
Superhero System in National City - (Supergirl) (Hiatus)

Ethan Stringer is a 23 year old handsome 6’3” man who works as an investigative journalist. He started watching the Supergirl tv series and soon fell in love with the kryptonian known as Kara. To him, she is everything that a woman should be. She’s strong, smart, passionate, kind, and always sticks to her ideals. Ethan has always had a strong sense of justice, that is one of the reasons he became an investigative journalist. One day, when Ethan was following a wealthy and powerful man who he suspects has been knowingly using faulty materials on his construction sites. Ethan followed this man to an old abandoned factory when his phone went off. He had forgotten to silence it. Ethan ran to find some place to hide, but most of the area he was in was big empty factories that had long been shut down and locked up, so he just kept running. But suddenly, he heard a loud bang then felt an impact on his lower back and a burning pain in the area of the impact. He kept running. His vision was blurry and was slowly darkening when he heard another bang and the same impact and burning sensation on his leg. He fell. Hard. He rolled for a couple feet before finally coming to a stop. All Ethan could see was the clear blue sky that was slowly darkening. Then a large black silhouette appeared over him with his vision still darkening he couldn’t see much. All he could see was a gun. A silver Desert Eagle. Then he saw nothing. Only darkness. He felt nothing. The pain that had been coursing through his body had completely disappeared. [Tutorial complete] A blue screen appeared with this message.

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Package Opening

When I woke up the next morning, my mom was by my side holding my hand. Her eyes were red and puffy and it was pretty obvious that she had been crying.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I don't know. When I came out of my workshop (the garage), I saw you lying on the floor with the vacuum, still on next to you. The MRI and PET scans came back normal. The PET showed activity as if you were awake. Do you remember anything?" She said.

I want to tell her everything, but after giving it some thought, I should probably wait until we get home so no one else knows. After all, every superhero needs a secret identity.

"I think I know what happened, but I want to tell you when we get home. Just know that I'm okay and there's nothing wrong with my body or brain." I tell her with a gentle smile on my face.

"If you're lying to me, I'll put you back in here myself. You scared me, Ethan. I don't know what I would do with myself if I lost you." Mom said while she looked like she was about to cry again.

She then had my doctor called and asked that I be released. The man kept saying that I need to stay for observation and kept insisting on it, but when she threatened to sue for infringing on my right to refuse care he relented. I think she scared him because I was discharged within the hour.

When we entered our house she immediately sat me down on the couch and wouldn't let me move until I explained everything to her.

"Don't ask any questions until I'm finished okay. I barely understand what's going on, but I'll tell you what I know." I explain with my most serious face. Mom nods and I begin telling her about the other life that was also my own. After reaching the end of my autobiography, I begin to explain that this world is a fantasy in my past life. Then I start telling her about the blue message that appeared when I died and the system that just appeared and that the reason I fell unconscious is because my brain was trying to process the lifetime of memories that were suddenly available. After I was all done explaining everything that's been happening to me, I couldn't keep eye contact. My chest felt like it was being pushed in. I was terrified about what she would think. As my eyes started filling up with tears, she pulled me into her embrace and it took me by surprise.

I was stunned until she said, "I wasn't the only one terrified, huh?"

After she said that I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. In fact, the more I tried to hold them back, the more that rushed out. She pulled me in tighter, rubbed the back of my head, and kept telling me it is okay and that everything will be okay.

After an embarrassing long time, I was finally able to pull myself together.

"So you believe me?" I asked clearly surprised and confused.

"There are aliens on earth, Ethan. I don't think what you're going through impossible. Plus, you've never lied to me about anything serious before. In fact, the only times you've ever lied to me was when you were trying to make me feel better." Mom said with a wide smile. "I'm just happy you felt you could tell me and if you want be a superhero, what right do I have to tell you how to live. As long as you stay safe, I don't care what you do." She said before kissing me on my forehead. "You said you have two packages, right? Lay down on the couch and open them. I think it's likely that you'll go through intense pain if it starts changing your body."

I'm honestly surprised and a little taken aback that she is so accepting of this and I guess it showed on my face because she laughed at the face I was making. I could feel my face get red from embarrassment and quickly lay down.

'System, open my packages.'

[Which Package would you like to open first?

-Beginner Package

-SSS Package]

'Beginner Package. I'll save the best for last.'

[Opening Beginner Package]


-1000 Shop points

-Access to Shop and Inventory

-Customizable(one time) Suit]

'Open SSS Package'

[Opening SSS Package]



-Half-Cold Half-Hot

-Light Control]

[Would host like to assimilate skills?]

[Accept] [Deny]

"Mom, I'm starting now. When it's done I should have telekinesis, the ability to make ice on one half of my body and fire on the other side, and the ability to control light. Accept." I say before she can stop me. Then the headache hits. It's not as bad as the one that came from my memories, but that might be worse because I don't pass out.

Memories on how to use my abilities flow into my head. Then the pain worsens and I will myself to stay awake. I don't want to make mom worry again. So I push through.

'If I can't handle a little pain, then how am I going to become a superhero. The best superhero. The strongest. I want to have the ability to protect everything I hold dear. I won't let anyone take them away.'

Then the pain immediately vanished.

[Assimilation complete]

[Host can access the skill menu by saying or thinking 'skills'. It will give a detailed description on the abilities as well as their level]

I swipe everything away and slowly sit up. At this point my mom has come over and she helps me sit up. My exhaustion evident.

"Skills." I say.

[Skill List

-Telekinesis (level 1(0%)) - The ability to move objects with your mind. Current level allows user to lift 10 lbs maximum.

-Half-Cold Half-Hot (level 1(0%))- The ability to produce ice with the right side of your body and fire with the left side of your body. Current level allows user to change the temperature between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

-Light Control (level 1(0%)) - The ability to move light with your mind. Current level allows user to make it slightly brighter or darker.

-Blessing of ??? - ???]

I swipe it away. Then say, "Mom, I'll tell you in detail about my new abilities later, but I need to sleep right now. I feel like I'm going to pass out again at any moment." Then start making my way to my room.

"Alright sweetie." I hear mom say from behind me.

I make it to my room, with some intense effort. Fall onto my bed and immediately fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and realize it's Monday. The most dreaded day for most students, but I actually like school. I get to hang out with my friends and learn. Today's probably going to be really boring though. After all, with my past memories I've already learned all of this before.

I have two close friends that I've known since kindergarten. Matthew Sharp or Matt and Ellie Tang or Ell. In kindergarten we all sat together because of alphabetical seating and we all just clicked. Matt and Ell are really smart. I mean genius level smart. I consider myself pretty smart, but I can't hold a candle to these two. They've never been condescending or arrogant about it before either. Every time they come over to my house I'm not sure if it's because they're friends with me or they want to learn new stuff from my mom.

Matt is a huge flirt and loves to tease girls, but he's kind and fun to be around.

Ell is a quiet girl who looks like she couldn't hurt a fly, but she's a black belt in Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Karate so I try not to make her angry. I did once and she put me in an arm lock until I apologized. It took a week for the pain to stop.

Anyway, I get ready for school, then head downstairs to cook breakfast and make mom's lunch like I usually do. I ask her to come to the kitchen and sit while I cook and explain my abilities to her.

"Can you show me?" She says with excitement shooting from her eyes like lasers (lol).

I nod and then use my telekinesis to flip the pancake That's being cooked.

"So you were really telling the truth! I thought you were, but it was just so unbelievable that I had my doubts." Mom said.

"I understand. I can barely believe it myself and I'm the one it's happening to." I say.

As I finish cooking, mom sets the plates on the table and I serve the food. We eat together just like we do every morning, and when we're done, I start grabbing the dishes to rinse and put into the dishwasher. Then I came up with an idea. I look at the telekinesis skill again.

[-Telekinesis (level 1(0.1%))]

Just flipping that pancake gave me .1%, so how much would it give me if I cleaned the dishes with it. I'm sure if I level up I could increase the weight threshold and eventually, I could lift myself up and fly. That sounds really exciting. Okay. Let's make that my goal. I start by turning the water on in the sink. Then I bring the dishes and silverware to the sink one by one, just using my telekinesis. Soon enough I get comfortable enough to start moving things two at a time. It was hard, but I was able to do it.


A loud noise went off in my head. It sounded like a triangle being hit really hard next to my ear. Inhumanly hard. I lose my concentration and a plate falls along with a fork. The plate shatters on the ground and my mom come running into the kitchen, obviously scared. She probably thought I fainted again. When she saw I was okay she sighed in relief then saw the plate on the ground.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I was trying to level up my telekinesis skill. Just flipping the pancake earlier raised its percentage by .1%. Then as I was getting the last of the dishes. A loud ding went off in my head and I lost my concentration and dropped the things I was moving." I explain.

"As long as you're not hurt. Also, it's likely that ding was you skill leveling up. Check your skills while I clean this up." Mom said as she went to grab the dustpan.

"Skills." I say

[-Telekinesis (level 2(0%)) - The ability to move objects with your mind. Current level allows user to lift two objects at at time and 20 lbs maximum each or one object of 40 lbs maximum.]

"Mom! You were right! It was my skill leveling up. I can move two 20 lbs objects at a time or one 40 lbs object! If it keeps going like this, at level 100 won't I be able to lift 100 objects that weigh 1000 lbs each or 50 tons!" I nearly scream in my excitement. Which gets a chuckle out of mom as she's throwing away the plate I broke.

"First you should see if you can lower the volume of you level ups or maybe your notifications in general. If you're lifting a person and suddenly you lose concentration someone could die. Don't take being a superhero lightly, Ethan."

'System, can I lower all notification volume?'

[Yes you can! It's on its default setting at 100%. Where would you like me to set it for you?]

'20% please. That should make it sound like a normal triangle being struck. It won't surprise me at that volume, especially because I know that means my skill leveled up.'

"Okay, mom, I lowered it. I have to head off to school now. Would you please handle the rest of the dishes. I'll see you after school. Love you!" I say as I rush out the door and run to school.

"I love you too! Be careful!" I hear mom shout as I leave.

I changed the description of the half-hot half-cold ability. I realized that I should be a little more detailed and exact when describing the abilities

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