
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Kỳ huyễn
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93 Chs

Chapter 70

In the past month Kence rarely fought and he decided to take this chance to hone his battle skills again. He don't want his skills to become rusty, being able to fully use the strength of your body was extremely important

In just a few seconds he retracted the wooden palms and that familiar armor covered his arms and feet. While on his hand was holding a wooden sword

Kence's figure danced in the battle field. Every time that sword lights flash a fallen will die and fell on the ground. Killing the numerous Warrior and Knight Rank fallens were too easy for him. It was like Kence was just taking a stroll in the park

However, these kind of fallens were not his goal. Although he wanted to uncover the secrets behind why the fallens are increasing but even he knew that it was an almost impossible goal. For now his biggest goal was to find Grand Knight creatures

It was more dangerous to fight those fallens but it will also make him more familiar with his body strenght. He circled around the forest but he didn't even encounter a single Grand Knight Fallen

Hours passed without him achieving his goal, he even wonder why there are a lot of Warrior and Knight Rank fallens but there were almost no Grand Knight ones. The other humans are also wondering about this. Yes, the fallens' numbers became abnormally high but there were almost no Grand Knight ones

Unbesknown to them, the reason was because the Mother Fallens are feeling insecure. They feared that someone will invade their nest and kill them. Almost all of powerful fallens became their guards and were always close to them. The Mother Fallens almost can't use their powers that were far above than any other creatures om earth. If a group of humans come their life would be in great danger thus they can only rely on their underlings

Since it was almost night time Kence decided to call it a day and go back to their base. However, what he searched for a whole day finally decided to show itself. He saw a Rank 3 creature but it was not a fallen. It was a mutated bee!

The race that always decided to attack his group, although those are mostly fallen bees. But all of his expectations for a Rank 3 creature all shattered when he saw the mutated bee

Around it were about fifty human head size bees and are mostly in the Knight Rank. While the bee that looks like the Queen was twice the size of its underlings. However, Kence saw that the Queen Bee was too weak!

It can only attack by shooting small sparks of lighting on its stinger but its fire power was even weaker than Knight Rank bees!

The bees were surrounded by fallens both land and flying type. As these bees can't fly too high the stronger land type fallens can leap in the air to reach them. They were currently in a very dangerous position. The Queen Bee was surrounded and being protected by its worker bees. Although they have a Grand Knight with them but its firepower was too lacking

The original fifty bees were dying one by one as they are greatly outnumbered by the fallens. They want to flee but the fallens won't let them. Kence can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing that the fallens were bullying the bees. Well who wouldn't if you were always attack by fallen bees?

But Kence suddenly thought of something. The fallens didn't discriminate on their attacks. They will attack whether it be humans, mutated animals or mutated plants. As these creatures were helping to lower the number of the fallens even though he was a bit unwilling he decided to help the bees

These place was also quite close to his base and there were always the risk of these fallens entering the forest. Since his plan was to 'clean up' he should just kill all these fallens. If the bees attack him after helping them then that was easy, he should just also kill them

As of now as the fallens' number were too numerous compared to the bees there were only thirty bees left. Kence decided to finally take action

Using the sword on his hand he slashed the head of the fallens closest to him. As they were just rank 1 and 2 it was easy to kill them

The fallens roared angrily and some of them changed their target to Kence. A beast fallen shot its tongue on Kence's direction but it was mercilessly cut by a single sword slash

"[Innate Skill: Sword-Leaf Slash!]" From the sword a sword slash made from clustered leaves flew towards the beast fallen. The fallen was cut on its neck along with the other fallens behind it

A whole row of fallens were beheaded and they fell on the ground. Kence didn't stop and slashed his sword on a tank type fallen with muscular body that threw a punch at him

Kence's sword cut the fallen's arm and he kicked it downwards on it chest. The fallen's chest bones broke in the impact but it still didn't die as one should cut their neck or destroy their heads to kill them. However, Kence's foot transformed into roots. The roots travelled on the ground and impaled the fallens' heads around him

It looked like a spider web made from roots. The roots retracted back to Kence's foot and the man once again continue slaughtering the fallens

The bees on the other hand as if they were injected by stimulant attacked more fiercely than before. If before they were in a hopeless position but now a savior appeared. Their attacks helped kill more fallens. With Kence's help the fallens can't even fight back and were slaughtered mercilessly

When the fallen's number become too low an angry roar filled with powerful strength echoed on their heads. From a distance a three meter tall fallen with bulging muscles were running towards them. Its footsteps caused cracks to form on the ground

Kence's eyes lit up when he saw this fallen. His blood boil at thinking about the dangerous battle he will be in. This fallen is a Rank 3 Grand Knight! A type of fallen that Kence was desperately trying to find the whole afternoon!

Although most of rank 3 fallens became guards of the Mother Fallens but there were still some out there in the wild. Its just that their numbers were too low. Kence changed his target and his sword were threatening to kill the fallen

The fallen's hand was covered with grey colored energy and it met Kence's swords. The sword only left a shallow cut on its fist while Kence flew backwards from the impact and his hand became a little bit numb. But his excitement just increased. The peace in the forest was good but deep inside him he felt a little itchy. He also wanted to fight stronger enemies!

"[Innate Skill: Sword Overdrive!]" Kence pumped more energy on the swords on his hand while it slightly trembled. Cracks started appearing on the wooden swords and it will only took some time for the sword to shatter

He waved his hand and once again run towards the fallen. When he become close enough he poured all the strenght he has on his hands. This time the swords made quite a deep cut on the fallen's fist. Tank type fallens has strong and solid bodies, it was hard to bypass their defenses.

As their body are extremely solid their fist attacks became powerful. It was evident by how Kence was pushed back again from the collision and the numbing sensation on his hand intensified

More cracks also appeared on his sword and judging by the looks of it only a single attack was needed to fully destroy the swords. Kence launched himself again towards the fallen without rest but an annoying pest joined the two rank 3 creature's fight

It was a speed type fallen, its body was slender and agile than normal fallens. Although their bodies are quite fragile but they made it up for their fast speed and sharp claws. Kence made a 'tsk' sound and threw one of his swords towards the fallen

Even though it was fast but Kence's rank was far above it and the sword pierced the fallen's forehead. However, the tank type fallen charged at him. This kind of fallen's attack pattern was quite simple. It only used its fist to punch all of its enemy

Kence avaded the fallen's large hand but it still grazed his shoulder and broke some of his bones. This was all because of that annoying speed type fallen. He didn't even had the chance to turn his body into wood so that he won't sustain any kind of damage

Kence threw the backpack on his back for him to move easier. He controlled his energy to travel on his shoulder to heal it. This will consume more energy and time compared to using his healing fruits. Too bad he forgot to take some with him

The Queen Bee saw this and she ordered her minions to fly closer to Kence and attacked all the fallens who will interfere with the fight. Kence glanced at the Queen Bee and was shock that there was a hint of intelligence on its eyes. It was not at the same level as what humans has but still enough to know how it will survive

"[Innate Skill: Wood Palm!]" Kence hold out his hands together and it transformed into a single big wooden palm. The fallen's fist and Kence's wooden palm met and collided. Wood splinters flew everywhere and the glow of grey energy on the fallen's fist dimmed a little

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" Thousands of leaves surrounded the two rank 3 beings but the leaves only attacked the fallen. The fallen withdraw its hand and smacked the glowing leaves around. The ones it didn't managed to destroy caused a shallow cut on its body

"[Innate Skill: Root Whip!]" This time Kence's arms turned into a long and flexible roots. The two long roots coiled around the fallen's neck. Kence controlled the roots to constrict and destroy the fallen's neck

Too bad that the fallen's defense was really too solid and it will take time to achieve his desired result. The time that the fallen won't give to Kence. The fallen grabbed the roots and and removed it from its neck. The roots were destroyed by the fallen's hand. Kence retracted the remaining roots and his arm turned back to normal

Tank type fallens are the hardest kind of fallens to kill! At this time only fifteen fallen bees were remaining. If Kence don't finish the fight quickly the purpose of letting the bees survive would be in vain

Kence decided to try if he can make an attack that he has on his mind for quite some time already. He made a wooden armor on his feet first to help him in making the attack successful

Kence gathered a huge amount of his energy on his hands and compressed it into a ball as small as he can. The light green colored energy ball shaked violently as if a beast were on the brink of coming out. There were also lectric arcs that appeared on the small ball because of the intense amount of energy it contained

One hundred percent of his focus now was on maintaining that ball of condensed energy. He kicked the ground and leapt in the air to reached the fallen's mouth. As if the heaven were helping him the fallen issued an angry roar and opened its mouth

Kence smirked at the fallen's stupidity. "[Innate Skill: Nature's Bomb!]" Kence stuffed the ball inside the fallen's mouth and kicked its body to help him move away from it

After his control from the ball of energy disconnected a loud explosion occured that made the birds in the area close to them to fly in shock. The bomb detonated on the fallen's mouth, the power behind it made even Kence to be caught off guard

A tank type fallen's body was supposed to be its greatest asset. It should be extremely hard that a lot of effort was needed to kill one of its kind. However, looking at the missing fallen's head Kence inhaled a sharp breath

Bits of blood and flesh flew while the smell of burnt flesh assaulted the nose of the creatures around