle of the room waiting for the music to play.

The music starts playing, I'm a little nervous right now because I'm not sure there will be a song that I don't know about.

The first song echoing through the room. I realize that it is the chorus of the song 'Black Suit' by Super Junior. I move my hands, legs, and body according to my memory.

'A black suit to steal your heart, Your rogue shined toward me

A breathtaking feeling, move it up You make me fall for you with just a hand gesture

Feels like my heart will explode, Mood A black suit to steal this night'

(A/N: I wrote the lyric according to the translation, I don't know it translates right or wrong because I don't know Korean. XD I'm so sorry about that.)

There is a sound of applause around me after I finished dancing to the chorus of Black Suit. Then another is turned one. This time is the 2nd chorus of 'Fake Love' by BTS.

'Love you so bad Love you so bad, Mod a pretty lie for you

Love it's so mad Love it's so mad, Try to erase myself and make me your doll X2

I'm so sick of this fake love fake love fake love

I'm so sorry but it's fake love fake love fake love'

There is also a round of applause after the second song ends. After that, the third random song begins. Wahhh! This is one of my favorites. 'Monster' by EXO.

'Shawty you got it You can call me monster, I'm creeping in your heart babe

I'll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up

I'll steal you and indulge in you I'm gonna mess you up

I'm engraved in your heart So even if I die I'll live forever

Come here girl You can call me monster I'll go into your heart'

They seem to test whether I can dance the boy song or not to determine my position in the group. Then the fourth song turns to play. Ahhhh! This is also the song of my favorite group too. 'Oh My!' by Seventeen.

'Oh my! what should I do about you? As I look at you, I think of you even more

You're the biggest question mark in my life Oh My! Oh My! What should I do?

Oh my! what should I do about you? Oh My! what should I do because of you?

Everyday X4 Oh My! What should I do because I like you?

How about you? Is it hard to go to sleep because of me?

What should I do if you continually make me flutter? Oh my! Oh my!'

Just after the fourth song ends, the fifth song is played.

'Never Ever Ever gonna let you go I won't leave you again, don't worry Baby you're mine, mine, mine

Never Ever Ever gonna make you cry I won't make you cry again, don't worry Baby you're mine Baby you're mine'

The moment I dance the finish of the fifth song, I hear Dong-Yul-sunbae shouts to the operator that this will be the last song. Whew! Although dancing just a few songs isn't tried but my brain is quite tired because I reckon my brain to search the dancing pattern. The moment the sixth song plays, I'm quite thrilled because this song is so good.

'Stop Baby don't stop don't stop baby don't stop

Only I know, that special sign Only us baby don't stop

Gonnna gonna gonna gonna get that I will not miss you gonna get that

Gonnna gonna gonna gonna get that I will never stop gonna get that'

After the last song ended, the big sound of applause echoing throughout the room. Due to the loud noise inside the room, my attention only pays to everyone in the room. So I fail to notice the sharp gaze of someone outside the window of the door. Dong-Yul-sunbae is walking toward me while still clapping his hand.

"Good, Hyejin! Welcome to the team. We start at 10 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening. As you have heard that our team will be exclusively for Aaron-nim. So in two days, Aaron-nim will be practicing with us. Aside from 'Kiss me Tonight', we will be starting to practice another song that will be released in October. We also need to be prepared for the MAMA performance in November, too. So all in all, we have quite a workload. You can start tomorrow so today go to rest. HAHAHAHA!"

Then I say goodbye to everyone and left the studio, I take the bus to the Seocho-il-dong. I rent a one-room apartment here, it was rather expensive but with the initial salary from the dance studio, it can cover it up because I cannot find anywhere that is cheaper than this one. Let's rest for the night.

This is just a teaser chapter. Chapter 2 probably won't be updated soon because I have another project to finish. My other novel "Paying Life Debts (BL)" is still ongoing. So I might not pick this up to write soon. Anyway, thank you for the collection!

JCKANHAcreators' thoughts