
Superhero's for hire 01

So I died and was transmigrated to some kid's body, the everyday isekai bullshit.

now I'm just laying in my new bed with my new body thinking about my new life.

and that's when it hit me his memories, and having 15 years of jumbled memories does not feel good.

and I passed out

when I woke up again I try to recollect myself

so my new name is stan 010408 they don't have last names here

from his memories, I found that he doesn't have family {aka orphan} or friends and is not very social either

this world is a bit stranger than my last we have superheroes here.

wait that's not right.

Not superheroes we have agent heroes

they are heroes for hire

Kings, Gods, and World will.

Any personnel from other dimensions/planes of existence can and will hire people from this world to solve their problems.

and my previous hosts just awakened his and died.

Zero Friction

the ability to cancel friction on his body so he fell and hit his head and now I'm a here

pretty overpowered ability sadly he has no control over it and in this world, its a rank c power, and here people have ridiculous power levels

oh, and did I tell you people here use other worlds as a streaming activity...

So basically a Super goes to a world to save it from "Demon King" and steams the whole process and it's pretty entertaining.

so my late body's dream was to become a Super Explorer traveling to different worlds and experiencing different cultures.

Turning on my assistant droid [ ghost from Destiny ] luckily this was on the weekend

and still got a free day to get my thoughts together

first I'm going to get used to my new body

Second, find out what my old body plans for this life

third, get control of my powers

and last try not to die.

"Hey Alpha what were the plans for me this week"

-Registration for the ability

-Apply for SHA (SuperHero Associate)

-And see if there's is a ticket for a lower world

"thank you Alpha"

god, this is so fucking cool. I wonder what the ticket is for can't quite remember.

"Hey Alpha whats the ticket for anyway"

-Sir wanted to get experience in a world with just mana

oh yeah, this world has all the energies from every dimension so feeling just mana is very difficult. luckily you can take a trip to the lower worlds and get a feel for the pacific energies that you are looking for.

the old me was planning to unlock mana and senjutsu I might have to change up the plans a little bit.

"whats my stats looking like today Alpha"

{Stan 010408

Might - .6

Vitality - 1

Dexterity - 1.4

Ability - Zero Friction [To be able to cancel friction on an object]

Ability - Transfer [ unidentified ] }

"wait Alpha when did I double awaken?"

- Right when you fell and hit your head sir

"Are there any other abnormalities"

-No sir, Mental statistics still pending

Is this my ability? I wonder since I took over did I awaken an ability as well.

that's probably what happened or the old stan did a double awakening just to save him.

let's see what this new world has to offer.