
Fated Meeting

(Rui's Pov)

'I guess this is the end for me,' I thought to myself while hoping that the old man had run away. I bought all the time I could for him to escape.

"What a day it has been," I murmured while closing my eyes and waiting for the monster to kill me.

But even after waiting for ten seconds, nothing happened to me. Rather than that, someone's blood was dripping on my face.

When I opened my eyes, the old man was standing in front of me while covering me from the monster. There was a big hole in his stomach, most probably caused by the monster's tongue.

"Why did you do such a foolish thing? In today's world, no one thinks about others. But you..., you tried to save me. Why?" he asked me with anger clearly visible in his eyes.

"I could have run away, but my heart said not to. My grandpa had taught me that if I had the opportunity to help someone, I should help them. If I don't help people in need, then I am worse than scum," I replied while looking back into his eyes.

Hearing my answer, there was a faint smile on his face. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

"Old man, we don't have much time. The monster is right behind us," I said, pulling him out of his thoughts. This man seemed different than before. Earlier, he was trying to run, but now it seemed like he wasn't afraid of anything.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. After I am dead, pick up this katana and put some blood on the blade of it and say [Armatize]. It might choose you because of your good heart," he said to me while ruffling my hair.

'What is this man talking about? Has he finally gone insane or what?' I thought while looking at his face. I didn't understand a thing he said. I wanted to ask him, but before I could say anything, he was gone.

'Did he just ditch me?' I thought while looking at the frog monster in front of me. It was glaring at me right now.

'I guess he is angry at me because I helped his prey escape,' I thought while looking at its expression. It was fuming with anger right now.

I thought it would use its tongue to attack me again, but rather than that, it raised its front foot and shot it at me while its tongue formed a whip-like structure that attacked me sideways.

I stood up on my shaky feet somehow and made a run, trying to slide under this frog bastard. But before I could do so, I saw the old man who was hovering in the air with his katana pointing towards the monster.

It seemed as if he was riding the wind itself. He looked at me and shot himself at the frog with great speed. In no time, he was standing between the frog and me.

The monster was now screaming in pain. When I looked at it, I noticed that its tongue had been cut off and blood was trickling down its mouth. Seeing this made my lips curve into a smile.

"It's all up to you now, kid," said the old man to me while I was busy looking at the frog. He handed me his katana and passed out.

I noticed that his body had turned pale. Making him rest near the wall, I checked his pulse.

'What? Why isn't it beating? There is no movement,' I thought while trying my best to keep myself calm. The old man was dead. His heart wasn't beating anymore, and he wasn't breathing.

'Calm down, Rui. Calm down. Follow the instructions that the old man gave. I can't let him down, at least not anymore. He gave his life for me,' I thought while taking a deep breath.

I lifted the katana with my left hand. It wasn't blueish-green anymore. Its blade had become completely white, like a normal sword. I made a small cut on my right thumb and dropped a few drops of my blood on the blade of the katana.

The katana started to vibrate as soon as my blood came in contact with it.

"Armatize!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, while looking at the frog-like monster. The blade started to vibrate even more, and my hand started burning. It felt as if my hand had caught fire.

I wanted to throw the katana away, but if I did that, then I'd be doomed. After a while, the hot sensation cooled down, and a cold breeze started flowing around me.

Information started flowing into my head about how to wield the katana. I swung it upside down, and the wind followed the slash made by the katana. A bluish colour surrounded the katana. I felt as if I could control all the wind around me right now. My body felt light. I felt as if I could fly right now if I wanted to.

But I needed to kill this frog before I could do anything. When I looked back at it, it seemed excited, as if it had found a new prey.

"Come at me, you bastard!" I shouted while showing it my middle finger. Bringing my left foot to the front and adjusting my body, I dashed towards the frog.

Before it could attack me with its tongue, which was now gone, making it vulnerable.

"[First form, First Stance, Moonwalk]," I said while jumping into the air. As soon as I said it, a gust of wind followed me and lifted me up fifteen feet in the air.

"Whoa, this is amazing," I said while looking at the frog. He was just standing there, seeing me since he didn't have his tongue to attack me.

"Let's try the second one. [First form, Second stance, Slash of the Seven Nights]," I said and swung my sword at the frog seven times. Each and every swing of my sword tore his limbs apart.

The first six swings separated his six legs from his body, while the last one chopped his head off.


Hey guys, I am participating in a competition. I will be very grateful if you guys help me win it by donating me your powerstones.


[Edited by OtakuSumit]

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