
Stowaway Leo

Harry Potter fanfic where mc is a stowaway. . . . Truly evil mc so don't expect mc to be rational and/or have proper reasons. [BTW picture is not mine. Tell me if you want it taken down.]

9trials · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

My Work Begins

Making a ritual for his awakening was not too difficult. Talent in rituals means knowledge and thanks to god's gift I have plenty of knowledge.

I already had a very clear idea for it to work. The book four already explained all the important ingredients. The blood of enemy, flesh of servant and bone of father added to an assortment of items within a specially brewed potion on the full moon.

I even told him about the traps that leads towards the centre. Dumbledore didn't add the mirror until later that year so he could easily get the stone.

Adding the stone as the core of ritual may help in making a never aging body. Completing the calculations were much more easier seeing as the original maker of the ritual is Voldemort himself.

All that is left is getting all the items for the potion and some of the core ingredients. I had informed him about Barty Crouch hiding his son with the imperius curse. He already has plans to go to some less pleasant places for the ingredients so he decided to reward his follower.

Seeing that I was stuck in the infirmary for the foreseeable future, I planned various rituals that not only improved me physically but also magically. There were tons of different ways but making sure all of them were complimentary to each other and did not effect me badly was tough.

I was planning the ultimate ritual which would take the course of an year that would rapidly empower me. Unfortunately that would take my full attention for that year. The perfect age for the ritual is just before maturity which is 17 years but I plan to do it much sooner.

"What are you writing?"

Startled I closed the book quickly and looked at the intruder. "Hello brother. I see you have come with your friends."

Mark was standing at the foot of the bed along with Harry, Ron and Hermione. He looked at me and said, "I was worried about you. If I had paid more attention, I could have stopped this."

"Don't bother lying. Apart from the blood relation you care nothing about me. The only common thing between us is that we are twins born from the same mother."

Hermione looked scandalized, "He was just looking out for you. I can't believe he has a brother like you."

"Yeah, I know. Now if you are done, please leave me now. I am done entertaining visitors." I replied curtly.

"Just making sure you are ok Leo. Come on let's go." Mark led them back through the door and left the infirmary.

I tried to get back to the ritual but couldn't concentrate. Something was bugging me and that's when I realized that he has the same knowledge as me. That most likely means that he has already made a trip to the Room of Requirement. I might have to explain Voldy about that place and how he should shift locations. Perhaps at the bottom of the Marianna Trench tied to a heavy rock? Bet nobody could get that.




After explaining as well as possible about how using Harry's blood for the ritual would not end well, we decided to use another one's spell. Voldemort not wanting to use a 'lesser' wizard's spell decided to look for the blood of a powerful magical.

Dumbledore was not possible and he did not want to take the blood of my brother. Something about him being a seer might affect the ritual badly. The strongest we could find was that of Amelia Bones. While he planned about getting her blood, I was busy going through the family tree he had handed me.

Turns out we were Sirius Black's bastards. He apparently had a fling with some muggle during the war and we were the result. I bet that if I was not present then Mark would have found out about it and took control. As it is my chance of getting it is slim. Luckily even though he is the older twin as long as I manage to get Sirius Black's approval its mine.

Just a written approval is enough which can be easily arranged when Voldy breaks into prison. What I can do is get the monthly stipend as the son of Sirius Black. That itself solves the money problem.

The ritual of rebirth was already made in the forbidden forest away from anyone's prying eyes. I wouldn't completely trust it though, the rat might have made a mistake.

Ever since Voldy threatened him he has become very submissive. I do worry about him being found out but nowadays he stays exclusively in the Whomping Willow. Luckily my brother deems him too little of a threat. Pettigrew really has a horrible life, everyone believing him to be a weak loser.




That evening I had some very special visitors. Dumbledore came in to the room followed by McGonagall and Snape.

Dumbledore says with a slight smile, "I heard from Poppy that you would be released before dinner. Now that the voice of your plight has reached us, we are here to talk about your rooming situation."

"What about the Slytherin house?"

He smiles at that, "Professor Snape believes that being separated from the rest of your house is the best option. The choice is now in your hands."

"I'll stay in a separate room."

"If that's what you want then it can be arranged." He turned towards his colleagues, "I would like to speak to Mr.Damarius for a moment."

They simply nodded and left the room. Once the door shut he started speaking, "A few decades ago another boy was in a very similar situation. Though he was not attacked to your extent he was still bullied. He was discriminated by the fact that he came from a muggle orphanage. They scorned him for his blood.

His hatred grew and festered until he decided to become powerful, powerful enough to defeat the so called pure bloods. He grew in power quickly by turning to the dark arts but came across a foe he just barely managed to survive. Since then he started searching for a way to be immortal.

Alas, he perished at the face of something pure as a love. You have a brother. Cherish him and he will help you get through your darkest hour." He said with a small tear.

I nodded slightly as he got up and quickly left. I knew he was talking about Voldemort and that just scared me even more. Would I have been like him? Bullied until I snapped and decided to destroy or enslave these snobs? Cause that's what Tom did. He used their own mentality against them and got them under their heels using the Dark Mark. The ultimate slave brand marking them as his to use and kill.

I broke out of my reverie and looked at my journal. I couldn't concentrate so all I did was to simply go through all the people in my previous life I wished I could have learned more about. As I went through the growing list I started getting drowsy and quickly fell asleep.




I woke up late in the evening. Looking at the time I noticed that I was late for the dinner. I freshened up as much as I can but I could not stand to enter that hall.

Taking a detour I entered the staircase leading to the Hufflepuff dormitory and reached the fruit bowl painting. Ticking the pear fruit, I entered the bustling kitchen.

"What does mr. be wanting from kitchen?" an elf popped in front of me and asked.

I replied, "Some sandwiches would be good. Oh, I'm Leo by the way."

Not a minute passed before an elf came with a plate full of sandwiches. "Thanks"

His face lit up with a smile as he started jumping up and down,"It be no problem Mr.Leo." He promptly went back into the kitchen and came back with a bunch of candies.

Bless these souls. They got the worst draw being forced to serve from birth to death for a few praises. I took a pint of his blood in one of the cleaned tubes of my sleeping draught and left the kitchen. I should be able to use it in my combined creature booster.

You see after reading more wuxia novels than I care to count, I managed to take inspiration. I decided to try and infuse the blood of several creatures into me. But the problem was that it would end with me being an abomination. So I had to layer another set of rituals for converting blood to magic. The problem was that it instead required me to sacrifice the entire creature rather than just a bit of blood.

There are currently three sets of seven slots available to me. A total of 21 creatures. During the process I would need to sacrifice multiple wizards to make sure that my magic remains dominant. If I were to sacrifice additional wizards then I could theoretically control the flow of magic and take only the enhancements I want.

Is the cost high? Yes. Do I care? Nope.