
Strongest Shield Wall

What would you do if you were transported to another world, with your young daughter. A world where violence and war are prevalent. Where the world is not kind in the least. Could you survive? Could you save those closest to you? Would you sacrifice it all just to give them another breath? One man does. Please enjoy the tale of love, pain, sadness, joy, and loss.

justanotherauthor · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Dan heard the sound of a body hitting the ground. He cluthced Amanda to his chest with his slightly reformed arm. His other mangled hand began to drag himself across the dirt. He looked in the direction Casey's voice had come. He dragged his body closer.

Dan listened, and he heard the soft sounds of breath. Dan finally passed out again.

When Dan woke once more, his vision had returned. He stared at the sky, watching the blue clouds. "Thank god, it was a dream" he said out loud. His head shifted over, but instead of seeing Amanda sitting in grass next to him, he say a fair looking waifish person, with long ears and white hair kneeling next to him. Red barked trees surrounded them all. He was wearing a white robe, the swallowed his small form.

Dan turned his head the other way, and he saw Amanda curled up next to him. He sighed, she was safe. Her brown hair fell over her face while she snored in his arms.

Casey spoke first "Try not to move yet, I did not heal you as much as I did her."

Dan turned back and looked at him again "Thank you again, are you an elf?" Dan asks, still not believing what his eyes were showing him.

Casey responded "Yes I am, I am a priest of the goddess of life and salvation" Still looking at Dan "I have never seen clothing like yours before" he says. While jeans and fine cloth were common on Earth, they did not exist here.

Dan did his best to collect his thoughts. He processed what was going on. Looking up he stared into the sky again. The blue and clouds looked the same. A shadow then passed over head. Dan squinted his eyes and then widened them. The shadow was coming from a flying four legged beast.

Dan looked back at Casey, studying him. While he was studying, something in his vision caught his focus. Dan moved his eyes, yet it was still there. There was a small exclamation point in the top corner of his vision.

Dan tried his best to focus on it. When he did this, a panel opened up and made him gasp.

The panel scrolled for a while, and Dan read the information that it displayed.

"Booting, You have transported.

You have sustained burn damage.

Your eyes have been burned, you can not see.

You are falling.

You are falling.

You are falling.

You have sustained fall damage. Calculating.

You have received a mortal wound.


You have sustained major internal and external injuries.

You have the current negative effects, massive pain, internal bleeding, Massive broken bones, Internal organ failure.

You have survived. You will now bleed out.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

You have been healed. Calculating.

Your bleeding has stopped.

You have received an injury, calculating.

Your leg had broken, and has caused a mortal wound.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

Bleeding out.

You have been healed. Calculating.

Your bleeding has stopped.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You have acquired the skill "Pain Tolerance"

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Tolerance has leveled up.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Tolerance has leveled up.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Pain Tolerance has leveled up and become "Pain Suppression"

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Suppression has leveled up

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Suppression has leveled up

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Suppression has leveled up

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

Your skill Pain Suppression has leveled up and become the skill "Immune to pain"

You have leveled up. You are now level two.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You have been healed. Calculating.

You are in a negative state.

You are in a negative state.

You have been healed. Calculating.

You are in a negative state.

You have been healed. Calculating.

All negative effect have been removed.

Dan read the scrolling panel several times. Was he still dreaming? He reached up and pinched himself. He felt the pressure, but no pain. "Maybe I am dreaming?" He tried it again, harder this time. Again he felt no pain, but he felt the pressure of the pinch. Dan gritted his teeth and squeezed as hard as he can. He felt his fingernail break his skin. A notice popped up.

You have sustained a wound, Calculating. You are bleeding.

Dan pulled his fingers from his face and saw the blood on them. He felt the warmth running down his face.

Casey yelled at him "What are you doing?! Why would you do that after I healed you?"

Dan sheepishly lowered his head "Sorry, I thought I was dreaming" Dan answered honestly. He looked over seeing Amanda curled up in his other arm. He smiled and stroked her hair. "Thank you again" Dan says.

Casey calms down and smiles "You are welcome, When you are good to move, we should probably walk back to town. I have been gone over a day, the townsfolk might begin to worry."

Dan nodded to him. He looked down at his legs, seeing them still slightly twisted. He felt none of the pain though. He moved his legs bending them, He heard pops of joints and saw the bones twist in a weird way. Dan only felt pressure, no pain.

"How long till you can fix my legs?" Dan asked.

Casey looked up at the sun "I should be able to heal you again just before sundown" he answered honestly. He sat there again, watching the pair. "I do not know how you survived, but thank the goddess" he says.

Dan asked "Has she been awake yet at all?"

Casey shook his head.

Dan thanked whoever that his baby girl got to sleep through this trauma.

Casey asked then "Is she your daughter?"

Dan turned to him, pulling himself up to a sitting position. "Yes she is. Thank you for saving her."

Casey smiled "It is what I am supposed to do, help those in need" he answers. "How old is she?" he asks.

Dan smiled "She turned eight this passed winter"

Casey smiled again "I am glad I could save her. Do you know where your home is?"

Dan shook his head "I am guessing our home is a long, long, long way away." his eyes going down. "I wonder if we will ever see it again." he lamented.

Casey sighed and tried to pick the mood up "Well you have survived, that is enough for now. You can figure out everything else later."

They continued talking for a bit, exchanging information. Dan asked about this world. Casey explained what he knew. The world they were in was feudal, violent, and prone to war and destruction. Aside from the different warlords constantly fighting over land, magical beasts such as dragons, titans, and elementals appeared and wrecked havok.

The sun was starting to wain. Casey stood up and walked over to Dan. He began to chant in that unfamiliar language again. Dan finally got to watch what happened.

While Casey chanted, white and green glowing symbols began to float into the air. A yellow haze covering the area around him. His white hair began to float, and the symbols began to form into words. When the chant finished, the words became alive, and wrapped around Dan, spreading warmth through his body. Dan looked down and watched his legs reform at a visible rate.

When the warmth finally subsided, his legs were back to normal. A notice appeared.

You have been healed, Calculating.

You are now back to full health.

"How is that?" Casey asked.

Dan smiled "I think that will do it" he says rolling over and pushing himself from the ground standing up finally. When his full height of six and a half feet stood, Casey gasped. He was a full foot and a half taller than him. "Wow" Casey said. "You are tall".

Dan smiled leaning down and picking Amanda up into his arms. "Am I? are others in this world not as tall as I am?" Dan asked pushing Amanda against his shoulder and turning to face Casey again, looking down at him.

Casey shook his head "No sir, I am considered tall here. You would be considered a giant"

Dan hmmed "Interesting, well lead the way" he says, waiting for Casey.

Casey nodded "This way" he says "We need to get out of the forest before the sun fully goes down."

"Ok" Dan replies, and begins to follow him.