

A man dies and is reincarnated in the same world but in a way different environment. One things leads to another and now he's tied up with gangs, and has to live his life looking over his shoulder. But with a twist. HEHEHEHEHE....A SYSTEM!

Blankio · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1


Year: 2007

It's been 3 years since Jay LaShaun Frost was born.

(1st Person POV)

It's been 3 years since I was born.


My birthday is October 31. I still have my memories, and I've been aware ever since I was in the womb. I still remember everything that happened while I was being birthed. My mother bled a lot, and the doctors tried to help stop it, but me being born stopped them from being able to do a lot. When I finally got out my mother had lost 3.5 liters of blood, and sadly she died. She would have died sooner, but fun fact, during pregnancy a woman can have up to 50% more blood than usual. My father was already dead. Apparently he was mixed up in gangs, and ended up dead. Before my mother died she gave them the name she wanted me to have. It was heavily influenced by my dad, and my grandmas name.

Dads Name: Shaun Frost

Grandmas Name: LaKisha Jayviana Brown

So my new name became: Jay LaShaun Frost

I actually kind of liked it. It's a little ghetto if you ask me, but there's nothing wrong with that.

(I've decided to actually use city names. I know I said different last chapter, but since it's a multiverse things are bound to be different.)

I'm in an orphanage in Indianapolis, Indiana at the moment. Today is a very important day for me at the moment. That fact is because of 2 reasons. First, I'm getting adopted today. Second, I have a...system?

'Would the host like to begin with the tutorial? The reward for finishing the tutorial is a beginner gift box from the system.'

I mean when you put it like that it's a win-win situation. I get information, and rewards for doing nothing.

'Yes, please commence the tutorial.'

8 main functions


Status Screen


Reputation Bar




Affection Meter

Which would you like to look over first?


Strength: 0.1:100 ratio (Max is 2, and Average is 0.1 for an adult man)

Agility: Swiftness, and Speed of your actions. For example the speed with which you can pull a gun from it's holster. 0.1:1 mph(Max is 4, Average is 1.5 for an untrained adult male)

Dexterity: The handling and control of every part of your body. Max is 10 (0.1:1%)

Speed: Measurement of how fast you can run {(0.1:1 mph) Max is 4}

Endurance: How many bullets, punches, kicks, etc can you take before you fall. There is no way to make an actual ratio, so the system will just go by bullets, since that is the strongest thing that can be used against a regular citizen. 1: 2 9mm bullet(s) (Max is 10) This measures how many bullets you can take at once, not overtime. So if given time to heal you can take another 20 bullets at max. Meaning you could take 500 bullets over your lifetime and still live. When maxed out your head will be able to handle 1 bullet.

Vitality: Your expected lifespan if only affected by natural causes. 1:100 years (Max is 3) Average is 0.8) When maxed out you will no longer be able to get sick.

Which one would you like to be explained next, host?

Just go down the list.

Status Screen shows your attributes, skills, powers, knowledge, reputation bar, and affection meter. Also shows your current chosen quests, and your progress.

Quests are self explanatory.

Reputation Bar: Shows your reputation among the people in your community. Can be evolved to show reputation among the whole world overtime.

Skills: Skills are given to you in the form of experience, and knowledge. Automatically comes out at the highest form possible. In other words, maxed out automatically.

Knowledge: Knowledge is given to you in its "maxed out" form automatically also. You can go from not understanding what a cell membrane does, to knowing how to control stem cells in 2 seconds.

Powers: Not super powers, but biological enhancements that can be given and used to enhance parts of the body to higher levels. Can be used to raise the max of attributes also.

Affection Meter: Shows how much a person loves, hates, pities, etc, you.

This marks the end of the explanation does the host have anymore questions.

"No I don't."

'Tutorial completed, gift box will be automatically given. Do not worry host the knowledge, skills, or powers you may receive will be automatically used every time they are accepted by the host.'

Gift Box Opening....

Rewards Received:

Knowledge: K-12 AP Knowledge

Skill: Bilingual...please choose 4 languages

Power: Permanent Enhanced Senses

Attribute Points: 1





"WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOUNG MAN! Now go get dressed your new parents will be here soon, and you need to represent yourself well". That old lady, Miranda the headmaster, smacked me on my mouth then told me to get dressed after chastising me in less the 5 seconds. She was the one who had taken care of me for the last 3 years. I wouldn't say I loved her, but I was fond of her. Except for when she smacked my mouth. I tend to curse a lot, because of having my past memories as a grown man, and I end up getting smacked in the mouth for it all the time.

I glared at her for a while then walked off to my small room in the small orphanage. There were only around 15 kids here, and we weren't struggling, but we weren't rich. When I got there I took out the best outfit I had, and packed a bag with 5 more outfits. The outfit I picked out for today consisted of an old brown trukfit shirt from goodwill with blue jeans, and brown no brand sneakers. I never said we weren't poor, I just said we weren't struggling.

As I got dressed in my head I chose the 4 languages other than English I wanted to learn.

Spanish (All forms), French, Mandarin and Chinese Characters, Japanese.

As soon as I confirmed them in my system I felt a throbbing headache in my head. It hurt so much I wanted to bang my head against the floor and knock my self out. But I stuck through it and clenched my teeth, and after 10 seconds of mind numbing pain, I walked out of my small room in the orphanage with 5 languages mastered in my head.

I was wondering why 13 years of knowledge being put in my head didn't hurt when I got the K-12 AP knowledge, but the languages did, but then I realized first of all only a few things got added to my brain, because in my last life I had already went through K-12 courses, but the languages were foreign to me, and I had to be fluent in the accents to, so my brain was forced to learn the languages and build up 4 different accents all at once. Well at least I know knowledge hurts now.

As soon as I walked out of the room and started speaking different languages in my head to get used to them, light bombarded my eyes, the smell of little kids and wet bed sheets, the sound of little kids playing and screaming, and the feeling of dust particles touching my skin. I couldn't taste anything at the moment, but I knew if I could I would probably pass out from the amount of information my senses were overwhelming my brain with.

It was only 3 seconds but I was already losing consciousness. I opened my system screen and added the whole attribute point to dexterity. As soon as I did I was able to control my senses almost instantly. I dialed them down back to normal, and finally got relief from the hell I was seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling.

From there on my life changed. Especially after my "parents" came to adopt me.