
Summoning The Great Powers

What if just what if Japan wasn't the only one summoned, instead a plethora of contrasting countries were tied together by the strings of fate, what would this mean for the New World and it's inhabitants when the Earth's Mightiest Civilizations end up embroiled in an alien world?

Nyanko2409 · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Exsurget homo!

Several Weeks Earlier,

United States of America,

White House:20:00 hours

As the blinding light finally dimmed, President Charon and her aide peered anxiously through the windows. "Was that a nuclear strike?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

Her aide quickly shook her head and reassured her, "No ma'am, if the flash of a nuclear weapon would have been that close, we wouldn't be here to discuss it. However, it could be some new weaponry from one of our rivals."

Just as they were poised to resume their urgent discussion, the room's telephone broke the silence with its jarring ring. 

Lifting the receiver, President Charon heard a distraught voice panting heavily," Madam President, we've lost all communication with Brussels, and our satellites are unresponsive. A large-scale EMP may have hit us."

A lone bead of sweat crept down her forehead, incongruous in the air-conditioned room. Maintaining her composure, she instructed, "Take a deep breath. Now, explain the situation to me, step by step."

"Yes, ma'am," the voice replied breathing in and out a few times, and continued, "Following the event we're now calling the 'Wall of Light', all overseas communications have gone dark. We've also lost contact with the ISS as there's been no response from our contacts. It appears that some superweapon has either disabled the entire global communication network or something even more catastrophic has occurred."

Her expression turning grave, President Charon turned to her secretary. "Summon the Chief of Staff immediately. America may be on the brink of war once more."

"Understood, ma'am," her secretary acknowledged, promptly exiting the room to carry out the order.

As her secretary departed, President Charon pressed her fingers to her temples and heaved a weary sigh. "Why did this have to happen on my watch?" she thought, her mind briefly drifting back to the gruelling election campaign she'd triumphed in just two years prior.

Shaking off the reverie, Charon quickly donned her formal attire and made her way to the conference room with a sense of urgency.

Upon entering, she found the room already occupied by critical figures with the Vice President, the Chief of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and somewhat puzzlingly, the Administrator of NASA. They were all gathered around a polished wooden table.

Casting a quizzical glance at the NASA Administrator, she wondered, "Why is he here? This is a matter of national defence, not space exploration."

Pushing aside her curiosity, she took her seat, placing both hands firmly on the table. With a hawkish intensity, she inquired, "So, how bad is the situation?"

To her surprise, it was NASA Administrator Jack who spoke first. "Ma'am, this may be difficult to grasp, but we're no longer on Earth."

She narrowed her eyes and probed, "What do you mean by that?"

Jack elaborated swiftly, "The constellations we observe don't align with known star systems. We've cross-verified this with all our observatories."

With a look of determination etched onto her face, President Charon issued her command decisively. "Declare DEFCON 2 and ready all troops for immediate escalation. Our foremost priority is to ensure our safety."

A unified "Yes, Ma'am" chorus echoed around the table as staff shuffled about. 

As the Chief of Staff prepared to assume control, a staff member discreetly leaned in to whisper something into his ear. 

A subtle smirk crossed his face as he stood up  and declared, "Madam President, we've successfully established communications with other nations!"

Her eyes narrowing, she pressed, "Which ones?"

"It appears that four nations have reached out to us, in the order of their attempts, Russia, Japan, India, and China."

A sigh of relief escaped Charon's lips; they weren't isolated, wherever they were.

Nodding, she instructed, "Establish contact with these nations. Gather as much information as possible about what has transpired and whether they have any involvement alongside an Emergency UNSC session.

The Chief of Staff nodded in acknowledgement and promptly exited the room, heading to his chambers to coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Republic of India,

Sansad Bhavan,

Prime Minister Aryan Singh paced around in his private office, deeply engrossed in thought. They had managed to establish contact with the Americans a few hours after the enigmatic 'Wall of Light' phenomenon with the help of old terrestrial radios.

Thankfully it was a relief to know they weren't alone in this alien world. The Indian Air Force had already skirmished with China's PLAAF near the Himalayan border. 

Chinese J-20s had violated Indian airspace, crossing the Line of Control, but had promptly retreated when intercepted by Indian Dassault Rafales near Arunachal Pradesh.

Sinking into a nearby sofa, Aryan pondered the future of India. As far as they knew, only Russia, China, the U.S., and possibly Japan were part of this new reality.

"Heavens, what should I do?" he sighed, staring at an empty glass of water. Just then, a peon entered the room, holding a stack of documents. "Sir, these are the reports from ISRO. It seems they managed to launch one of our older prototypes and found this."

Aryan took the documents and was stunned by what he saw it was an image depicting the five countries clustered together beneath a massive unknown landmass, roughly the size of Asia.

"What is this?" he shouted in surprise dropping the file as a shiver ran down his spine as the realisation hit. This wasn't just another world but one where other life might exist. 

Before he could calm down, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar burst into the room, his face flushed with urgency. "Aryan, the Americans have reached out. They're requesting a joint meeting in New York."

Feeling helpless but determined to act for the sake of the citizens, Aryan nodded and issued his directive. "Reach out to the Russian Embassy. We need their perspective on this unfolding crisis. This could be the gravest challenge our nation has ever faced."

"Understood, I'll initiate contact with the Russians immediately. Also, the President wishes to speak with you," Jaishankar stated briskly before exiting the room to liaise with the Russian Ambassador.

Slapping himself lightly on the cheeks, Aryan muttered under his breath, "No, no, pull yourself together. This isn't time for self-pity." Gathering his resolve, he left his chambers and swiftly approached the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Rashtrapati Bhavan,

As Aryan stepped into President Aadharshini Nambiar's chambers, he was greeted by the Chief of Defence Staff and several ministers engaged in a heated discussion about the current state of affairs in India. Panic had gripped the nation after a wild Wyvern had been sighted flying over the Bay of Bengal. 

Taking his seat at the table, Aryan exchanged greetings with the ministers before turning his attention to Aadharshini, the raven-haired president. "Ma'am, what did you need me for?"

Dark bags shadowed President Aadharshini's eyes, her frustration visible as she spoke resolutely. "Aryan, we've received reports of a Chinese military advance across the Line of Control. They've deployed an entire mechanised division without any prior diplomatic communication. This is an unequivocal act of war!" Her fists slammed onto the table, prompting a chorus of "War! War!" from the ministers and plunging the meeting into disarray.

Aryan swiftly raised his hands in a calming gesture and responded, "Please, let's stay composed. We must approach this situation with the utmost care. We're no longer on Earth, therefore, let's consult with the Chief of Defence." He motioned for the Chief of Defence to stand.

The chief of Defence stood up quietly and coughed saying, "I propose that we mobilise the North-Eastern Theatre and deploy our tank divisions as a deterrent without initiating an offensive."

Aryan quietly nodded and stated, "Alright, let's proceed with that plan. Begin preparations for the Cold Start doctrine and a counter-offensive if necessary."

The Chief of Defence saluted and replied, "Yes, Sir," before exiting the room, leaving the others to discuss the mysterious Wall of Light and the Upcoming UN meeting in New York.

Russian Federation,


The Kremlin's conference room was a cauldron of tension, its air thick with the acrid stench of accusation and blame. Russian officials and industrial magnates, usually composed, were now shouting and pointing fingers, each trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for the perplexing "Wall of Light" incident.

President Boris Lavrov sat at the head of the table, his eyes betraying the weary wisdom of years spent navigating the complexities of governance. 

He assumed the presidency after the devastating war and the sudden, shocking loss of the previous leader in a plane crash. The country had been on the verge of collapse, its institutions frayed and public trust at an all-time low. Yet, Lavrov had emerged as an unlikely victor in the elections, mainly because he was the only candidate not compromised by special interests or shadowy affiliations.

But as fraught as those days had been, today was shaping up to be one of the most challenging of his life. He had awoken to find the world and possibly the very fabric of reality utterly transformed.

President Boris Lavrov began to speak, tapping his fingers lightly on the table to command attention. "Comrades, this is not the time for infighting. The world we find ourselves in is a far cry from the motherland we once knew." He paused, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

With a nod to an aide, Lavrov distributed a set of folders to the delegates. "These are photographs from our reconnaissance aircraft. I urge you to examine them closely."

As the delegates opened the folders, their eyes widened in disbelief. The high-altitude aerial photographs revealed a disturbing landscape. While the Chinese border appeared the same, something was amiss in the West. 

A water body, only 50 km wide, now separated Russia from what was unmistakably the United States.

The room fell into stunned silence, broken only when a man shot up from his seat, exclaiming, "You're telling us the imperialists are now our next-door neighbours?"

Lavrov nodded solemnly. "Exactly. This is why internal squabbles are a luxury we can ill afford at the moment. And that's not all." His eyes swept the room before he continued, "The Siberian wastelands have undergone significant climate change, revealing an abundance of resources in what was once an inhospitable territory."

"Then that means!" one delegate began, only to be interrupted by Lavrov's solemn nod.

"Exactly. The Chinese pose a significant threat, particularly given our current vulnerabilities," the president confirmed.

A chorus of expletives erupted from a few ministers, their frustrations bubbling over. "Cyka blyat!" they exclaimed, painfully aware that their previous dependence on Chinese goods had now become a double-edged sword.

Lavrov let them linger just long enough for its gravity to sink in, then spoke. "Our previous alliances and trade dependencies may now be liabilities. It's a difficult pill to swallow, but it's our new reality. We must adapt, and quickly."

The delegates nodded in agreement as the Foreign Minister took the floor, saying, "We've been invited to a summit in New York. Though the Americans may be our rivals, our current circumstances afford us little room for selectivity."

Lavrov looked around the room, meeting each gaze squarely. "We find ourselves at  the crossroads of fate, comrades. Diplomacy may be our most valuable asset right now. Prepare for New York; it's time to reassess our alliances and forge new paths in this uncharted world."

People's Republic of China,


The city had been plunged into an unprecedented state of pandemonium, by the sudden appearance of a swarm of Wyverns in the sky. A panicked stampede had erupted in Tiananmen Square, even as military forces swiftly intercepted and neutralised the airborne threats.

Amid the chaos, a young man with jet-black hair navigated the crowd urgently, clutching a briefcase to his chest. He headed for the Forbidden City, where people sought sanctuary behind its ancient walls, even as officials scrambled to restore order.

Finally, he arrived at the Zhongnanhai Compound, the nerve centre of Chinese governance. Composing himself, he quickly made his way into a chamber where the highest echelons of the Chinese Communist Party were assembled.

With a respectful bow, the young man placed the briefcase on the conference table and stepped back. "Honored sirs, this is the item we found," he announced, his voice tinged with nervous anticipation. He retreated to allow the officials an unobstructed view, his pulse quickening as he awaited their reactions.

At one end of the table sat General Secretary Wu Xi, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully as he regarded the briefcase. He was keenly aware that its contents had the potential to reshape their understanding of this strange new world. 

Swiftly he unlatched the case and pulled out a vial containing a radiant blue crystal. As he gently swirled the vial, luminescent particles began to fill the air, casting an ethereal glow.

The room fell into a hushed awe as Wu Xi stood, holding the vial aloft as if presenting a sacred relic. "Esteemed members of the Party, what I hold before you is the future. This is a sample of a newly discovered mineral found along our border with Mongolia."

Turning his attention to the young man, Wu Xi continued, "Our promising new blood, Kai Huang, is the one who made this groundbreaking discovery." With that, he extended his hand to Kai, offering a firm handshake as a gesture of commendation and gratitude.

The room buzzed with new energy as if the glowing mineral had not only illuminated the chamber but also lit a spark of possibility in the hearts of everyone present.

General Secretary Wu Xi returned the vial carefully to its case, locking it with a sense of ceremony before continuing. "This mineral holds untapped potential for energy production, weaponry, and perhaps even more that we have yet to comprehend. It could be the key to ensuring China's supremacy in this unfamiliar world."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the room, accompanied by nods of approval. Each official present shifted in their chairs as the geopolitical landscape had shifted, and this mineral could be the pivot upon which their future would turn.

Wu Xi turned to his Minister of Science and Technology. "I want our best minds on this. Analyse its properties, its capabilities, and its potential applications. Leave no stone unturned."

"As you wish, General Secretary," the Minister of Science and Technology responded, quickly jotting down a note for further action.

Next, he turned to the Minister of Defense. "Heighten security around the newly discovered mineral deposit. Its strategic value makes it a potential flashpoint for conflict. Be prepared to defend it by any means necessary." he said sternly.

The Minister of Defense nodded but then hesitated, clearly uneasy. "There's an issue, sir."

Wu Xi glared at him with a penetrating gaze that could slice through steel. "Explain," he demanded.

Visibly sweating under the intensity of Wu Xi's scrutiny, the Minister of Defense used his handkerchief to dab his forehead before stammering, "Sir, an overly ambitious officer at the Indian border has initiated an incursion across the Line of Control."

Wu Xi's face flushed crimson as he roared, "What? Do you intend to jeopardise our future in a nuclear standoff? We're barely two days into this crisis, and you're telling me we're on the brink of war with India?"

The Minister of Defense avoided eye contact, his voice tinged with shame. "I've already ordered a withdrawal, but the officer refuses to comply, claiming that military decisions are beyond the Party's jurisdiction."

Incredulous, Wu Xi sighed deeply. "I'm authorising you to use whatever force is necessary to prevent an armed conflict with India. Do I make myself clear?"

The Minister of Defense's eyes widened as he responded, "Crystal clear, sir," hurrying out of the room, aware that his subsequent actions could either avert a disaster or plunge his country into disaster.

Finally, Wu Xi looked back at Kai Huang, who stood nervously at the edge of the room. "Young man, you've done your country an invaluable service. You'll be attached to the research team as an advisor. Your firsthand experience could be crucial."

Kai bowed deeply, overwhelmed by the honour. "Thank you, General Secretary. I will serve my country to the best of my ability."

Wu Xi rose from his seat, raising a glass of wine high, and declared, "To the Prosperity of the People's Republic of China!" The other members echoed the sentiment in chorus, their glasses clinking together, marking the end of the meeting.

As Kai Huang made his way out of the room, a senior member approached him and whispered cryptically in his ear, "Mr Huang, mind where you step, or you might find yourself grabbing the gryphon's tail!" 

Before Kai could respond, the man had disappeared into the crowd, leaving him perplexed. Shaking his head, he brushed off the strange remark and walked out, hoping for a brighter tomorrow.

New York,

United Nations Security Council,

Days had elapsed since their mysterious transfer, and as the dust settled, affirmations trickled in, each one underscoring the stark reality of their new existence but only a handful of nations had transitioned to this unfamiliar realm.

The grandeur of the UN conference room, originally built to host dignitaries from 195 member countries, now echoed with an eerie emptiness. Only the leaders of the five nations that had journeyed through the Wall of Light occupied its vast expanse, their presence complemented by select press members who were on hand to broadcast this historic session to the world or, at least, the world as they now knew it.

As they found their seats, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, slowly stood up, his countenance dull as longing for his homeland was evident in his sombre demeanour. 

Addressing the assembly with unwavering conviction, he proclaimed, "Esteemed leaders and representatives, while this may not be the world of our forefathers, it is heartening to see familiar faces. In this alien realm, our unity is our strength; we stand as one, undeterred and resolute, thus I announce the start of the First New World Security Council Session."

Swiftly, he took his seat, relinquishing the podium to pave the way for the remnants of the world's leaders to gather and deliberate within the room.

One by one, each head of state assumed their positions at the Oval Table, flanked by their respective foreign ministers and leading generals.

Soon, China's General Secretary Wu Xi motioned to speak gracefully rising, emanating a quiet confidence. With a proud smile, he began, "Esteemed members, today beckons us with a promise. We find ourselves on the precipice of a new frontier, a canvas yet to be painted. Let us seize this moment to herald a new age of discovery and etch our legacy on this uncharted realm!"

Within seconds the hall erupted in resounding applause, a testament to the renewed hope Wu Xi's words had instilled as citizens from the five nations, glued to their screens, felt a surge of optimism, a beacon of light in an otherwise alien world.

In a rare spectacle of solidarity, the other heads of state stood and joined in the applause. Their collective gesture, simple yet profound, underscored a unanimous sentiment that even though the world had changed, their commitment to their people and a brighter future remained unwavering.

As the applause began to wane, Indian Prime Minister Aryan Singh stood up.

With a steely gaze directed at the Chinese General Secretary, he asserted, "We formally request the immediate withdrawal of Chinese forces from our sovereign territory."

Murmurs followed Prime Minister Aryan's statement as, Wu Xi firmly responded, "The individuals you reference are not representatives of the People's Liberation Army. They are renegades, traitors who wish to destabilise our nation. If your forces encounter them, you may act as you deem necessary. The People's Republic of China does not acknowledge or support their actions." 

President Charon quickly raised her hand, her eyes narrowing with suspicion and questioning. "Mr Wu," she began, her voice tinged with scepticism, "Are you implying that these forces are not under the PLA's direction? Or could this be a covert act of hostility against another nation?"

As the general saw an opening to interject, he began to stand, ready to voice his rebuttal. But without even turning to him, Wu Xi discreetly moved a document across the table, a quiet directive that the general instantly recognised. With a moment's hesitation, he gracefully resumed his seat, his intended response left unsaid.

Calmly clasping his hands together and placing them on the desk, Wu Xi stated, "We possess communication records with these rogues. I assure you, they operate without our consent or knowledge. We can provide evidence of their detachment from us."

"How can we verify the authenticity of those recordings?" Charon retorted, scepticism evident in her tone. The meeting quickly spiralled into turmoil, with delegates from both sides trading heated accusations.

Prime Minister Toshiro watched the escalating exchange with growing exasperation. Inwardly, he lamented, "Here they go again, squabbling over minor issues while Japan's very survival hangs in the balance."

With growing frustration, Toshiro's hands came crashing down on the table, startling those around him. "Esteemed delegates," he implored, "it is not the time for politics. We are no longer on Earth, yet we remain ignorant of the danger surrounding us!"

"Only recently," he began, his voice heavy with worry, "our merchant navy reported a sighting of a colossal sea creature near our shores. Upon closer examination, it bore a startling resemblance to the Kraken from Norse legends. We must grasp the reality that we might be the only Homo Sapiens in this realm, and yet here we are, mired in such trivial disputes!" His face was etched with deep concern as he spoke.

His words cut sharply through the heated exchanges, silencing the room as those in disagreement exchanged begrudging nods, recognising the truth in Toshiro's plea. Fortunately, the broadcast had been switched off after Wu Xi's address, sparing the public from witnessing the less-than-dignified behaviour of their representatives.

Sensing the Awkward atmosphere in the room, the elderly Russian President Boris Lavrov raised his hand and quickly began to address them slowly "We propose the drafting of a new treaty." With a nod, he signalled his aides to distribute the documents amongst the delegates.

President Charon's eyes flared with astonishment as she skimmed the document swiftly, slapping it down on the table as her voice rose sharply, face twisting in anger. "After what you did in your Special Operation, you dare to propose a trade deal? You expect us to forget everything and lift the sanctions?"

Lavrov's gaze remained fixed on the desk, the weight of responsibility pressing heavily upon him. The war, though provoked by NATO's actions, had ultimately been a disastrous decision by Russia, resulting in countless losses on both sides.

Surprisingly, it was the General Secretary, Antonio Guterres, who stepped in, calmly stating. "Madam President, while the blame undeniably rests with the Russian Federation, this may not be the time for recriminations. This proposed treaty aims to create a unified front for our nations, especially in these uncertain times. I urge you to reconsider."

Without missing a beat, Toshiro interjected, desperately, "Japan stands with the proposed New World Cooperation Organization. We are on the brink of a severe food crisis. Without support from India and the US, alongside access to Chinese markets, my people will face unimaginable hardships."

Charon observed the concerned look on the Japanese Prime Minister's face and finally relented. "The United States of America will accept the treaty, but we will include veto powers to guard against exploitation."

Aryan promptly followed, stating, "India endorses the treaty and agrees with the inclusion of veto powers to ensure the agreement is not misused and ensure multilateralism remains."

The Chinese, after a moment of contemplation, gave their assent, though with reservations. "The People's Republic of China accepts the treaty," the General Secretary stated, adding, "We will wholeheartedly support the joint exploration and research endeavours in this New World under the auspices of the United Nations."

As they reached consensus, loud applause erupted across the room followed by an official announcement as Secretary-General Antonio Guterres rose, announcing, "Today marks a defining moment in Mankind's history. Despite the adversities we may face in this unknown realm, our collective spirit remains unbroken. Let it be known to all who might listen, humanity, with its indomitable will and resilience, will not be silenced. Our journey, our story, is far from over."

As the humble wooden rowboats drew closer to the looming steel leviathan, Midori, with every heartbeat, remained oblivious to the storm they were about to unleash upon the New World. In the distance, the echoing roars of the Dragon, Eagle, Bear, Tiger, and Pheasant surged like a tempest, signalling the birth of a new epoch.



Loved writing this part, though it took me exponentially more time as this was mostly original stuff, but I feel rather satisfied with this one.

Forgive me for being a week late as I had fallen sick sadly, but I doubled the chapter length to compensate.

Also got an artist for the cover art , hopefully i can get someone for the map soon!

Look Forward to the Next One as the Old and New meet to create a new world.

As always tell me any criticisms and thank you for reading!

That's Nyanko Signing off Nya!

Nyanko2409creators' thoughts