
Substitute Marriage - Bride of the Wolf God

①2023.8.17 Notice: Frequency of daily updates:One episode per day ===================================================== Zona, a young girl who has lost her parents, is betrayed by her own uncle and forced to be sacrificed as a bride to the mysterious, powerful wolf god...

CloudC · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

003 Mysterious Hardboiled

What made Zona even more surprised was that since she came to the mountain from the snowy plains in the middle of winter, according to the theory that the temperature difference was even greater, the temperature on the mountain was even lower, and the plants blossomed, fruited, and decayed even later, what she saw should be a piece of dead trees. But as far as the eye can see, the leaves of this forest have not yet fallen, and there are still many green leaves on the branches.

  She was just marveling at the wonders of nature when a sudden gust of biting cold wind blew in her face - blowing through the velvet dress she was wearing.

  Achoo! She tightened her leaky lapel collar. For the sake of life, it would be better to start a fire first. It would keep her warm and keep the beasts at bay.

  Tree houses can't be lit, Zona tried to remember what her parents taught her as a child about surviving in the wild, so she picked up some dead branches with crushed grass and foam, Zona froze and crouched under the tree, a little worried, how could she light this? In the village, there are flints and scythes, but there is nothing I can do about it, and there is no sign of these two life-saving items in the wooden house.

  The most primitive is the most useful! She picked up the bone knife taken down from the tree house, dug a small pit in the bad wood, and filled it with fine fluffy grass, and rubbed her hands rhythmically on a smooth branch.

  Until the palms of the hands rubbed red blisters, Zona in this cold world, feel the warmth of the fire ...

  Fearing that a gust of wind would blow the embers into the forest, Zona struggled to build a few more rocks to hold the fire together. The firelight melted and reflected him, and Zona felt doubly at ease.

  Before she warmed up, there was a howl of wolves and the kicking of wildlife from the mountains, Zona glanced around cautiously, added more wood with some trepidation, and gathered the fire a little higher.

  It was as if this warm fire was the only thing she had to rely on in this quiet forest.

  After a long time, because of the tension, her tense muscles are stiff, more and more close to the sound of the wolf howl only gradually stopped, as if they have already got the desired fruits of war, contentedly began to eat and drink.

  She was slightly relieved to let go of the torch in her hand, when suddenly, two familiar wolf heads emerged from the grass in front of her! The sky was already dark, and the two pairs of wolf pupils were hidden behind the grass and trees, shining with ghostly light. They just looked at the flames in front of them, hovering and not approaching.

  Zona was a bit scared and could only hold up the torch for defense. When did they approach? I didn't realize it at all!

  One person and two wolves, wide-eyed confrontation for a while, the two green wolves did not go forward, only cared for their own throat issued a "whine whine whine" sound exchanges. Afterwards, their ears moved, both lowered their heads towards the dark forest behind them and respectfully bent their bodies.

 Zona was fully focused, hunger and nervousness even made her a little blurry eyed. Only to see the depths of the dark woods, vaguely a strange figure rapidly approaching the cabin, her hairs stood on end in fear!

  Only when the figure was out of the forest and was illuminated by the firelight and the dim sunlight did Zona's heart drop halfway, the figure was actually a strong man clad in animal skins with a stag full of sharp horns on his shoulders.

  Although she couldn't see the man's face, but never mind that, it was at least a human being!

  Zona was just about to carefully strike up a conversation with the man when she saw the strong man fling the bloodied and whirling deer on his shoulder to the ground, raise a wooden gun, and pounce towards her in three steps!

  He only had a torch in his hand, but his reaction was too slow, the strong man was as swift as a cheetah, pouncing in front of her, his gnarled arm grasping the wooden gun, and nailed it into the tree trunk behind Zona.

  The torch in Zona's hand fell to the ground with a "clang", and her heart was pounding, she raised her head stiffly, but looked into a pair of deep golden wolf's eyes, whose narrow pupils contracted or dilated as the light changed, and glanced down at him with a deep, deep look. As the daughter of a hunter, she understood that these were never human eyes, and his identity, Zona vaguely guessed.

  Just this one glance, Zona remembered forever. As strong and cold as a wild beast, there was no nearness to her in his eyes, only a constant surge of wild blood.

  "You, you, you are." Without waiting for Zona to finish stumbling over the question, the man suddenly stood up and pulled out the wooden spear nailed to the tree trunk. On it was surprisingly strung a thin, grayish snake with a verdant belly that looked venomous.

  With a flick, he tossed the snake, which had penetrated seven inches, into the fire, and stood up to look at Zona, who had awakened, with dark gold eyes full of wariness.

"Are you Lord Wolf God?" Zona looked at the viper thrown into the fire in horror and tried to keep herself calm, seeing that she was not getting an answer she couldn't help but mutter, "It's over, this man doesn't understand human language."

"I am not."

A beastly, guarded voice suddenly rang out, startling Zona.

"Ah, so.." realizing that her rude words just now were understood by the other party, she said with some embarrassment, "Thank you for saving me just now."

  Then without waiting for the stuttering Zona to finish her sentence, she turned around and walked to the dead deer, kicked the deer to the side of the fire that Zona had lit, and disappeared into the jungle in three steps, never looking back.

  Zona's jaw dropped as she watched the extremely tall and strong figure get swallowed up by the darkness, both in awe and extreme respect. In her short life of more than 20 years, she had never seen such a person, such a man who exuded danger and wildness.

Strong limbs and agile hands, full of confidence and pride, even the two green wolves just now submitted to him ... But he said that he was not a wolf god, so who was he?

  Zona gasped hard for a few breaths, smelling the aroma of snake meat being burned in the fire before coming back to her senses. The hunger in her belly wrapped around her, giving her no time to ruminate on the fact that the man looked harmless from side to side, had saved her life twice, and had given herself a fat stag to boot!

  But, Zona touched the still warm stag, the thing was covered in tough thick fur, Zona surveyed it, as a hunter's daughter, she professionally thought that it would be best to skin the whole thing off to keep it warm, at the same time she couldn't finish the meat for a while, she had to think of a way to save it, and also to cover the scent of the blood, not to attract any other predators, but luckily, this tree house would give her some shelter.

  Zona was about to get started when she looked up and saw that the two wolves hadn't followed the man and were still lying in the grass not far from her, looking at the fat deer by the fire and licking their lips. ...


Zona wasn't that afraid of the two wolves nowadays, and she somehow felt that it was the man who had just instructed the two to keep an eye on her. Besides, the wolves' eyes didn't look so fierce, just a little witty and greedy ...

  She picked up the bone knife, starting from the stag's neck wound, cut off a few pieces of neck meat with force, and immediately skewered them with sharpened twigs and placed them in the fire to roast.

  It was too hungry! But she didn't dare to eat the snake meat in the campfire, for fear of poison, she could only wait anxiously for the venison to cook.Zona kept turning the branch, the meat was roasted with a moist sound, the oil dripped into the fire, and some embers sprang up from time to time.

  It smells good! The outside of the meat was cooked a little, Zona cut it off and ate a little. Nothing was seasoned, but the taste of fresh meat was the best taste for the hungry man!

  The neck meat is live meat, both flavorful and chewy. It was just a little choking with a mouth full of meat. When she was parched, she melted and drank in the thin, clean snow nearby, served in a ceramic bowl that was only half full. But the taste wasn't sweet like the snow in the village; the snow water here had a slight sulfuric odor! But Zona couldn't care less and gulped it all down.