
Strongly Ranked Returns

I only own the MC. MC is Lesbian and is Op. A girl who is accused of stealing and hurting her party leader was left for dead but by her siblings as well. But the gate leads to another world that’s way more dangerous than her last world but greater rewards. She returns four years before her party became famous for there magic and items to get a chance at being the best.

GustWind · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Royal Guard Guild

Dana POV

I checked my new A-Bracer, it holds your player information and sends information on gates as there Rank but also money to buy new gear.

I got a call from the association to discuss some things as I in front of the building as I walked to see the clerk.

Clerk: How can I help you miss?

Dana: Hi, I'm Dana Blanik, I was called by the association.

Clerk: Right Ms. Blanik, the president wants to see you, just give me a second to let her know your here.

I nodded to wait.

Clerk: Miss Blanik, The President will see you now.

I nodded to head to the elevator as I went to the top floor as I arrived to two double doors as I knock.

?: Come in.

I walked in to see a woman at the desk.

?: You must be Dana Blanik, I'm Scarlet Rales, the president of the New York Guild Association, I've called you here about your prizes.

Dana: Prizes?

Scarlet: Yes, you see Justin Ashford and Aven Durrell bet there best items and skills on there matches to go undefeated but you beat them so there yours.

She brought out Excalibur and a skill graph card which is Hephaestus Flames.

I took Excalibur and the card to put in my bracer.

Scarlet: Is there anything else you may need help with cause this is your other reward for beating the higher ranked player?

Dana: Yes, I would like to join a guild for an A Rank for the Royal Guard Guild.

Scarlet: Very well, I'll let the guild master know at once for an interview.

Dana: Thank you, I'll be going now.

Scarlet: Wait, are you going to the player school by any chance?

Dana: Yes, for my last year, why?

Scarlet: My daughter goes there, she'll be a senior too, her name is Emily Rales.

Emily Rales, of course I know the name, she was Justin's girlfriend, she had the S-Rank Skill Angel's Smiting and S-Rank Item Angel Saber, she's hot to which they dated in high school but we got to know each other which now I know that she wants love but not what Justin wants which was sex, I take her for myself really cause she suffers in the vanguard guild.

Dana: You want me to look out for her?

Scarlet: If you could be so kind?

Dana: Very well, I will.

I walked to the elevator to head out of the guild building to teleport home cause tomorrow I'm heading to School.