
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · Thanh xuân
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15 Chs


Author's Pov:

Everyone in the school corridor were busy talking with friends, bullying the spod and girls checking out boys while the horny boys were appraising the Girl's asses, and among them with a book in his hand was David.

He doesn't give a shit about anyone in the corridor were he is damn sure that the nasty stares of the girls are actually making him naked in their eyes. His eyes were only on the book but his mind was on the blackmail which was done by one of the women he did it with last night


David Peterson's Pov:

After doing it with that women i was laying on the motel room's bed and the women was in the bathroom washing away the dirt . I was having my hand under my head and the sheets were just covering my torso.

I heard the door of the bathroom unsealing and the women appeared with her hair freely falling on her shoulders and the towel was swaddeled on her body frame which was actually too short. She came towards me in a seductive manner swaying her hips from side to side and layed beside me.

But it didn't even effect me a little bit. She thinks that she is hot but for me she is just a piece of meat, that's it.

"Hey handsome still not getting dressed up?", She asked me while her index finger was on my bottom lip, pressing it down. "I wonder why you don't let me taste your lips. Is it only for me or no one gets to taste it?", she said as she leaned in to kiss me.

I pushed her hand and sat up on the bed which accidently gave her the view of my muscular back. "You know what? we just had sex and you are turning me on now", she hugged me from behind and pushed me to the bed again.

"No Ma'am i have to leave now", i tried being nice to her when she just threw the towel which was covering her away.

"What about round two, i swear it will make you feel good", she tried convincing me but it was of no use. I wore the pendant which i kept it in the drawer earlier, but to my surprise, this bitchy woman snatched the necklace from my neck and took it.

"Baby boy you will have this only when we finish round two" she stated but she doesn't know that i was holding myself from killing her in a brutal way.

"ma'am it would be better if you just hand me back my pendant ", i tried asking her but she was taking it higher and higher, fuck it, i want it back. I can do anything to her if i have to get my pendant.

I slapped her and made her lay on the bed while she touched her lips which was bleeding from the impact. I pinned her arms on top of her head. I took the pendant from her hand and stood up from the bed while the sheets were hanging dangerously low on my torso.

"Never Blackmail someone when you don't know the consequences", I wore my jeans and my black shirt and went towards the door to open it.

"You will pay for it Baby boy, not now but maybe in future, you don't have any idea about who i am. Be ready", She threatened me.

But i just smirked and replied her with, "I never pay back lady, I only pay forward".

With that i left the room.....


Author's Pov:

He actually never cared about what the women said to him, what he actually cared about was the necklace. He was very close to lose it. Infact, he was planning to fuck that women again but everything crashed down when she snatched that necklace.

It was something he was keeping hidden from the world for the past twelve years,It was actually a love pendant which he gave to his love and she has the other part of it. He never wanted to lose her but he did. Because of Mr. Wilson . He can never forgive him as he ruined his life from every direction.

"Hey, David", he heard his friend Lucas calling him from the end of the corridor, he turned his head to that direction and indicate his friend to come towards him.

"Yo man, How you doing?", he asked him while he patted his back, he replied with a smile and we did a bro handshake.

"Listen man, I begged Isla to give you a second chance for her to tutor you",The short man said the latter and he grew interested.

"What did she say, Lucas?", David asked him and Lucas was hesitating to tell him about it, Lucas knew that his bestfriend will never agree to beg someone for just passing in an examination. "I admit that it's my fault......I was wrong but i realised it when she pushed me against the wall and shouted at me. Strangely... It felt good being scolded by a girl other than being internally raped in their minds" Jungkook said as Yoongi laughed at his last sentence.

"Thats great that you felt good when she scolded you....sometimes you are an idiot, Peterson ", Lucas said as he laughed and David shrugged it off.

"By the way, what was her answer?", David asked and Lucas sighed but still David said that he realised his mistake so this shouldn't be a big deal for him.

"Only...... when you beg her for her forgiveness for whatever the shit you created yesterday", Lucas said while David just laughed at him.

"Only to beg for forgiveness right and nothing else?", He asked and Lucas nodded while David took his History book from his locker.

"Are you okay with it?", Lucas asked him as he made a shocking face towards David. "Yes I am because for me economics is more important than my pride as my dream is to do something related to economics so that i can come out of that hell hole". David stated and Lucas was shocked but still smiled at him while David returned the gesture.

"Oh so this shows that you're gonna give a try to woman", Lucas said but David nixed his head signaling no.

"No no, i am tired of women i will just do this for the sake of my future. Its because she kinda gave a different vibe yesterday but still I don't think so that i might differentiate women because for me all of them are same....... thirsty for lust" David stated and went to his classroom after waving to his Friend.

Lucas stood still and looked at him going towards his class while the girls gave him a lip biting look which he treated as a bark of a dog.

David's situation was something which he couldn't help him with. Mr. Wilson is a dangerous man so even he can't do anything but to just give David a hope from time to time.

"Everything will change, David...... When you will meet the right girl in your life, you will forget about everything and will focus only on her, to love her and cherish her, just don't lose hope", Lucas murmured to himself and went to his own class.