
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Kỳ huyễn
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93 Chs

Chapter 33

What Sun didn't know was that when he was fighting the Knight Rank Fallen somewhere in the city a three meter tall fallen with a huge bulging stomach were watching him

The fallen's eyes shone with an intelligent light that is absent than the other fallens, even those in the Knight Rank!

The fallen's black lips moved and shockingly words came out from its mouth

"Time to test my new babies" The fallen evilly grinned and with a mental command a hundred fallens different from normal ones walked out on the building where the intelligent fallen is

These fallens have gray wings on their back and sharp looking black nails

They flapped their wings in unison and flew towards Sun's direction

Anyone who will see the scene of a hundred ferocious looking fallens flying in the sky would surely have some goosebumps

All the cities built walls around them, this ensure that the fallens will not be able to directly attack the cities

However, if there are fallens that can fly that will change the situation. It will make human's territory to not be as safe like before

Sun noticed the hundred figures flying towards him, he thought that it was just some mutated birds and it did not made him too worried

After all, mutated animals will retain their former behavior and won't necessarily attack humans

However when the hundred figures come close enough to him Sun was shocked to see than it was not mutated animals

"F-flying fallens?" The old scientist asked in an unsure tone

Sun let go of the old man's body who was startled and immediately used his skill. Winds once again surrounded the old man's body and it enable him to float mid-air

Sun didn't waste any time and dug his hand towards the fallen's corpse he was holding and took out its Blood Bean which he immediately swallowed

The negative resentment energy inside the Blood Bean assaulted his mind and into his soul but the energy of envy inside them didn't let the negative energy do what it wants

The energy inside the Blood Bean flowed inside Sun's body filling him. The energy inside him skyrocketed which naturally made him stronger

Sun once again reached a new peak of power! However he was afraid that his current strength was still not enough as he can sense multiple dreadful aura around the horde of flying fallens

The horde actually has multiple mid-stage Knight fallens! While there are more of those of early-stage Knights

Sun grabbed the old man again and with his increased in strength his flying speed become a bit faster

A few from the fallen horde shot out gray beams from their mouth

Sun's grimoire appeared and hovered in front him, the grimoire shone with a black light and it turned into a certain page

"[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Flame Barrier!]" Flames dance around Sun that quickly expanded and become a fire barrier

This time he didn't chose to covered his whole body with the barrier and only willed it to cover his back. In this way he won't need evade the attacks and his flying speed will not decrease

The barrier successfully blocked some of the gray beams and when it shattered the two was already far for the beams to hit them

At this time, another few of the fallen's wings glowed with gray light. These fallen's flying speed dramatically increased, it was even a bit faster than Sun

"Take care of them!" Sun focused on flying and just let the old man stall the fallens coming into their way

The old man's blank white grimoire also hovered in front of him and shone with a light

"[Copy Magic: Velocity Manipulation!]" Suddenly, the flying fallen's speed decreased a bit and their flight direction was altered slightly

Although the skill was powerful but it greatly depended on the user's and target's strength. As these fast fallens are also in the early stage of Knight Rank like the scientist causing the skill's effect to be quite minimal

The fallen's speed lessen down to be the same as Sun's own speed

Sun flew for a few minutes while the horde of fallens were behind him

"This can't continue!" Sun gritted his teeth and even without him voicing it out the scientist know what Sun meant

Their city was still quite far from them and Sun's energy won't last until they reached it. Not to mention, Sun was flying while carrying the old man. That just made the energy expenditure to be higher

"What if you use the Energy Pill?"

Energy Pill! This was one of the old man's invention. It condensed the purified energy from the Blood Bean and made it into a pill. It was small in size and easy to carry making it a convenient item

"Unless you brought a few thousands of pills then it was not enough" although the pill only has energy inside it was still a  prototype product and the amount of energy inside was quite pitiful

Even an early-stage Warrior Supernatural needed to consume tens of it to fully recover their energy. However as it was still something that can replenish energy without any side effect the old man still brought some on him in case of emergency

"Then what do we do?"

"We can only fight" Sun stopped in mid-air and let go of the old man who was once again didn't have a choice but to use his skill to float in the air

The scientist was annoyed at this, it seems like the little brat developed a habit of letting go of him when they are in the air

"Are you crazy? How can we defeat all of them?!" They might be people that are in the top of humanities' power ranking but still they cannot win against these many fallens

"Do we have other choice?" Saying this Sun immediately activated a spell

"[Hell Flame Magic: Scorching Demon Claw!]" Five claws made from black fire were made in front of Sun

The claws flew in the air towards the five fast fallens who made a gray barrier of energy to block the attack

The claws easily destroyed the gray barrier and it continued towards the fallens

The claws landed on their head and started burning them, unfortunately at this time gray clouds landed on the fallens and healed them

A single cloud cannot completely heal the fallens but more than one clouds landed on their body! This made them withstand the burning of their hand

The flame was persistent and continued burning without mercy but the constant stream of gray clouds made it unable to kill any of the fallens

"[Hell Flame Magic: Demonic Fire Beams!]" Multiple black beams of fire landed on the fallens' head, finally killing them

Unfortunately, this time the rest of the fallens finally got close to the two Mystics

Sun's aura erupted and the energy of envy leaked out from his body. The envy energy quickly gathered into his hand and form a flaming lance

"[Demon Magic: Lance of Envy]" a suffocating aura pervaded the surroundings. The scientist once again felt that the world itself was favoring Sun

If there were a lot of people here all of them would surely feel that an emotion inside them was being stimulated. However the only one that was affected was the old scientist as the fallens aside from the desire to kill and eat does not have any emotions inside them

"[Hell Flame Magic: Flame Charge]" this time it was Sun's wings that were covered with black flame not his feet. His speed soared and to he thrust his sword towards one of the strongest fallen

As his speed suddenly increased dramatically, add to the fact that he took the initiative the fallens were not able to react on time

The Lance of Envy pierced the head of one of the mid-stage Fallen Knights

After seeing one of their own getting killed the rest of the fallens roared furiously and charged towards Sun

Using the remaining energy from his spell, Sun quickly withdraw. Getting surrounded by these fallens were not something he was willing to experience

"[Copy Magic: Fire Serpents!]" Comparing to Sun's own fire serpents that are black in color the spell of the old man was more on normal

Ten one meter long serpents made from fire flew out from the old man's grimoire that was letting out a fire red light

The old man on the other hand targeted those fallens that are only in the Warrior Rank, lessening the cannonfodder was important. If they fought the stronger fallens while the weaker ones kept interrupting then their death was almost certain!

All the fire serpents pierced one each head of the fallens but it continued and went to other weaker fallens

The old man was after all in the Knight Rank and can easily kill warrior rank beings, not to mention that these flying fallens' physique was inferior than those who cannot fly

The early stages Knights who saw the situation destroyed the fire serpents using their gray beam of energy and charged towards the old man

The mid-stage ones on the other hand wento towards Sun, this made the situation for the both of them in a dangerous one

Aside from the one he killed there were still five more mid-stage Knight Fallens left on the horde

"[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Flame Shower]" Sun's grimoire shone with a black light and turned into another page

Above them a hundred sparks of black flames were made and descended down towards the fallens

This attack might have a weak direct damage but it will continuously burn his enemies and if he hold on long enough he will become the victor of this fight to death

"[Copy Magic: Fog Sea!]" On around ten meters of the old man thick white fog covered the surroundings

This fog dull the sense of everyone except for the user. This old man was really something! He was too flexible! Others can only use a single Magic attribute but this old man has a lot of different spells on his arsenal!

Thus, a dangerous battle to death took place above the fallen city


"[Innate Skill: Nature's Battle Armor!]" The energy inside Kence's body flowed to his hand and feet

On his arm an arm armor made from thick wood was created that boosted the user's arm strength. On each of his palm a block of wood appeared, the woods slowly took the shape of a sword

More energy were used and it covered the wood sword with a thin but dense layer of light green energy while a few tens of leaves appeared and dances around the sword's body

At the same time on Kence's feet a thick wood feet armor covered him, this increases the user's speed

After the transformation Kence sigh "It's still too slow, not practical in a fight"

Although Kence managed to make the battle armor in just almost ten seconds but in a real fight ten seconds were enough to kill him a lot of times

If not for his team killing the fallens that were coming to him he was sure that his death was certain

However, we cannot blame Kence for this. This new skill of his although a bit simple but it is also the most complex skill that he has!

He needed a lot of concentration, energy and time to fully activate it

"Well, whatever pratice makes perfect or so they said"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew and next thing they knew is that Kence already beheaded an early-stage fallen

Everyone was shock even Kence! Before, they already killed quite a bit of early-stage Knight Fallens but that was because all of them are also in the Knight Rank and they help each other to achieve this feat!

But now Kence with his explosive speed managed to easily kill a fallen with the same cultivation base as him how can they not be shock?

"S-so powerful" Calter's eyes lit up and he become even more determined to be more diligent on his training so that he can be as strong as their master

Here's the chapter for today. I hope you all will like it

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts