
Substitute Soulmate

Tác giả: minifantasy
Contemporary Romance
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What is Substitute Soulmate

Đọc tiểu thuyết Substitute Soulmate của tác giả minifantasy được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Three years ago, Yeona buried her husband. Three years later she has yet to move on. Plans to focus on her family's happiness and her present life are soon tossed aboard when she meets a new co-worker...

Tóm tắt

Three years ago, Yeona buried her husband. Three years later she has yet to move on. Plans to focus on her family's happiness and her present life are soon tossed aboard when she meets a new co-worker one day. New co-worker Han Sian proves not to be just anyone but a living nightmare for her. He resembles no one but her dead husband. What if in God's plan there is still someone out there for her? Against all odds, Yeona will have to face the reality of family ties, life, love, and Han Sian. 

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  君忆韵做梦想不到这么狗血的剧情会发生在自己身上!   载坑魂穿?   还是女扮男装的傀儡皇帝身上!   本以为装傻充愣就可以混日子活下去,却没想到身边危机四伏。   而那个明面高冷、内心腹黑又瞧不起自己的摄政王陈晏殊,竟然会成为她唯一的靠山。   为了在这里好好生存下去,她不得不与对方达成协议,她帮他得到他想要的东西,他则护她周全。   可是这千算万算,事情总不是按着自己所想那样来发展?   【小剧场一】   朝堂之上。   某大臣:“禀皇上,以臣之见,此事应依法行事。”   皇上:“嗯,准……”   摄政王:“异议!以本王之见,此事应从长计议,本王还需与皇上进一步商讨,此事就此作罢!”   皇·手无实权·上在角落瑟瑟发抖。   事后书房。   皇上:“皇叔离我远一点,我们只是互相利用的关系……”   陈宴殊猛拍书桌:“所以得联姻!”   【小剧场二】   “都是男人,皇上害羞什么?”   “你……”君忆韵脸瞬间变得通红。   她一咬牙,扯了扯自己的衣领,转而笑道:“朕怎么会害羞呢?”   “只是都是男人,有什么好看的?皇叔定也不喜欢。”   闻言,他嗤之一笑,“皇上不试试,怎么知道臣不喜欢呢?”   【沙雕属性的女主君忆韵×表面高冷狠辣,实则是腹黑温柔属性的男主陈晏殊】

喵小雪R · Tổng hợp
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The betrayed heroes Also part of the Wolf Saga

40 billion years ago in the Mythical era the planet was ravaged by war the Gods and their followers the Angels and the Devil's and their followers Demons. Humanity was caught in the middle of the war between God's and Devil's It was believed that the human race would be wiped out however two brothers were born among the humans they were swordsmen and each were unparalleled among all of humanities warriors the first brother was a kind hearted man who believed in the good in everyone he was named Alexander his brother was a cruel man who believed that peace could only happen when one side was wiped out he was evil and his name was John. Alexander became known as a Devil slayer a man who slaughtered countless Demonic entities with his swordsmanship and was believed to be a hero. Meanwhile John was known as a God killer a man who slaughtered countless Divine and Holy entities with his sportsmanship and was believed to be a grim reaper for the Devil clan. As they grew older they became more powerful to the point where they could rival even the strongest among Devil's and God's posing a threat to the two clans at war. One year when each brother was at the age of twenty John was selected and brought into the ranks of the Demon clan where he was taught how to use demonic energy and trained to become a demonic swordsman. While at the same time Alexander was selected and brought into the ranks of the God clan where he was taught how to use Holy and Divine energy and trained to become a Holy and Divine swordsman.

Goke_black · Kỳ huyễn
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Werewolf Kingdom - Book one of the Kingdom Series

Werewolves. Vampires. Witches. The three main creatures we think of when we think of the supernatural. We think they only ever exist in books and movies. But we've never really looked for them now, have we? Though there are few of us who know of their existence. Very few. There's actually an entire population of them. Hiding. Lurking in the shadows, in the darkness. Some even walk among us. They're part of our friend groups, they work with us, some are even our lovers. We just don't know it. We used to believe that they were real. We used to hunt them down. Slaughter them. Burn their houses down. Torture them. Starve them. You can imagine how much they hated us. Even through all that there were some who believed Humans and Supernaturals could co-exist together. Even some Humans who believed that. But hose who sided with Supernaturals were killed in the same merciless way that they were. Their bodies given to their families. Mutilated, barely recognisable. Then slowly they started disappearing. One by one, they left. Whether they went inti hiding or extinct, we don't know. Until recently, everyone had stopped believing Supernaturals even existed anymore. Oh, but they still do. They're just hiding. Waiting for right moment to strike. To kill or enslave every Human there is on Earth. But this story is not about how they succeeded. No. Its about how I, Ravenna Valicia DeLuca, fell in love with one.

Harlee_Quinn · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

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General Audiencesmature rating
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