
Su Feng: A Story To Remember

Su Feng: A Story To Remember is a myth between the four realms. The Heavenly realm, the Demon Void Realm, The human realm and the Forbidden Realm. In the ancient days, White consult the Demon God Nine tailed Fox was the most powerful God in the four realms, thousands years later, she rebelled against the heaven's. Her soul was sealed and imprisoned until it was released by a minion and at last, SU Feng was born. Transcended and born as a demon God reincarnation, Lived as a human Man Chao Xing, Became Su Feng, a royal princess and died as The demon God of Chaos WHITE CONSULT and Su Feng. inhabit the soul of a female nine-tailed demon of Chaos within him His life, however, get entangled as he comes across Immortals from the heavenly realm

AuthoressChioma · Khác
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15 Chs

Chapter Eight

"My lady amm so sorry" Xing stuttered while apologizing, but Yang didn't pay hid.

Although Qing Yang was indeed loved by people, she was heartless when she becomes upset, few deities including Lin Xiu, her brother the heavenly king and Nian.

"Am wrong and should not have ruined your dress, I'll clean it up and fix it right! Enraged Qing Yang tightened the vines around Xing's neck to kill him, however , a pair of golden wings sprung out from the bracelet in Xing's hand, creating a shield which cut the vines and protected Chao Xing.

Yang's eyes widened in surprise, asking herself how a lowly maid could possess phoenix wings, she then took notice of the bracelet in Xing's hand and recognized it by the glow and phoenix symbol in it.

Only one person posses such a bracelet in the four realms, Lin Xiu.

Qing Yang got angry and more determined to kill the girl whom dare to wear His lordship bracelet.

Xing breathed out a sigh of relief, and glared at his wings.

'Whoa, I have wings?' Xing questioned himself inwardly with amusement. His lips formed an O shape as he felt proud of himself.

"Let's see how this wicked witch get through my magnificent wings" Xing murmured.

Yang Conjured her fire vines, this time it seemed to have sharp thorns around each rose targeting at Xing's heart.

The vines we're so close yet interrupted and were melted down by someone.

Lin Xiu came in and pulled Xing into his embrace, Yang looked at Lin Xiu arms around Xing waist and felt her heart shred into a thousand pieces.

"Phoenix [That was Yang's pet name for Lord Lin Xiu from when she was a child]what are you doing?what business do you have with this lowly maid?" Yang questioned Lin Xiu angrily.

"This maid is a human man, I accidentally brought him to the heavenly realm, he's been hurt several times ever since he came here, he doesn't know how things are being done here or what we are. It's only right that I take responsibility for him henceforth until he leaves" Lin Xiu explained.

"Why does he have your bracelet? He's most certainly a thief, you never let me touch the bracelet, and he stole it!" Qing Yang yelled angrily.

Lin Xiu knew how judging Qing Yang could be when she's upset, she doesn't back down easily and wouldn't stop unless she hurt Chao Xing.

"While he was injured earlier, my pet tried to attack him as it didn't recognize his aura, so I gave it to Xing to protect him" Lin Xiu replied.

Qing Yang stared at Xing with anger and continuously bit her lips. Lin, however, went closer and pacified her.

"It's your birthday today, he shouldn't spoil your mood, okay! Everyone is waiting for you in the hall!" Lin Xiu Said softly as he caressed her cheek and used his thumb to release the frowning line formed by Yang's brows.

"But he spoiled my dress, how am I supposed to go like this?" Yang complained.

Lin Xiu used his magic and removed the stain as if they were never a mark.

"Look I've fixed it, now please put on a bright smile or your beautiful makeup will be ruined, and you'd look ugly. I want you to smile and look as beautiful as your true form as a rose" Lin praised Yang, which caused her to blush.

"Fine, I'd let it go!" Yang said.

"My lady, Everyone is waiting for you. Please come out!" Nian said from outside.

" I'll go now, I am expecting a beautiful birthday gift, phoenix" Yang spoke.

She walked a few steps and glared at Xing, who was avoiding her gaze behind Lin Xiu.

' I'll get back at you human,' She said inwardly and left.

Lin Xiu turned around and looked at Xing, annoyed by the second. "If I didn't arrive in time you'd be dead soon, why do you have to be stubborn?" Lin asked

"Bird, if you didn't come then my wings would have saved me, I didn't know I have wings until now!" Xing praised himself and giving a smug to Lin

"Childish" Xing said as he collected the bracelet from Xing, which caused Xing's wings to disappear.

"I'll drop you back at your place after the banquet,for now, stay put by my side! If anyone asks who you are, tell them you're my disciple." Lin Xiu instructed,

"Understood, by the way, where exactly am I? I searched for an entrance, but only met clouds everywhere. If I jumped in then, I'd die" Xing said

"We have four realms which are the heavenly realm, Human realm, demon realm and the Neither realm. Everyone here I either an immortal deity, demon, Fairies, or a God. You accidentally came here because of me when you picked my feather.

"I don't believe in such superstitions! There's no such thing as Gods nor immortals or demons!" Xing refused to believe something that he never agreed to, back with Yao will never believe such rubbish.

"You wondered about, yet you still seem stubborn to believe something I say, have it your way then but don't bother begging me to save you when you get in trouble," Lin replied rudely.

"Firstly, I never begged you to come save me, I could save myself, but you just came to wish the princess a happy birthday, and you accidentally met me hurt, so you felt guilty and so you made it up to me" He said proudly.

"Says the person who hid behind the same person you said was into male" Lin said as he held Xing and disappeared to his chamber.

"Happy Eighteenth thousand birthday your grace, we wish you every good thing in the world, and we have come to show our gratitude by celebrating with you! We brought beautiful jewelries from the far north and many alms of gold 祝您一萬八千歲生日快樂,我們祝您世界上一切美好,我們特意來與您一起慶祝以表達我們的感激之情!我們從遙遠的北方帶來了美麗的珠寶" Mount Hua sect said with their head bowed as they paid their respect.

Qing Yang Smiled gracefully as she cheered for them with her goblet.

"Today is my birthday banquet, my birthday comes once a thousand years, eat and drink to your satisfaction" Yang said with her goblet raised and cheering to all the deities and god's there.

"Yes your majesty!" Everyone stood and bowed with their goblets, each cheering for each other.

Beautiful ladies in stripeless hanfu gown and veils covering their faces and danced the Nghe-thuong Chinese dance and the lion dance [Nghe-thuong 中國舞蹈與舞獅]

The Lord were eating with their chopsticks to their satisfaction, they were all cheering and drooling at the ladies who swayed their hips beautifully following the beat of the drum. "Beautiful, Beautiful" Qing Feng the heavenly queen came in and was pleased by the atmosphere.

"Brother" Yang said as she ran and hugged her brother. " Careful dear, I brought you this sword made of the best iron core and the soul of the descendants of the rose clan, it's also having five hundred years of life ascent capable of destroying anything. All you need to do is to cultivate the sword and become it's master." Qing Feng lovingly said.

"Her highness is really lucky, such a mighty sword better than every gift given to her, she's indeed lucky" People gossiped.

Lin Xiu came inside the banquet hall with Xing, who was struggling in carrying the jars of wine made by Lin Xiu as a birthday gift.

"Long Live your royal highness, I bought this little token of gift for your highness, I hope you love it" Lin Xiu said with a bow.

Qing Yang blushed and beamed happily as she saw the wine made by Lin Xiu.

"Thank you my Lord" Yang appreciated

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