
Subject 008

in the year 2047, as the world falls into chaos under the midst of a war, Leaders from within the free states approve the proposal, from the new general lane, To turn the most gifted children from each country into super soldiers in hope that these kid will help turn the tide in the war. Eoghan a child from the country Ierne is selected as one of these kids. watch as He struggles to survive in his new life while striving to become the most powerful subject amongst his group.

joon_hae · Khoa huyễn
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The Meeting That Started It All

As the bell rang to initiate the meeting men and women emerged from both sides of the hall, flooding the esteemed hall of freedom as they made their way to their assigned seats. These people, who were leaders from across the free states territories, came to discuss the current sate of the ongoing war. Each one was dressed in a ceremonial garment of their land, ranging from simple tunics, To the most elaborate dresses and suits ever worn by the human species.

These once powerful leaders had been brought to their knees by the emergence of a so-called terrorist group. This group had named themselves "the peoples federation". this meeting within the hall of freedom was called to discuss plans to stop the peoples federation and to bring in a new era for the free states.

As the leaders found their seats they began to sit down in a neat and orderly fashion. They knew that through the media, all eyes would be on them and any screw up or sign of weakness would cause their citizens to lose faith in them. This gave the hall a rather eerie yet still atmosphere filled with tension. The leaders started to grow impatient as the General Pavlov of the free state army took his place within the centre stage of the hall, getting ready to make his comments on the recent war efforts.

With all eyes on him he spoke. With a voice uniquely filled with both authority and sadness he uttered the words "Ladies and gentle men of the esteemed council of the free states. I am sorry to say, that even through my best efforts, we have been unable to push back the peoples federation. What had originally been nothing but a thorn in our shoe, has grown to something beyond of which I can control. This is why I have decided to resign" He paused as the crowd grew restless. From the sudden expressions of shock leaders you could tell that nobody expected this.

General Pavlov had long been a well respected member of the court. He had grown to fame during the Helium wars of 2025 where against all odds he led many of his men to victory. This allowed him to quickly rise up in ranks and as he continued to turn the tide in the war on the free states behalf. This war would lead to the free states becoming prominent within and eventually the head of world politics. The fact that this man, once considered a god amongst those he had led, was unable to squash the emergence of a new threat had struck fear in the hearts of many leaders.

"My replacement" Spoke Pavlov after a pause that seemed to span hours "My replacement will be none other than Superintendent Lane" The crowd went silent while Pavlov stepped to the side. As lane went to take centre stage a man near the back of the crowd stood up shouted "You monster" soon more people began joining in on the jeering shouting comments like "You are a disgrace to the free states" and "You make me sick" at the new general.

To give some backstory, general lane was considered the opposite of Pavlov. He was considered a cheat and deceiver amongst many people within the free states. Previously He was the superintendent of the chemicals department and was looked down upon for his unorthodox methods within his department. Lane often used prisoners of war as subjects for horrific experiments within his chemical department having it encouraged and covered up by the Slantine government.

Being born in the land of Slantiah in 2002 to a former army man turned politician of a father and housewife mother, Lane was considered a child prodigy in chemistry. He had been fascinated by weapons since a young age and had followed in his fathers footsteps to become a soldier. Within the army he was described as cold and unfeeling by his comrades. After basic he joined the chemical division of the army, and the rest is history. Stories of his tortures and cold-hearted nature spread across the free states striking fear in the hearts of many.

As the crowd continued jeering Lane began to speak, seemingly unfazed by the comments made at his expense, "My fellow members of the free states" He says as the crowd slowly starts to quieten down "I have been brought here today to ensure the victory of our beloved free states against the people's federation. Though I of all people know that it will not be easy ask you to put your faith in me and I will deliver. Beside me is my associate one Hank Burges" He says as he faces a well dressed man to his left "He will be ensuring the victory of the free states through an experimental procedure he and I have constructed named Project X, I assure you that this will make our esteemed army unstoppable by the hands of the peoples federation and other threats as well as bringing in a new age of free state supremacy. All I ask to enact this plan" He says with hesitation, Knowing his next words will likely cause a row in the leaders "Is a list of 5 of your most gifted children under the age of 17"He says as he looks at the crowd watching them grow agitated by even suggesting this. "I will change them into unstoppable super soldiers under your personal command" As he continues as a man wrapped in chains is brought to the stage . The mans eyes are filled with a fiery anger that is sensed by everyone in the crowd. He is wearing nothing but a pair of dirty orange trousers and a chrome collar around his neck. Along his chest is a tattoo with the numbers 001.

"This here is Diego" Lane says as the crowd anxiously awaits what will happen next. "He has obtained but a fraction of the power I can give to you" Lane says with a smile on his face as he presses a button, The button causes the collar to emit a shock and as this happens Diego erupts into flames. while ablaze Diego stares at the crowd and The crowd is in aww to see a mere human being possessing the power of the gods. reluctantly They begin to believe Lanes words as Diego is shocked again causing him to extinguish the flames he was previously engulfed in. As he is taken off the stage by his chains the crowd begins to grow restless. Lane pardons them and as they clear out they chat amongst themselves telling each other the sacrifices these children will make will be for the good of all the free states.