
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Kỳ huyễn
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93 Chs

Chapter 34

A single root emerged from Kence's palm and pierced the Knight Rank Fallen's body

The abundant energy from the fallen's body specially its Blood Bean flowed to every part of Kence's body. He felt that familiar barrier and directed the energy he absorbed to destroy it

Kence's aura intensifies, the barrier finally broke. Around his body a vortex appeared and greedily absorbed the energy from the surrounding

He closed his eyes because of the comfort from being bath with these abundant energy

As the energy inside him increased in a rocket's speed his aura once again intensifies and he shone with an intense light green light

The other Mystics felt that familiar feeling of oppression when someone was in the presence of a being that has a higher rank than them

When the light subsided Kence opened his eyes and felt his increase of power

Once again a gust of wind blew, Kence reappeared into one of the peak Warrior Fallens and used his sword to pierced its head

As he already killed the strongest and only Knight Rank Fallen, only warriors remained

The wooden sword easily pierced the fallen's head like a hot knife cutting a butter

Thus, a massacre started. The wooden swords took a hundred fallens. King and the other was not even able to do anything and just watched their leader in doing the massacre

"S-so fierce!" King can't help but exclaim. Kence alone can defeat a hundred Warrior Rank Fallens on his own

When all the fallens were finally killed Kence breathed heavily and took one of his blue fruits to consume and recover

Using his new skill to kill fallens was a taxing act. It did not only consumed a lot of energy but also his physical strength were consumed

As usual their team absorbed all the fallen's corpse and took a shelter outside the road towards a big city

Although they can take a detour and not use this road to go to their destination but this was a good opportunity for them to raise their strenght. Thus, they gained the routine of killing groups of fallens, rest outside of the road to recuperate then kill groups of fallens again and go to one of the villages in the surrounding at night either to cultivate on their own or rest for the night

"Master, your skill was too powerful!" Calter exclaimed and look at Kence with reverence

Kence rubbed the little boy's head "you are powerful too"

"I'm not as good as yours, Master" Calter pouted which made Kence chuckled

"Actually, I realized something. Listen to me guys" Kence clapped his hands to gather the attention of his team who all looked towards him intending to listen attentively

"After testing my new skill, I realized that its not only our Cultivation Base that is important. Having powerful skills is also a must!"

"The way we cultivate now is just absorbing as much energy as we can, although breaking through a realm also boost our strength but the effect was too lacking compared to having a powerful skill!"

Kence made a ball made from energy on his palm then walk towards the wall of the small house they were in now. The energy ball left a hole on the wall

"What I did is just a simple use of energy but watch this"

Kence, once again made a ball using his energy but the amount of energy inside the ball was only half of the energy he used before

Kence controlled the energy and from being a calm ball of energy it looked as if something made the ball furious

He used the berserk energy ball on the wall and just like the first ball it left a gaping hole on it. This time even though the energy was less than before the damage on the wall was actually a bit higher than the first one

The four looked at the holes in amazement

"As you can see the way we use our energy affects its power. If we managed to make a strong skills then even with inferior amount of energy we can crush those stronger than us!"

The four nodded as if they are students inside a classroom listening to their teacher

"Let's first slow down our trip and spend only a few hours on the round. Use this time to improve our energy use and make stronger skills!"

They all walked out of the small house and took their own space and started thinking of a skill they can make and test it


"[Copy Magic: Fog Wolves!]" Some of the fogs in the Sea of Fog took the shape of five wolves. The wolves pounced on the flying fallens close to them

All of the fog wolves only directed their attack on the fallen's head. As all of the wolves only targeted the weakest fallens they all managed to kill their target

The wolves' body dispersed into a normal fog again but they quickly reverted back into wolf shape fogs to target the other weaker fallens again

On the scientists lab coat he took a small bottle with white pills inside. He poured all the bottle's content on his mouth and some of his energy was replenished

Although the energy replenished was not even enough to recover the energy he used on the wolves but energy was still energy. Every bit of energy was important on their situaton now

"[Hell Flame Magic: Blazing Stamp!]" Black flames covered sun's right foot

Sun flew a bit higher and descended down feet first. His falling speed was too fast, unfortunately this time the fallen's were ready

Two of the flying fallens has a muscular body than the rest, they blocked Sun's way with a gray energy barrier


The fiery foot collided against the gray barrier and produced a loud sound. The barrier broke and but it also blocked all the forced from Sun's magic. However Sun took this chance to thrust his spear towards one of the fallens

Unfortunately at this time another two of the five mid-stage Knight Fallens waved their hands and made two crescent shape gray lights each

The four crescent gray lights flew in the air towards Sun and without a choice he used his Lance to destroy the four attacks coming to him

He waved his Lance to strike the gray crescent light but the two fallens close to him covered their fist with gray energy and punched towards him

Sun gritted his teeth, his grimoire turned into a new page "[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Flame Barrier!]"

Black flames danced around him and immediately enlarge to form a barrier. Sun put a large amount of his energy on the barrier to make it stronger and be able to withstand the attacks

The fallen's attacks landed on the barrier, the barrier managed to hold on for a bit and consumed a large chunk of the attacks' energy but it still broke after some time

The impact landed on Sun's body who flew a meters backward and spat out some fresh blood

"H-how can fallens have this kind of teamwork?" He was shocked at how effective these fallen's teamwork are

His body was not able to recover from the impact yet but a gray cloud were already aimed at him but he still cannot move from the impact yet. He once again gritted his teeth and without a choice his grimoire turned into another page and a spell was activated

"[Hell Flame Magic: Scorching Demon Claw!]" A black claw made from fire were instantly made and met the gray cloud

The claw of fire burned the cloud and produced gray smokes

Sun's body finally recovered, he waved his lance and looked towards the fallens coldly. He was determined to kill all these creature who dared harmed him

"[Hell Flame Magic: Flame Charge]" black flames burned on Sun's pitch black wings

These flames boosted his speed greatly, he furiously flapped his wings and charge towards one of the fallens who made the arcs of gray light as these fallen's physique was inferior than the fallens who blocked his attack

As he flew four more arc of gray light and one gray cloud shot towards him while the muscular fallens made a gray barrier again to cover the five of them

He made five more black claws of fire to intercept the attacks coming towards him

"[Hell Flame Magic: Demonic Serpents!]" Ten one meter black flame serpents shot towards the barrier but that does not end there as soon as he activated the spell another spell was made by Sun

"[Hell Flame Magic: Demonic Fire Beam!]" About a hundred small beams of black flame were formed as soon as the ten flame serpents were made that also shot towards the gray barrier

Even before his transformation, Sun already has the talent of fast casting speed of spells. This was good in a fight but it also hurt the user's head. After all to activate a spell the user will not just call out the spell's name but also to control the energy in a spell. Casting one spell atfter another in a rapid pace exhaust the user's mind

The two spells successfully destroyed the gray barrier at this time Sun was already in front of one of the fallens

He slashed his spear towards the fallen's head, after exerting some effort it successfully beheaded the fallen

Sun hastily used his hand to pierce the fallen's head to get its Blood Bean

He pulled some distance towards the other fallens using the remaining power of the flames on his wings

Sun didn't dare swallow the Blood Bean at this time, although he can consume it easily but he still needed a few seconds to use his envy energy to defend against the resentment energy on the Blood beans

After casting so many spells his energy reserves was already less than half of his full capacity, after all he also used some energy on fighting the lone Knight Rank Fallen from before and when he tried to escape these fallen's pursuit

He was confident to kill another two fallens but that might cost him all of his energy


Calter was in a deep thought, he was trying to think how he can make a skill perhaps as powerful as the one his master made

The others were also the same, trying their best to make a powerful skill

Calter made a ball of energy on his palm, he controlled it and it become a bullet shape energy

Aside from his Innate Skill, his favorite attack were his Magic Bullets but he cannot think of how he can make his bullets stronger aside from condensing a lot of energy into a smaller bullet

He can make a lot of magic bullets because he has a good control on his "[Photosynthesis]" where in he can control the energy from the surrounding to aid in making his bullets

Calter now decided make a dense ball of energy without using the energy inside his body. This ball of energy has the densest energy he ever made but it come with the cost of a slight ache on his head

This already took quite a bit of his 'mind power' and not very practical on a fight

If only he can find some way to eliminate or at least lessen the burden on his mind

Wait! Calter's eyes lit up and he thought of something

He focus on the dense ball of energy he made and used his mind to gather more energy in the surrounding

The aching of his head increased but this time he controlled the energy inside him to flow upwards towards his head. His green energy although not as good as those with healing magic but it still has what it looks like a nature attribute that can heal an injury, surprisingly his energy can even make his mind recover!

Calter calculated and he learned that doing this will made him be able to use almost four times his energy capacity by using the energy in the environment

Although this was a good discovery for him but this wasn't necessarily a powerful skill as it was just a crude way of condensing energy thus he was not satisfied and thought of a way on how he can put this skill in a good use