
Sudden Date!

Some things happen everytime which we don't like but we don't actually hate. We just go with the flow of the things, maybe we can just rely on our instinct to do our 'work' for us. 'Going with the flow' is what most people follows most of their time. Calvin Bennett is no different. Getting thrown into a situation that he didn't ask for, Calvin had to turn to his most trusted source to do the work for him, his instinct. But the thing that leaves us wondering is, will his instinct actually help him this time? Or will he have to take things in his hands. Follow Calvin Bennett in his journey of love, his final destination being a girl with the name, Chrisley Harper.

Sannin_Saiyajin · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
4 Chs

Chapter 4

<p>-<br/><br/>Calvin walked out of his class with a bored look. He had his bag slung backwards with one hand while his other was inside his pocket. He walked with the same look till he reached the gate. <br/><br/>'Tch... This Mike is always late.' Calvin thinks with a frown and waited for a few minutes before giving up. 'Let him come at his own pace... Imma head home without him.' Calvin mused in his thoughts before walking away from the school.<br/><br/>The walk was plain and boring, nothing out of the ordinary happened for which Calvin was somewhat thankful. 'I don't want trouble right now. This is taking too long... I wanna reach home fast.' Calvin sighs and prepares himself for a sprint. He jump-started his run by kicking the ground with his toes and ran straight to his house without stopping.<br/><br/>Calvin reaches his home and takes a deep breath, 'That was better than expected.' Calvin smirks and walks into his house. He walked to his room and took a quick shower to freshen up.<br/><br/>He walked out of the bathroom while wiping his wet body with a towel. He looks at the mirror and smirks before frowning. 'What do I wear?' Calvin sighs and runs several options through his head. Calvin Bennett was many things, he can be considered a smart person, a delinquent, and a sports person, but if there was one thing Calvin Bennett wasn't, it was a fashion star. <br/><br/>Calvin Bennett was never good at dressing himself if his past experiences were taken into account. 'I'll just wear something plain.' Calvin thinks with a sigh and walks up to his wardrobe to pick something to wear. 'Let's see... This seems perfect.' Calvin thinks with a satisfied look before bringing out a black t-shirt and brown jeans. <br/><br/>Calvin nods in satisfaction before quickly dressing. He takes a good look at himself in the mirror and smiles. He applied a few hair products to make it slick back messily. 'All good... I guess?' Calvin thinks sceptically before taking a deep breath. 'No time to waste.' <br/><br/>Calvin brings out his phone and quickly texts Chrisley to inform her that he is on the way. He runs into his garage and decides to take his Black Kawasaki Ninja 1000 to his date. He quickly fills the tank and starts the engine.<br/><br/>Calvin rides for a few minutes before Chrisley's house came into his view. He stops his bike in front of her gate and waits for her to come out. He decides to text her that he is here. He doesn't get any reply but smiles as he heard the gate open up. Chrisley shyly walks out from the gate and waves at him. "Hi~" Chrisley greets making Calvin beam at her.<br/><br/>Chrisley was wearing a plain white shirt with blue jean shorts. She had her hair tied in a high ponytail. Calvin analyse her quickly and deduced that she looked gorgeous.<br/><br/>"Hey... You ready?" Calvin questioned and Chrisley nods her head. "Hop on then," Calvin says motioning her to sit behind him. "Hey... I was thinking..." Chrisley starts making Calvin look at her with a look that said that he was listening. "Why don't we walk?" Chrisley suggests and Calvin smiles at her.<br/><br/>"Sure... Why not?" Calvin turns off his engine and puts the keys inside his pocket and gets off his bike. "Where do you want to go?" Calvin questions making Chrisley smile brightly. "Let's just walk around," Chrisley says making Calvin nod his head. "Alright." Calvin agrees and motions Chrisley to lead the way.<br/><br/>"So... Where is your house?" Chrisley questions making Calvin look at her and answer. "It's on the other side of the town. My house is pretty far from here." Calvin answers and Chrisley nods her head in understanding. "Let's head to Starbucks... I haven't had anything since school." Calvin suggests and Chrisley nods her head. <br/><br/>"Sure... Lead the way." Chrisley agrees and both of them walk towards the nearest Starbucks. Chrisley looks at Calvin secretly and finds him staring in front of him with a nervous look. She giggles softly seeing his condition and decides to do something very brave.<br/><br/>She slowly slid her fingers in between Calvin's fingers and intertwined them while looking away. She softly bit her lower lip as she felt his hand tighten over her fingers. His hand was warm and smooth, and it felt foreign to her.<br/><br/>Calvin was in a similar predicament as Chrisley. When he felt Chrisley's fingers crawl down his hand, he felt a quick rush of adrenaline, Calvin who never expected such a gesture from Chrisley just took her action as an indicator to strengthen himself. Slowly making up his resolve, Calvin tightens his fingers around Chrisley's and starts drawing small circles around her thumb.<br/><br/>They had been walking for about ten minutes and neither said a word, it was not an uncomfortable silence, quite the opposite on the contrary. This moment was the most comfortable they felt in the presence of each other. Both of them had an outline of a smile plastered on their faces and they continued walking for a few more minutes before they finally came to a halt in front of the typical Starbucks.<br/><br/>"Let's head in," Calvin says and Chrisley nods her head. Calvin slowly let go of Chrisley's hands and both of them walked towards the door. Both of them walk inside and the strong smell of coffee hits their senses. They took seats at an empty table and started discussing who will be the one to order.<br/><br/>"What do you want to order?" Calvin questions and Chrisley smiles at him. "Why don't you order for me too... Let's see if I like it." <br/><br/>"What if you don't like it?" Calvin creases his eyebrow in confusion. "Depends." Chrisley simply smirks and Calvin adopts a competitive look. "Stay here... I'll be back now." Calvin nods his head and Chrisley nods back.<br/><br/>Calvin walks up to the counter and orders their food and drinks. He ordered two tall cappuccinos and two butter croissants. He waited for his order to be placed and went back to his table. "Here... Hope you like it." Calvin says as he gave Chrisley her share. Chrisley smiles at Calvin and starts eating. <br/><br/>As they ate, both of them shared their likes and dislikes. A small but bright spark of love was growing inside both of their hearts as they chatted away their evening and went separate ways promising each other to meet the other day.<br/><br/>-</p>