
Super AI.. Two Side Mystery And Fortune

The end of one period and the beginning of a new one has altered life on earth, with the value of weapons and ammunition declining and the appearance of superhumans and developed creatures increasing. Ajaya, a little child who had been living a happy life with his family, experiences sadness as a result of one of his family members' plot, and he becomes more than immobile on the bed and is left with no chance of surviving, leaving his parents in despair with no obvious resolution. But that's not where the story ends; a new mystery about the "Rudraksha System" emerges

Peacewar · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Chapter 36 "System's Request"

Ajaya has now lost all of the millions of souls under his control because the system was overloaded with them to control, and the reason was to gain more prismatic energy to upgrade the system due to its old version, which can only hold a thousand souls or less.

This was the pathetic reply that the system gave him. Due to his rising prismatic energy on the panel, he felt the system wanted to covet it. The reason is that the system wanted to upgrade itself through the prismatic energy and wanted to suck up all the prismatic energy like a gluttonous beast, which Ajaya feared.

So Ajaya ignored the system notification that stated the benefits of upgrading the system. He didn't want to part with the large amount of prismatic energy that he had accumulated through his hard work. Dark energy was absorbed through the fast absorption and amplification abilities used, and he had nearly gained 120 thousand prismatic energies after absorbing half of the energy that was hidden in the illusion diagram.

Half of the energy has remained unabsorbed because the current situation isn't conducive to slack, which would lead to various problems.

He decided to use the dark ball of energy that was near the astral deity's body. His plan is simple: oppress and dominate to get the chicken.

His goal was to obtain the stone that had temporarily sealed the Mantra Sigil Sheet, and he wanted to obtain that stone so that these Bhogi Yogis would not conspire and plant this devil sheet to harm the innocents. He didn't care before, but he didn't want a little girl like Kushi to be used as a vessel by these Bhogi Yogis.

He adored his little sister, even when she harmed him severely and abused him mentally, but he knew in his heart that she was being influenced, and he was correct.

Fortunately, he found out and managed to save his little sister from these Bhogi Yogis

Ajaya does not want another brother like him from a different mother somewhere else; he does not want any brother to lose his sister to these schemers, these so-called Yogis, and the devil or demons within the mantra sheet.

Ajaya wanted to keep the mantra sigil sheet away from the grasp of these Bhogi Yogis or any person similar to these beings.

So his plan was to scare the Bhogi Yogis with the dark energy ball, which will intercept them slowly to divert their attention towards it, while he and his clone would absorb the mantra-chanted spiritual energy barrier that is protecting them and absorb one after another all the Yogis that are present in the air.

Ajaya was a wraith, which is a form of the soul with nobody that is able to fly; this wasn't an ability but a way of being a wraith. His morphic soul body floated in midair, while his target wasn't anyone but the Bhogi Yogis themselves.

His main focus was to absorb and kill the Yogis while they were defenseless, but he wasn't going to use his original morphic body but his clones to do his bidding. While the thousands of souls who have taken control of people released them while following Ajaya.

As these are proficient in mind takeover, the problem is that they cannot harm or take over powerful beings single-handedly, especially beings who are powerful in spiritual powers, as their souls are powerful and their minds are calm and extremely stable.

So, to lighten the burden and boost the strength of these souls, he directed them to stack themselves in the target's body to gain the upper hand. Because there were so many souls, he could use them to cause a single second of mind control or disturbance in the mind of the Bhogi's Yogi, then gain a few seconds to absorb the Yogis one after the other.

But Ajaya's plan was flawed because these souls would be unable to enter the bodies of the Bhogi Yogis because these Bhogi Yogis were full of soul and mind that were fully improved and evolved to defend themselves from minor threats like normal soul-spirit attacks; normal soul-spirit attack contains 10 spirit attack power, whereas the Bhogi Yogi has more than 1000 spirit power to obliterate a spirit. Ajaya was unaware of the Bhogi Yogis soul information, but the system was.

He had decided and was going to implement his plan, but suddenly the system issued a notification, which successfully halted his plan.

:Q(Warning! Host the souls that you are controlling; they are efficient enough to even put a finger on the Bhogi Yogis; they will be obliterated just when they come in contact with their bodies, as the Bhogi Yogies bodies are full of spirit power, while their soles are even more powerful to be controlled by these souls.)

:Q(The system suggests a reward to help the host deal with his current state of affairs. As the system can see, the system is also part of the error that affected the host as a result of the overload issue, so the system has issued a reward for the host, but with a condition. Are you willing to accept a conditional reward?)

Yes NO

Ajaya was surprised but grateful to be reminded of the flaws of the souls under him; he knew the system would not warn him of anything unnecessarily and that it was giving him a conditional reward; he wanted to know the reward as all of his abilities except the absorb ability were effective, while the other would not work on the Bhogi Yogis. even the soul flame ability of the wraiths wouldn't work on them as their spirit power is too strong it might harm them like a normal sting.

He desperately needs powerful abilities that can harm the Bhogi Yogies, but first, he needs to know what the system's condition is because he doesn't want to lose prismatic energy because the system's eyes were on them and it appeared as if it wanted to snatch the prismatic energy from him.

He had the impression that the system was ecstatic as he approached the 300,000 Prismatic energy threshold. She was in a panic after being unable to absorb the system. It told him to check the details of the update while various notifications of the update and its features were being issued, which I ignored. because I didn't want to waste prismatic energy, as he was afraid of not being able to use abilities; previously, he had faced such an issue, which he didn't want to face again, as previously he couldn't use any of his abilities due to a lack of prismatic energy, and only one ability was available for him.

Ajaya will only submit to the system if it provides him with a powerful ability or technique to help him deal with his current situation. Just when he was going to ask what the condition was to obtain the reward. However, the system responded faster than the question because it had estimated the question and had its own consciousness for analysing his mentality.

:P(The system's condition is that when the host gets out of this predicament and has a sufficient amount of prismatic energy to upgrade it and still has a sufficient amount remaining, the host should upgrade the system.!) It didn't stop there; it continued as if it didn't want to lose its chance to upgrade; it showed what was in the reward.

:O(The reward for this condition is a technique called "Chess Pieces on the Board," which is a mid-high tier technique. This technique is very unique to the wraith and will enhance your attack on an individual mind, even if it's a Yogi.)


End of the Chapter

Happy Holi to every being who likes Colors.

Thank You
