
Summoned a Demon

Rose just moved to a new town for college, and a chance encounter leads her to discover a peculiar book. Unbeknownst to Rose, this book holds secrets that will unravel the fabric of her reality. Bound within its pages lies a power that will forever change her life. Rose unwittingly becomes entangled in a world of magic, mystery, the supernatural… and romance.

Jettsie · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Walking Home

Whatever was going on, Rose wanted nothing to do with it. Without a second thought, she shoved the strange book into the shelf in front of her and sprinted towards the outer wall. Rose's sole focus was on escaping the library and returning to the safety of the outside world. After what felt like an eternity, she caught sight of the familiar elevator doors. Relief washed over her, lifting the weight of the nightmarish experience even if only for a moment.

Rose hurried toward the elevators and pressed the button impatiently. The soft chime of the elevator echoed in the stillness, signaling her impending escape. As the doors slid open, Rose stepped inside, the dull elevator music providing a small semblance of comfort. She leaned against the elevator wall, taking deep breaths.

The elevator chimed once again, and Rose was relieved to see the familiar sights of the main floor. Rose stumbled straight over to the front desk where a seemingly unenthused staff member sat watching the clock.

Finally seeing another person made all of Rose's stress bubble up again. Panic-stricken, Rose blurted out, "Something... something chased me in the basement! There's an animal down there!"

The staff member's eyes widened for a moment, registering her distress. "Chased you? In the basement?" he responded, his voice tinged with alarm.

Rose nodded fervently, her voice quivering. "Yes! I was exploring, and then I saw it—a door on a pillar and a huge room! And then... something was following me! A-and I don't know what it was, but—and there were all these old books too! And when I ran out it disappeared! The door disappeared!"

The staff member's expression shifted, his brows furrowing as doubt crept into his features. "Pffft... are you serious?" he asked with skepticism in his voice. "Is this some kind of prank? Did Connor put you up to this?"

Rose's eyes welled with tears. "No, I swear! This is not a joke! I'm telling you, there's something strange happening down there!"

The staff member leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Look, I've heard my fair share of tall tales from students trying to pull pranks or get a rise out of us. Doors disappearing and things chasing you? That's a bit hard to believe. Nice try though, you're a good actress."

Rose became desperate. "I'm not lying! Please, you have to believe me! I swear! I-I even had one of the books from the room!"

"Oh really? And where is it now?" The man asked, unamused.


Rose looked to the floor. "...I-I don't have it anymore. I left it down there..."

The staff member sighed. "Okay, let's say I believe you. What do you expect me to do? Call the ghostbusters?" he remarked sarcastically.

Rose's face reddened with embarrassment. She realized how outlandish her story must have sounded, even to her own ears. "I... I don't know," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Seeing Rose's face, the worker's expression softened. "Okay... this all sounds crazy, but you seem pretty shaken up. I'll at least let the opener know about your story, and he can check it out tomorrow. Sound good?"

Rose wipes away her tears and nods weakly, still looking at the floor.

Am I going crazy?...

With that, the staff member stands, "Cool. The library is closing in three minutes, you should head home."

Rose just stood there, too shaken to go out into the night. The staff member noticed her hesitance and the lingering fear in her expression. Though he still didn't believe her story, part of him can sense that she was genuinely traumatized by something.

"Alright, I can see that you're worried," he said gently, his tone softening. "Would you like me to walk you home?"

Rose's eyes widened in surprise, her guard lowering slightly at his unexpected offer. Despite his skepticism, he at least still cared about her well-being.

"Oh... um, I... I'd appreciate that" she managed to stammer out, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over her. "I only live down the street, it shouldn't take long."

The staff member nodded with a reassuring smile. "Of course, no problem at all. Let me just lock up, and we can head out together."

As the staff member secured the library doors and walked over to Rose, she felt a sense of comfort wash over her. The presence of someone else by her side made her feel safe, though it was just a stranger.

Together, they stepped out into the night air, the street lamps casting a soft glow on the deserted campus. They walked quietly for a short while before he broke the silence.

"So... what's your name, basement girl?"

Rose's cheeks flushed at her unfortunate nickname. "Oh, right! I'm Rose," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of shyness.

"Oh that's a unique name," he responded with a friendly tone. "I'm Jayce, but you can just call me Jay."

Now that her stress had subsided, Rose found herself stealing a glance at Jay. She hadn't noticed before how tall he was, and his well-defined arms beneath his T-shirt. His short, fluffy brown hair only magnified his appeal. Jay turned his head slightly to look at Rose, his eyes catching the glow of a nearby streetlight and revealing their striking green color. She quickly looked away, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. Realizing that she had been caught staring, her embarrassment overwhelmed her. She hoped that her stumble in composure had gone unnoticed.

Jay seemed to remain unaware of Rose's internal turmoil, and continued their conversation.

"Looks like we live in the same direction, that's lucky... I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

Rose nodded, a small smile forming. "Yes, I am. I'm an incoming freshman. What about you?"

Jay nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm in my second year, looks like we both have a ways to go. Do you have a major in mind?"

Rose hesitated for a moment, contemplating her answer. "Well, I've been considering computer science," she replied softly.

Jay lit up with genuine excitement. "No way! That's my major!" He nudged Rose playfully with his elbow. "You'll technically be my subordinate, then."

The unexpected physical contact sent a jolt through Rose's body, causing her pale skin to turn red. The realization that she had been casually conversing with someone as striking as Jay was sinking in, causing her anxiety to creep back. She struggled to find the right words, her voice wavering slightly.

"Uh, y-yeah...," she managed to stammer out, her cheeks now surely resembling a ripe tomato.

Rose could feel Jay glance at her again, and he let out a soft chuckle that only heightened her self-consciousness. Jay's allure was undeniable. She wished she could run away and hide from those captivating eyes.

The weight of Rose's unease was evident, and Jay seemed to understand, opting to respect her need for silence. They walked quietly for a few more minutes, the sound of their footsteps providing a steady rhythm to the otherwise hushed atmosphere.

When they finally arrived at Rose's building, she turned to face Jay, though still avoiding eye contact. "T-Thank you so much for walking me home," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry for causing trouble."

Jay smiled warmly, his gaze lingering on her for a brief moment. "No trouble at all," he reassured her, his voice gentle. "I'm glad I could help. Take care, Basement Girl, I hope to see you around."

Jay stood there a moment, seemingly hesitant to leave, Rose felt a surge of curiosity and glanced up at him. To her surprise, she had caught him off guard too, his eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment. The intensity of the connection was palpable, and both of them seemed momentarily captivated by the encounter. Caught in the sudden vulnerability of the situation, Jay's confident composure faltered, and he looked away hastily, running his hand through his hair. The subtle gesture revealed a hint of embarrassment. It was a brief flicker, easily missed, but it left a lasting impression on Rose that eased her worries.

Sensing the need to break the tension, Rose cleared her throat softly. "Well, I should probably go inside now," she said, her voice slightly shaky. "Thanks again."

Jay quickly regained his composure and nodded. "Of course, anytime. Have a good night."

With that, they went their separate ways. The brief encounter had left an indelible mark on her, and as she finally entered her apartment, she couldn't help but think about his muscular stature again. It had indeed been a challenging first day of living alone, filled with awkward encounters and paranormal events she still couldn't wrap her head around. But amidst all the chaos, there was a glimmer of solace in meeting Jay. She found herself replaying their brief interactions in her mind, analyzing every word, every glance, every subtle gesture. It was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating, a rush of emotions she hadn't anticipated. She cringed remembering their first conversation.

God I must have sounded crazy...

I hope he doesn't think I'm weird...

Rose entered her bedroom, a gentle yawn escaping her lips, a clear sign of her exhaustion. Her eyes glanced at the empty bed, the mattress void of any comforting sheets. She hadn't yet gone shopping for the essentials, and now she would have to make do with the thin blanket she had brought from her parents' home. With a shrug, Rose tossed the blanket over the bed, the fabric barely providing any cushioning against the mattress. It was far from the cozy haven she had envisioned, but exhaustion had a way of dulling one's senses. She simply needed rest, regardless of the less-than-ideal sleeping arrangements.

The events of the day lingered in the back of her mind, but Rose made a conscious decision to push them aside. The terrifying encounter in the basement seemed like a distant nightmare now. She didn't want to be labeled as the "weird kid" who spun tales of creatures lurking in the library. After all, she had managed to escape unscathed, and it was easier to convince herself that it was nothing more than an overactive imagination.

As she slipped beneath the thin blanket, Rose allowed herself to surrender to the exhaustion that weighed heavily upon her. The thoughts of strange occurrences and awkward encounters would have to wait for another time. For now, all she wanted was a peaceful night's sleep.