
Streaming | Lookism

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 91K Views
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What is Streaming | Lookism

Read Streaming | Lookism fanfiction written by the author ElectroZ_GamerZ on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, romance, adventure, reincarnation, system. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Advice: If you want more readers get a better cover, get a good title, and write a nice description. Put your current title in the description so your fic shows up if you search up Lookism/questism or whatever. Other than that,


I like it, i hope author makes longer chapters.Pls don't drop it like the others.


This is my story so... OF COURSE I WILL GIVE 5 STARS ANY PROBLEM WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the idea is good and the plot of the story is good but I don't give 5 stars because of the short chapter and just for know if it’s à harem or no harem


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