

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

God level firewall

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar!

Because anyone who knows something about computers knows that there is absolutely no firewall without loopholes in this world. As a top hacker said, no matter how powerful the program is, it is written by humans. Machines can never defeat human wisdom!

No matter how powerful the firewall is, it will still have loopholes, and under the current operating system, many settings that are not really loopholes can be exploited by hackers.

To give the simplest example, DDOS (Distributed Denial of Server Attack) is a common method used by hackers. This method is also very simple, by sending a large amount of spam information to the other party's computer. For example, the SYN attack exploits a flaw in the TCP protocol... It is just a flaw, but it cannot be said to be a vulnerability.

Exploiting this flaw can send a large amount of junk data, consuming the server's CPU and memory resources. Of course, this is just an example. For experts, although DDOS is a commonly used method, it is also the least technical method.

So just like the Deep Blue supercomputer cannot play the world's best Go player, hacking is also a profession that pays great attention to skills and cannot be copied mechanically.

Therefore, although Snake's firewall is powerful enough, they must allocate manpower to snipe hackers who can penetrate the firewall. It can be said: There is absolutely no firewall in the world that can block top hackers without human control!

Absolutely not!

So when the SMMH master said these words, everyone thought he was crazy!

It's just a firewall, how dare you use it to challenge Snake? !

Originally, people thought that the SMMH master would retaliate against others in his own way. He would set up a firewall on the Honker Alliance and sit there, allowing the other party to attack... I believe everyone has played a game called Whack-a-Vole. There are many pits around. A person stands in the middle with a hammer, and when he sees a vole emerging from a pit, he goes up and gives it a hammer... Everyone thinks that the SMMH master wants this method, so they are somewhat disappointed.

Because judging from the performance of the SMMH master, his understanding of software is definitely beyond everyone's imagination. Although I don't know whether he is an individual or an organization, it is definitely enough to be called a god.

Presumably the firewall he wrote is a bit stronger than Snake's perverted firewall. Coupled with his own outstanding strength and the help of the masters in the Hongke League, it would be impossible for Snake to complete it even if it takes 80 hours, let alone 8 hours. Win.

But even if SMMH uses this shameless method, no one will say anything. This is the legendary way of repaying the other person. Who asked you Snake to be wretched first? If you are wretched, you will not allow others to be wretched. !

But when he proposed this test method, countless spectacle lenses fell from the front of the computer. Does he really trust the security performance of the firewall he wrote? !

Just when everyone was suspicious, a post appeared on the Honker Alliance forum: "I am SMMH. Please open the server and set me as a super administrator account. Thank you. If you have anything to bring to the Honker Alliance We apologize for any inconvenience. "

What is quality? !

What is a great god? What does it mean to be approachable? !

With the strength of SMMH, it is completely possible to easily enter the server of the Honker Alliance Forum and obtain a super management account. No one will doubt this! But look at people? A very humble request!

Quality! Pay attention to quality!

Blue Baby and other high-level people quickly discussed it, immediately opened the permissions for him to enter, and granted super administrator permissions.

Because SMMH said, he is Chinese, and everyone understands the principle of respecting others as much as I respect others. What's more, this competition is almost related to the status and reputation of Chinese hackers in the world, so it is still very important.

Chen Xu happily let Xiao Min take over as the administrator of the Hongke Alliance server. When he thought about how he had just put on an old-fashioned attitude and reprimanded hackers all over the world, Chen Xu felt that he had gone to the extreme level of pretentiousness. Got it! And he was still worried just now, what if the Hongke Alliance ignores him? But thinking about it, this possibility is very slim... At least I am standing up for them!

While Xiao Min was busy patching the system, Chen Xu received a communication request from Blue Baby.

Chen Xu now also knows who Blue Baby is. Sister Xiao Lingran, one of the top hackers in China, a professional sniper... I heard all this from Wu Yuan.

Xiang Xiaomin confirmed that his identity would not be exposed, so Chen Xu connected to the other party's communication, and saw Blue Baby quickly typed: "Hello, are you the SMMH who cracked the Fenghuo virus? "

It seems that they still suspect that they are imposters, but this suspicion should be gone. After all, names can be faked, but skills cannot be faked. Snake did not kick SMMH out, but made him say a lot of things. This is enough to prove... It's not that they don't want to kick, but that they are powerless. But anyway, maybe there is more than one master in the world? Blue Baby still needs to make a final confirmation.

Seeing the words "It's me" appearing on the screen, Blue Baby and all the masters of the Hongke Alliance let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, with that kind of perverted strength, it would probably be better if there was only one.

At this time, another sentence appeared in the dialog box: "I'm sorry, please give me another five minutes. There are really many loopholes on this server. I am patching it. Chat back."

This sentence made the masters of the Honker Alliance blush, but they felt relieved after thinking about it. After all, the forum of the Honker Alliance did not have any super-high-level confidentiality measures, and they only used ordinary computer room servers. . Because it targets different groups, the Honker Alliance forum is not as mysterious as some private forums of hacker organizations, out of the principle of absolute confidentiality. This forum is open to everyone, so it's not surprising that there are many loopholes.

In fact, Chen Xu said this just to show off, because although Xiao Min could just leave the patching to Xiao Min, he still had to show off, right?

Five minutes later, Chen Xu typed in the chat box: "It's ready. Well, only ten minutes have passed. Ask Snake's people to let them attack."

At this time, Guan Pingchao couldn't help but typed in the dialog box: "Hello, please forgive me, are you too confident about this firewall you developed? The opponent is Snake."

"But we are the real local snakes, don't worry." These words written by SMMH made everyone in the Hongke Alliance smile, and they were convinced that this SMMH was definitely a native of China. Otherwise, how could he be so skilled? Use this proverb.

However, out of caution, the experts from the Honker Alliance started scanning the server, but the results of the scan shocked everyone.

A server that was originally riddled with holes and could be hacked without defense by an average hacker turned into a battle fortress in five minutes? !

The TCP/IP protocol was repaired using a method that none of them could understand;

CMD backdoor has been repaired;

The door is repaired after booting;

The sethc.exe backdoor has been repaired...

In addition to these common backdoors and vulnerabilities, what is even more surprising is that all the very common backdoors used by today's advanced hackers have been repaired one by one? !

At least once the scan is completed, everyone in the Honker Alliance feels like a dog biting a hedgehog but unable to bite it.

Is this the strength of SMMH? !

It only took him five minutes!

Everyone in the Hongke Alliance couldn't help but feel like they were standing high... Of course, no one would doubt SMMH's offensive strength, because for hackers, defense is more difficult than offense!

Hackers believe that offense is the best defense. Although defense seems to be advantageous because there are firewalls and hardware to protect it, because no firewall can block all attacks, hackers are all about defensive counterattacks. , huddle behind the firewall and use black guns. But if a shot is not fired, the opponent will completely knock down the wall like a bulldozer.

Just relying on defense can achieve this kind of golden bell and iron shirt effect. Imagine, people have such a strong understanding of software and hardware. What would it be like if they really launched an attack? !

I'm afraid even the stormy waves cannot describe it!

At this time, Snake's people finally started to attack. How violent is the angry Snake's attack? Just look at the data flow detector.

The method Snake first used was the DDOS flood attack that is most commonly used by hackers and the oldest. However, if different people use the same attack method, the feeling will be different immediately!

The index on the data flow detector instantly exceeded 10,000. This detector is not an official product, but a small software made by many hackers to detect each other's spam information. Basically, the attack on an ordinary civilian computer is an index, and if the index reaches tens of thousands in an instant, it means that the other party either has a powerful supercomputer, or the number of broilers they control has exceeded 10,000! And this number is still increasing!

It has to be said that although DDOS is jokingly called the least technical attack method among hackers, the benefits of this method are very obvious!

The powerful data flow causes the server to have to process it, thus consuming a lot of memory and CPU, allowing attackers to take advantage of it.

But the problem is that the senior members of the Honker Alliance stared stupidly at the device manager, which showed that the server was running normally, the CPU usage was only 5% higher than usual, and the memory consumption was only increased by one. Just G.

​What is this equivalent to? Such a powerful flood attack is just scratching the itch of this firewall!

Although we still don't understand the true principle of firewalls, there must be special means that can distinguish spam messages and ignore them. Otherwise, no software can improve the performance of the server several times out of thin air. You know, if such a powerful flood attack was aimed at the previous server, the server would have been washed away long ago!

No wonder Snake boldly said that they were going to attack major portals in China. His tone seemed to be that he didn't take Chinese programmers seriously, but it turned out that he really had real materials.

As for SMMH...the people in the Hongke Alliance have nothing to say. The better the technology, the more mysterious and powerful this person feels. The feeling is like standing in hell and looking up to heaven!

Now everyone almost believes it. SMMH dares to say that it only relies on firewalls to block the opponent's attacks. It should not be a lie. And this firewall... This firewall is definitely the best in the world. It goes without saying that the value contained in it is many years ahead of the world in many technologies... Of course they don't know that it is really 80 years ahead of the world.

If the Chinese military uses such a firewall and analyzes and absorbs the technology inside, it will be a qualitative leap for the Chinese military's computer software level and network security!

The blue baby Xiao Lingran was a little silent, because she knew that one of the hacker rules was not to be attached to any political power. But after all, she is considered a Chinese military hacker, so she naturally knows the great significance of this firewall.

After a long while, the blue baby typed in the dialog box: "SMMH, maybe my request is a bit presumptuous, but I still have to say it. Your firewall technology has led the entire world. I wonder if you are willing to sell it to our country. The military, what about strengthening the security of military networks?"