
Chapter 1 Summoning I

Kaian POV

As I look around, everything seems ordinary and quiet. No one is frantically studying for the upcoming exams. But as I check my calendar, a sense of panic washes over me. In just three days, the exams will be here, and I am not even close to being prepared.

As soon as I enter the classroom, a male voice calls out to me. "Hey, Kaian, come here!" I turn to see who it is and notice a group of male students around the age of 16 talking and laughing.

Curious about what they are discussing, I approach them and greet them with a polite "Hello and good morning. Why did you call me, and what are you guys talking about?" My inner monologue is disrupted, and I cannot help but wonder what they have in store for me.

The group consists of three boys who seem to be enjoying their conversation. I cannot quite make out what they are saying, but their laughter indicates it is something amusing. I am eager to join in and learn more about their topic of discussion.

"We were just talking about anime and school drama, just the morning regular," the de facto leader of the group, Hudson, replies as I join the group. I nod, trying to act like I know what he is talking about, but in reality, I have no idea. I am never one for anime or school drama, but I do not want to seem out of place.

"Did you know that yesterday when the girl's football team practised, one of them and Luke laughed very loudly? So Ms Elda made him play football with them and also scolded him in front of everyone. You should have seen that," Jack says, almost laughing again. I cannot help but chuckle at the thought of Luke getting scolded in front of the whole team. It is unlike him to act out, but I guess we all have our moments.

"Alright, shut it Jack that's just a small thing," Luck says, almost embarrassed.

As the group continues to chat, I feel myself growing more comfortable around them. They are a lively bunch, and even though I do not share their interests, I appreciate their company. I am glad at least I have someone to talk to; it is better than being alone.

Since kindergarten, I have been a part of this group. We have been through all the ups and downs together, so I have formed close friendships with the three of them. They are my only friends and the people I can talk to about anything. Over the years, we have shared countless memories and experiences, and I cherish our bond. Despite our differences, we always have each other's backs, and that is something that I value more than anything else.

As we are chatting, suddenly everything turns white, and everything stops; no one moves, and everyone has the same expression as they had before everything turned white.

'Whats even happening...'

I find myself not being able to even breathe; just like that, a minute passes, and I start to panic. Everything becomes dark, and I feel like giving up; my chest starts to hurt a lot.

Suddenly, I fall.

Yes, I fall to a hard metal floor, and I take my breath; I am covered with sweat.

After a few minutes, I look around and find some of my classmates in the same condition as mine. I look for Hudson, Luke, and Jack and also find them in the group, and then I look at my surroundings.

It is like a court of a medieval kingdom, at least from what I know from pictures in history.

As we stood there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. We were surrounded by men in robes, some of them looking quite intimidating. 'Are they knights? Mages, perhaps?' It seemed we had been isekai'd, just like in those silly tropes from novels or anime.

Suddenly, a loud voice interrupted my thoughts. "Welcome, Heroes, to our world," it boomed.

I searched for the source of the voice and my eyes fell on a man in his forties. He was standing before us, wearing a crown made of shining gold. Behind him was a grand throne. He looked like the classic king of a kingdom.

"What's happening?" someone asked. "Where are we?" another chimed in. "I thought I was going to die," a third one muttered.

The man before us answered our questions. "Heroes, we have summoned you to our world to help us fend off the invasion of the demons."

"Ah, the classic isekai trope," Jack exclaimed excitedly, his eyes gleaming with stars as if nothing major had ever happened.

"I guess it's time to check my status," he said, opening his status screen.

"Status Open"...

Nothing happens...

Jack blushes with embarrassment as Luke gets up and laughs at him, though no one else sees Jack's endeavours.

"The knights bring the device," the king says to some knights on his right side and they go out of the court.

I have been too focused on the king and nobles, but the court is huge with chandeliers and decorations with a red carpet, and we are in the middle of the court.

'It looks so foreign but what will happen to us we are bound to get killed due to political reasons or in battles I still have a family'.

What's going to happen to them?

What will they do now?'

I can feel the fear thinking about what was going to happen I had only ever read this in a novel but it was a whole thing in experiencing this.

After a minute or two, the knights come back with a small device that looks like...a computer monitor?

What the hell is going on in this world?

"Maybe it's some magical device," Luke whispers to me and Jack.

"Heroes, please put your hand on this device. Through this, you can see your status," the king announces.

"I will go first," Lance says. He is the class representative and also a very social person he seems a little hesitant.

He slowly moves forward, and he puts his hands on the screen of the "computer monitor."

After some time, it turns green, and a projection comes out of it.

[Error Data was not found retrying]



[Trying to locate in backup]


[New data being created..]


After this string of notifications that leaves me speechless, no, all of us speechless, everyone - the king, the nobles, and us.

I cannot tell about the others, but for us, it is because we are seeing something of fantasy and fiction.

[Name: Lance Becker]

[Titles: {None}]

[Level: 1]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Hero{5x Experience┃2x less experience needed┃??? depends on class}]

[Class Trees: {None}]


[Health: 20]

[Strength: 3]

[Dexterity: 7]

[Mana: 100]

[Constitution: 10]

[Defense: 5]

[Intelligence: 10]



[World Translation]



Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Please comment and add this to your favourite if you like this story and please read it till chapter 10- 15 before dropping.

Hope you have a nice day!

Raziel_Time_angelcreators' thoughts
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