
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Kỳ huyễn
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93 Chs

Chapter 83

The two powerful being were looking at each other's eyes as they powered up their attacks. Kence run for tens of meters away, Alice was close to him and he don't want her to die because of the two ultimate attacks clashing. The nature's bomb on Kence's palm was violently trembling, the lightning sparks on it were even more numerous and powerful than before

This is a do or die moment for the two! The miniature sun met a ball of energy that was only a few inches in diameter. It's like time itself stopped when the two powerful attacks met before a loud explosion travelled for more than one kilometer


Whether it be Kence or the deer both of them were blown away from the impact. The miniature Sun wanted to burn everything on its path. The nature's bomb on the other hand wants to destroy the world through explosion!

Two powerful attacks met that not many peak Grand Knights can make but they actually came from a Supernatural that was only at the mid Rank 3!

Shocking! It was too shocking!

Kence was blown away tens of meters, luckily while fighting the deer their location were also tens of meters away from Alice that's why she was unaffected. He doesn't even have any energy to turn his body into wood

His body become bloodied as the explosion was too much for even his body to handle. Whether it be his energy, soul power, or life force all of it were spent! His face paled while the ache on his head was even more painful than his bodily injuries! His soul was also injured!

Kence after all specialized in the awareness aspect of his soul. This let him make a treant with a bit of intellect and awareness but controlling the huge amount of energy inside the nature's bomb required the control aspect of the soul!

In his team Ivy as a Potion Master has greater control on her Soul Power than even Kence! If not for his solid willpower he would surely lose consciousness already!

The deer was in no better condition. It was already greatly injured from before but that clash of their attacks further worsen its injuries. However, its vitality and defense far exceeded Kence's own. Even with severe injury and bloodied body it still has some strength left

The deer with its remaining strength charged aggressively at its opponent

'Damn!' Kence cursed at how powerful the deer is. His energy and life force were already depleted. How can he continue fighting? With the deer's speed he can't get his backpack to eat an energy or life fruit!

Without a choice, Kence was forced to meet the deer's charge with his own body. His bloodied fist met the deer's forehead. He was not a fool, despite the earlier collision the deer's crystalline antlers still didn't received any damage at all

He can only attack the other part of its body. Cracking sounds can be heard on Kence's fist as the bones on it broke from the impact. Pain travelled on his body but he ignored it, he experienced something worst than that before

"I don't believe I can't beat you!" Kence's words were filled with arrogance. The pride of the strong!

He threw another punch using left fist but the same thing happened. Aside from slight damage and pain the deer didn't felt anything. Kence is not a Cultivator that focuses on bodily strength after all

His physical attack is far inferior than his energy based attacks. "I said I will beat you!" Kence's voice sounded angry, this fight lasted for already a long time and must end now

Who knows where he get the energy but his arms turned into a sharp root and attacks the deer's forehead once more. This time he made a deeper wound but not enough to destroy its skull or brain

Naturally, the deer won't let itself become a punching bag. It attacked Kence using its antlers causing some of his rib bones to crack. Another mouthful of blood came out from Kence's mouth but he ignored it and madly use his root arm to kill the deer


Something inside of Kence exploded, that barrier separating him from the peak of Grand Knight was finally destroyed! His root arm glowed with an intense light green light and when it met the deer its skull cracked

Kence didn't stop though, the surrounding energy gathered around his body. The energy was greedily absorbed by his body further rising his strength. The amount of energy inside him once again skyrocketed. Some of his injuries were also slowly healing, the energy he is absorbing after all is nature type. It has close connection to life and healing! It can be said that nature energy has both life and healing attributes

With the new strength on his body he continue throwing punch using his root on the deer until it was blown away a few meters away from him because of the impact. As soon as Kence stopped he breathed heavily as he was already out of breath from the intense fight. Even though some of his injuries were already healed but his body was still fatigue!

The deer's body just like the other Supernaturals that Kence killed in the forest glowed and shrunk. But this time there was no Energy Pearl that was left

Instead, the deer's crystalline yellow antlers didn't vanish like the other parts of its body. Soon, aside from the antlers there's only the angel's wings tattoo that was left. The wing tattoo slowly turned into an expensive looking ring made from an unknown black metal

Kence didn't dare to check the spoils of war and just put the two things inside his backpack that he grabbed along the way. He hastily carried Alice's unconscious body away from the scene. Who knows what sort of creature would be attracted by the loud noise

He immediately fled away from the scene to recover from his injuries. Just that deer alone was already that terrifying, what if there's another abnormal Supernatural like that?

What he didn't know that on the top most part of the tower the Angel Raphela was currently watching him. Most parts of the tower were still empty and was only a place with a chaotic space. Just like where the Angel is

Spatial fragments, debris, and tear filled the area. As she didn't stabilize the space she tear from earth in that area yet. If a powerful enough being saw her they will see that a chunk of her strength was used up. Even she paid quite a bit building this tower

The construction of the tower itself was not that too hard, she has many treasures that can help build it. What cost her a bit was the management of it. She paid a huge part of her strength to the Voice of the World. Fortunately, time she will recover to her top condition

Yes, it's not just her that managed this tower. It run with the help of the Voice of The World that even Gods didn't know its origin and how it can do unbelievable things. Although with her powerful soul she can run the Tower by herself like an AI but that will require a lot of her consciousness power

She still needs to further strengthen the earth itself! Although the earthlings can now reach the peak of the Supernatural but above that was like climbing the heavens! Even she needed years to make the earth strong enough to birth beings above the Supernatural!

Supernaturals are all considered mortals that can do Supernatural things that's why it was named like that. Above Supernatural rank on the other hand the being will slowly improve until they are no longer mortals. For a world to evolve from producing Supernaturals to above it required millions of years!

Even if there's a powerful being helping for that it would still take a lot of time

"Hmm, quite decent. At least he didn't perform poorly" Raphaela muttered to herself. She was the one that sent that deer. Fortunately for the humans there weren't that many that rivalled the deer's power on the first floor of the tower. If not then might as well just kill them all. In gaming terms that deer was actually a mini boss! Only special peak Grand Knights are powerful than it that can be considered as the Big Boss

But for anyone on earth no one can defeat the Big Boss yet. In simpler terms the first three ranks of Supernatural is just absorbing energy but there's something more than that! Even Grand Knights can have a vast difference in power. This tower will be the human's knowledge and power leap!

The crystal antlers on it was the reason why it became that strong. For Supernaturals that crystal is a supreme treasure! If Kence wasn't Calter's master and the left over aura on his body she wouldn't even pay attention to him

But Kence has the ability to rise above humanity and be able to perhaps stand against the Gods coveting something on earth. "I'll just let the Voice of The World run things here in the tower. I still have something more important to do"

Using a mere wave of her hand Raphaela made a tear on the space to continue strengthening earth itself


Kence didn't dare stop running even after a few kilometers. For reasons he didn't know though there weren't much Supernaturals that he encountered and they are mostly much weaker than him that he can escape easily

He only stopped when he saw a cave. He didn't enter it though as there might be powerful creature inside it. He only stopped at a tree a few meters away from it and rested Alice's body on the tree

After settling Alice he took a life fruit on his backpack. For now, healing is the priority! He didn't need an energy fruit as the break through from before recovered all of his energy

After eating the life fruit he grab the crystalline antlers and ring on his backpack while sitting on the ground. He first took the crystal and examine it. Fortunately the tip of the crystal is blunt and not sharp, if not without doubt when the deer attack him it would completely pierce his body

"System Identify!" He didn't know what it was but since it came from the Tower of Treasures or Death and was a 'drop' from a 'monsters' it should be something valuable

"Beep... Due to special circumstances the humans gain the right to know information on things above their level. All humans will be given description on the treasure that they gained on the tower depending on its level. The higher the level is the lesser the information that will be given"

That same mechanical neutral voice entered Kence's mind. He was also a bit surprise. That's like the first time that the System spoke so many words at once

"Beep. Scanning Item"

"Scan successful.... Displaying the Item's information"

A small translucent window appeared on Kence's vision containing the information about the antlers

"Item: Sun Crystal

A crystal that's bathed in sunlight for thousands of years that can store huge amount of sunlight energy. The crystal will automatically gather sunlight energy that can be use for attacking. It can also be use as a cultivation site, Supernatural that can wield the Sun's power will have a boost in their cultivation speed if cultivated close to the crystal"

It's just a simple explanation but its usage was actually not amazing! As of now aside from improving your soul or cultivating in an area that has huge amount of energy attribute you use like Kence's forest there wasn't any known way to increase cultivation speed. Not only can it be use to increase cultivation speed but also has attacking power on its own!

It can be seen at how powerful the deer was. Just a single energy beam of it can make Kence to sustain heavy injuries. Although his attribute is nature but his photosynthesis skill needs sunlight! It will improve the quality of his tree body's body!

Also, who knows he might have a powerful underling in the future that can use sunlight energy. For him the crystal is a supreme treasure!

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