

Year 2030 thay appeard out of nowhere, out of thin air thay brought destruction within,nothing but misery and pain...Dungeons.

thay first appeared in USA and caused huge uproar amongst us the government tried every means possible to conceal it but it was for naught.

one month later the first monster to ever set foot in human world appeard out of dungeon and many others followed.

thay cused tremendous amount of damage, after many soldiers sacrificed themselves and a bitter battle government succeeded in killing them.

this incident marked the beginning of many similar appearances.

dungeons appeard in every corner of the world the people, the government,were terrified of what happened in USA and began preparing to defend themselves against dungeons.

Year 2034

when world was drowned in despair and hopelessness the first superhuman appeard in China and with amazing strength, speed and most of all a mysterious substance called Mana in his body he slughterd monsters,and finaly the first ray of light in this dark and unforgiving world shined on us.

following that many others appeard like him around the world and with it a system came just like a game only those who have mana in their bodies can have accesss to it this mysterious system gives a clear understanding of your body and future by giving you a class and an aspect of your future,a Characteristic,superhumans started working together and suppressed the Danger known as Dungeons thay quickly gained wealth, fame and authority thay became symbols of hope for people...even if it was for a short time.

Year 2045

World now changed in short span of 11 years following the appearance of superhumans order of the old world crumbled and thay gained what thay wanted.

power above all,after the first appearance of them and their tremendous power and influence,thay created Guilds and super guilds even the government couldn't do anything to them the chains known as law were useless against them.and normal humans became nothing more then ants in front of them the heroes once worshipped and respected become corrupted with power, thay became Symbols of oppression,fear and Power.it's a well known fact if you become a superhuman by awakening your mana inside your body you can have anything you want.


On a very tall building on Rooftop

a young man with black hair pulled to right side and blue eyes wearing a black shirt buttoned to his chest with gray pants was standing he looked devilishly handsome with a cold look he was reading something on his phone when

suddenly a woman called him.

Young master!


your father has called for you his waiting at his office.

...ok let's go

I lazily put my phone in my pocket and walked towards the elevator with my father's secretary as the doors closed an awkward silence fell on us.


and finaly after 10 minutes of walking and riding another elevator I stood right in front of my father's office.

'pls young master'

the secretary gestured me to go inside

i opened the door,what greeted me was an very spacious room with a large desk and a man stood there with his back turned to me his black hair and sturdy build coupled with his suit and an uncaring attitude made him look very mysterious.

my father's name is Tristan fallor his a legendary figure amongst superhumans and ranked 3 in the superhuman ranking in world and, also the guild master of Ares guild a platinum ranked guild and not to mention in the whole world only exists 10 platinum guilds

in front of desk a very beautiful girl with raven black hair and hazel eyes with small nose and rosy lips was sitting quietly.she's my younger sister Ciara fallor and she's 1 year younger then me she's 15 and I'm 16 years old until recently she was studying abroad just like me for getting admitted to academy,oh and she stutters when she's talking that's why she's usually quiet.

without saying anything I walked and sat in front of my sister and said: "its bin some time Ciara!"

she answered with a hint of fear in her voice:hmm "i.i.indeed brother D..Damien!"

I crossed my legs and said slowly with a light chuckle:I heard some funny story Ciara.

as soon as I said that she visibly flinched

I continued:

"I heard that you got defeated by a nobody in your final assessment in high school and got the second place,care to explain."

my dear sister with a mosquito like sound answered:"I..I was"

suddenly my father said:"its enough!"

as he said that he turned around a sharp chin and blue eyes with a domineering aura greeted me.he sat on his chair with a slight frown and said:

"I didn't call you here to argue about something like that,although it's very unsettling for me,that your sister lost to a nobody."

as father said that my sisters had dropped his head and she didn't look him in the eye.

my father continued:

"today I called you two here for a very important matter.

as you know the Glade academy is recruiting next month,you two will go there and I expect you two to graduate as first place."

the Glade academy is amongst the most prestigious academy in the world built in honor of the first superhuman Victor Hudson only to train the future superhumans the prodigial ones or the most outstanding ones.of course in world exists many academy's but none can match up to this one and not to mention anybody that Can graduate from this academy is bound for greatness no matter where they go.

'upon hearing that I got a little excited in my heart.becuse it meant I was going in to a bigger playground and more oppertunities to grow stronger.'

my father continued with an expressionless face:

"you two are both hope and pride of Fallor family do not Disappoint me,get ready in two weeks time you will go to China your paperwork is completed. all you need to do is to present your selves in Glade academy,and...Damien take care of your sister during your stay in Glade academy,thats all."

when father finished his speech I got up with my sister and said:"Rest assured father it will be done."

then I turned around and left,when we exited the room I said to my sister which was staying behind me:"Get ready Ciara I'll see you in two weeks."

as I was walking towards the elevator I got in to deep thought why all this looked familiar to me?

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