
Structurized dungeon extermination 101

Seraph appeared in a weird city that seemed familiar, then he realized he was in a place with gods among men. It was that multi-media anime thing he did for his brother like a month ago! He set on a journey with his system that kept telling him to rest, on a quest to exterminate the dungeon, wasting as little time as possible. -There's no upload scedule, they'll just come out whenever I get a new chapter ready.

Mauritany_DL · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Portability 101

Kanata woke up as usual, and got dressed. She did the bare minimum to stay fresh for the rest of the day, and left.

'What do I do today? I should probably pawn the broken applied magic item before Alph realizes I took the evidence.' She sighed and started to walk through the alleys.

To be honest, Joseph's death did quite the blow to her mental health, but she had calmed down rapidly. Death was in the business, and that man... Scared her to much for her to wish for vengeance. The figure called them 'Exp-warehouses', after thinking about it for a long time, she came to the conclusion that 'Exp' was an abreviation to 'Exalia'.

And that meant that he though of the two of them physical, living, walking, exalia for the taking. From her time in the darker part of time, she's learnt that crazies like that, who think of humans as objects, are not to be messed with.

She still remembered her first boss, an elite of the famila, 'Willy warlord' as he was called. He looked at her and her fellows as pawns in the many wargames he caused, and the moment one of them resisted they were instantly silenced.

She took another turn, and saw a cloaked figure, silently resting against a building. Her heart paced rapidly, and her breath became unsteady, but she remembered what 'Lili' said; 'He never did anything while I was working for him, I believe it's because you attacked him.'

She, as silently as she could, walked past the cloaked figure. When she finally felt she was far enough away, she took in a large breath-

Which was stopped by the blade comming out of her chest.

She couldn't stop herself from coughing-up blood, as she looked at the person who had attacked her "You!" It was Seraph

"Haha! Exp-warehouse, I told you I would feed you steel through your veins! Why are you so surprised?" He violently tugged out his ninjato, leaving her to fall to her knees on her own.

Not satisfied, Seraph slashed off an arm with a beautiful crescent "A mere pawn dares defy me? I will make an example out of you!" The wind blowed a strong gale, and the hood of the cloak had fallen, showing a rough middle-aged man with brown hair.

He kicked her head, allowing her to fall to the ground face-first "You will regret crossing me!" He walked up to the writhing mess that was her, and stomped on her head, letting her release a scream filled with agony.

But Seraph felt that it evidently didn't feel that it was enough, and pressed against her air-way with his foot. For a few seconds, Katana felt the air leave her, and despair set it. Along with the cries of pain that attempted to leave through her throat.

Seeing this all accour, the middle aged man smiled, and found it enough, stomping on her neck will all his power-

Katana slowly opened her eyes, drenched in sweat "W-what," She said while panting "Was that... A dream? Is the cloaked man Willy?"

She slowly calmed down and got dressed, and silently looked out the window, into the street, and saw a cloaked figure enter the building, which was the real Seraph.

Today was a day of planning, where he would do surface objectives while planning his next course of action. He silently walked to the front-desk, where the person sitting there recognized him "Hello, sir Fuhrer, the same as usual?"

Seraph silently nodded and took 25 thousand valis and put on the counter, the woman smiled and quickly snatched the valis "Thank you for your contribution to the heaphestus familia, your goods of choice will be arriving shortly."

Seraph gave a curt 'Good.', and sat on one of the seats in the waiting area. Taking out his artificy pen and his recently fixed Empyrean spark, starting to put in some small improvements to the circut design. Mostly increases in endurance, only a two or three uses to be destroyed on average is not good.

Not noticing Alph walking down the stairs, he calmly kept on with his artificy. This was in public, and he had done nothing wrong. If the blond-haired guy dared to do something, at least two discharges of Empyrean spark would befall him.

But it seemed Alph didn't even recognize him, as he walked up to the counter to talk to the lady at the counter, seemingly having a lovely time. Though Seraph watched it happen, it quickly fell into the recesses of his mind, jotted down as 'Irrelevant'.

After a bit, he was called by his official name 'Der fuhrer', sadly the inhabitants of this realm could not pronounce the 'ü' sound properly.

Seraph stood up and promptly took the materials he requested and left without another word, he had already eaten so that was not needed. So; He needed to use some of the big artificy tools, this time he had a proper blueprint for the applied divider, making it portable!

He walked to the premier applied magic shop, with all your applied magic needs. The man at the desk recognized "Ah, der fuhrer, which applied tool are you renting today?"

"The divider." Seraph said while taking out... 3.2k valis and putting it on the counter. He recieved a happy nod, as he disregarded the man and went through the halls to the divider room.

Opening the room, there were about five sections in the room, two being occupied. Seraph quietly moved to one of the sections, each section having a divider and a few applied batteries to fuel them.

Every advanced artificy tool used applied batteries as their power source instead of magic stones, and they were quite a bit more expensive than magic stones with the same amount of energy.

They could be refueled with some other artificy device, with magic stones. That was the next goal, magic battery creation.

But for now; Portable divider. He took out the only piece of parchment he had on him, and put his blueprint onto paper.

It was three artifacts that would lock together to make a single working divider that could be used portably instead of the giant contraption in front of him, though it would be less powerful and he would need to use some of his own physical force to make it work properly.

But portability would be worth it, even if the rate at which it ate magic stones was theoretically quite fast, he could bare it.

He took out a block of iron, and partially put it into the three-sided opening of the cube with the complimentary clamp. He took one of the applied batteries, and guided to the opening in the divider where it was put into.

He pressed the big button on the side, it slowly started to glow with light-blue light for about ten seconds, and suddenly a heavy 'Thunk' accoured, as the part of the block of iron that was inside, was cleanly cut off from the rest that was still held still by the clamp.

He then repeated the process a few more times, after which he replaced the empty battery and took out another cube. He repeated this a few times,

In total there were 11 cut cubes, which became more elongated, but also for some reason had cubic protrusions. Creating a weird pattern that, although cool looking, was not really fitting for Seraph who disregarded beauty as the musings of the mad.

But after he left the room and sat in the main area, where he started to use his artificy pen to set in a few circuts,

More than just a few circuts actually, a few dozen. He wasn't worried about it failing, he had been mulling this over and over for a week. He even thought up the cubic protusions for an experimental circut of his own creation!

And this wasn't even his first try!

After finally completing the process of creating multitudes of circuts, Seraph again put some money on the table "Connector."

"We hope you can create your master piece." The man said even more cheerfully.

Seraph nodded slightly and navigated towards another section of the building, this specific room also having five sections, again seeing those two from before.

The 'Connector' was another artifact of large scale, this one used to put two things together. Though this specific one only allowed one to meld two of the same material (Which needed to be metal) together.

He calmly imputted applied batteries, and started to put the artifacts together. One was made with three cubes, and the other two of four cubes each.

He then quickly used his artificy pen to properly connect the circuts that had been slightly distorted by the melding process, but that was only on the side, not the part that was welded. That was a big deal in this, extremely big deal for the designer, who wanted the same thing Seraph wanted.

Now, the spots were the cubes were melded, there was more circut space than if he made it normally without doing this melding thing.

He stowed his three creations, and quietly left, wanting to test this out, secretly.

He first entered the dungeon, then took out his last cube of iron, and then connected the three artifacts together. In the form of a 'bow-saw', after five cut magic stones were put in, a light blue beam connected from the two ends of the newly created bow-saw-like divider artifact.

He quickly tried to cut the cube the ol' fashioned way, with a bit of elbow grease and determination. But that failed after a few seconds all the magic stones had been emptied out and needed to be replaced.

He really found a need for artifact batteries right now, but the real question was; Why did the thingy never show anything to do with artificy? (Except for street lamps, ect).

It was highly mysterious, very 'sus' if you asked me?

...No? Sorry, to easy.

Seraph wasn't sure about where to even buy artifact batteries, he would 100% be turned back if he asked the shop he had been using to rent out the various larger machines for it.

Seraph wasn't a fool. So where to get batteries? Either he could sleuth it out, or make one himself. He found investigation a waste of time if he could just think up a blueprint while grinding, that's the plan; Just make them.

'-Wait, couldn't I just pocket one and copy it's design?' This though came to the head of Seraph, after pondering while killing monsters, he came to the conclusion that this was the best course of action.

From what he knew, you couldn't actually charge batteries without a machine to go with it, so picking up mana batteries is pretty much useless for most, so there usually isn't much security on them.

This was going to be so much easier than expected, but he first needed to find a place he would probably never deal with...