
Chapter 36: The False Veil of Peace Will Eventually Be Tornapart,

Chapter 36: The False Veil of Peace Will Eventually Be Tornapart,

"Kenichi, you seem a bit distracted today," Kakashi remarked curiously, noticing his friend's poor performance tonight. Just yesterday, they were evenly matched in their game, but today, Kenichi seemed to drift off occasionally.

"Ah, sorry, Kakashi, I was just thinking about something," Kenichi apologized with a sincere smile, shaking his head.

His apology was genuine and heartfelt, which made Kakashi feel a bit embarrassed.

Looking at Kakashi, Kenichi's expression was apologetic. His distraction was entirely due to today being a special day.

Indeed, as the peaceful days passed, the turning point for Konoha finally arrived—the due date of Uzumaki Kushina.

Kenichi wasn't supposed to know, being just one of the many Chunin in Konoha, but fortunately, his teacher hinted at him, so he was aware of today's special circumstances.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Kenichi clicked his tongue. Today was the birth of Uzumaki Naruto, the future Hokage Ninja and the prophesied child.

Although in the distant future, the storyline of Boruto, which was initially criticized as non-flammable, would emerge, the current protagonist was indeed Uzumaki Naruto.

And from this moment, the storyline Kenichi knew was about to be pushed forward.

However, those were matters for later. Now, Kenichi had other issues to address.

"Kakashi, have a drink," Kenichi cheerfully offered a bottle of beverage, then opened it in front of Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't mind, having noticed his friend's fondness for beverages during his visits, drinking a bottle every night.

Kakashi glanced outside; the sky hadn't completely darkened yet, but it was almost time to leave for the Anbu.

If his teacher hadn't known about his recent good relationship with Kenichi and given him half a day off, he would have been wearing a mask and on a mission by now.

"Kenichi, sorry, I have to go," Kakashi managed a weak smile, wanting to explain to his friend.

"Ah, I know, it's okay, drink up before you go," Kenichi smiled even more naturally.

Kakashi found nothing odd and drank it in one gulp, enjoying the familiar taste. Then, he stood up, bid farewell to his friend, and left Kenichi's house.

As Kakashi turned his back, Kenichi made his move.

His Yang Chakra was refined to the extreme at that moment, and he injected it all into Kakashi's body with a palm strike.

Completely unguarded, Kakashi trembled, feeling a hit on his back followed by a surge of massive Chakra and a dizzy sensation.

Under the dual effect, Kakashi couldn't even turn around before fainting at Kenichi's doorstep.

"Sorry, Kakashi," Kenichi looked at the unconscious Kakashi with a hint of a smile.

Palm Healing Technique is a unique medical ninjutsu that requires precise control over the output of Chakra. Otherwise, excessive Yang Chakra could cause unconsciousness.

After inheriting the First Hokage's Sage body, his Yang Chakra was still considerable.

Combined with the anesthetic Kenichi smeared at the bottom of the cup, it was no surprise Kakashi was caught off guard.

"It's troublesome. If the research progress was completed now, I wouldn't need to ask the teacher for this eye," Kenichi looked at the glass bottle in his hand, scratching his head.

Inside was an eyeball, a private collection of his teacher Orochimaru, collected during the Second Shinobi World War—a Sharingan from the Uchiha clan.

His teacher had two such eyes, and Kenichi had asked for a long time before getting one from his teacher.

"Although it's likely to not fool Obito, it doesn't matter," Kenichi dragged Kakashi into his house and placed him on the table.

With time pressing and tasks heavy, he didn't have much time for idle chat.

Taking out a scalpel, Kenichi carefully extracted the Mangekyo Sharingan he had long coveted from Kakashi's eye socket and swiftly implanted the three-tomoe Sharingan.

The entire procedure was very short, as replacing an eye wasn't too difficult.

It only required some basic medical ninjutsu, which Kenichi naturally knew from his cooperation with Danzo.

Using a scalpel was merely to avoid being too brutal.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan. This is indeed a miraculous eye; I wonder if it can be researched?" Kenichi looked at the eyeball with interest, then stored it in a specially made glass bottle.

After cleaning the blood, Kenichi dragged Kakashi to the bed to lie down.

Kakashi would remain unconscious for a while, but not too long.

As time passed, a furious roar echoed through Konoha, and Kenichi, looking at the giant figure outside the window, couldn't help but smile.

The Nine-Tails was finally released, so the death of the Fourth Hokage and his wife was certain unless Hiruzen Sarutobi suddenly rushed out to fight the Nine-Tails.

But the likelihood of that was as slim as Kenichi suddenly creating a nuclear bomb with his hands.

Kenichi supported Kakashi as they walked out, with people running everywhere. No one noticed them, allowing Kenichi to find a corner to leave Kakashi.

"The streets are in chaos," Kenichi casually picked up a mask from a nearby unattended stall and put it on his face.

Kenichi remembered the storyline mentioning that part of the Nine-Tails' Chakra was collected by someone on the night of the Nine-Tails. He also wanted to try collecting some of the Nine-Tails' Chakra.

Then, he could resume research, knowing that even someone who wasn't a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki could rely on this Chakra to achieve a Tailed Beast Cloak.

"Kenichi, where are you going?" a gentle voice asked. Kenichi stiffened and turned to see his teacher Orochimaru.

(End of Chapter)

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