

[mature content] Anita a young teenager girl moves to a new school and there met a twist in her life... there she met an amazing friend Betty whom is always wanting to be there for her at all times. Along the line she had an encounter with an handsome young guy Austin who goes to the same school with her and fell in love with him. And also met with some haters who gave her a tough time at school, always willing to harm her in so many ways they could Austin the proud handsome school boy attempts to save an old time crush as he meets her again.. Will their love be able fight against all odds..

Janet_Arubuola · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs



"Ani get up, you would be late for school." Mrs. Stella cried out.

Rolling in bed... "Huh, no no no, it's morning already?" She asked annoyingly as she covered her face with her pillow.

Her mum walked into her room...

"Ariel Anita Sanders, would you please get up already. You've got to go to school."

She removed the pillow off Anita's face and sat close to her in bed.

"My beautiful baby." Mrs Stella gently cupped Anita's face and it made Anita feel so cute.

"Alright mum, I will get up and am not a baby anymore you know." She said with a funny smile.

"Alright dear get ready okay, you shouldn't be late on your second day." Mrs Stella pecked her forehead, got up from the bed and left the room.

Anita got up too and took her shower then got ready for school.

"Anita here's your lunchbox." She handed her cute looking lunchbox to her.

"Thanks mum." she pecked her mum on the cheek and hurried out of the house. Luckily Betty was outside waiting for her so they both went to school together.

"Rrrrrrrrrg!" the school's bell rang and the students went to their various classrooms.

While the class was going on, Anita got a folded papernote from someone unexpected.


She said shockenly and read what was written in it as it made her mind blank.

It says... "WOULD YOU JOIN ME FOR LUNCH?" She wiggled her face as though she can't believe what she just read.

Anita was worried as why he wanted her to have lunch with him.

"Why Me?" She said as she puts her face down on her desk to copy the note on the white board.

The bell rang It was time for lunch time.

Anita got so troubled as to what she was going to say when they they start to eat.

She told Betty about it and guess what Betty did agree to it.

"You should have lunch with him Ani." Betty said with so much amusement.

"Are you sure about this babe?" Anita looked so smashed placing her hand on her temple.

Betty placed her hands on Anita's shoulders...

"Yes, you should."

"Owk, here goes nothing." She took a deep breath as she walked to where Austin was.

He was in his earpiece as she had to gather much courage to talk to him.

She tapped him from behind then the handsome guy turned to meet her face and Anita glared at him and could almost feel her blood gushing out of her heart vessels.

"Le... Let's go to the ca...cafeteria." She said in a shaky voice.

They both walked the hallway to the schools cafeteria, there everyone was surprised to see both of them walking along sides.

"Hey Bella, take a look at new girl." Lilly said with a frown.

"That girl really knows how to get on ones nerves." Bella said as she banged her right hand on the table she was seated on.

Anita felt so shy and terrified at the way everyone was staring at her. Austin noticed the expression on her face then moved closer to her and took her by the hand as he sets his fingers right into hers.

Her heart paused for a moment. Her mind exploded as she bit her lower lips so tight she could almost start bleeding out of tension.

They sat across eachother on the table.

"I see you brought lunch from home." He said in a plain voice as he sets his eyes on her cute lunch bag.

"Uhn, yes my mum forces me to." She said shyly at the handsome looking Austin with bowed head.

"We the same age you don't have to be formal around me okay." He sounded sweetly.

"Hmm, well I guess you've got a lovely mum." Threw a glare at her.

"Yes! my mum can be sweet most times." She tried sitting comfortably, then brought out a food pack and a spoon from her lunch bag with a small carton juice drink.

"Won't you be eating?" She asked.

"No am full, had a snack. Just wanted to see you eat and exchange words." A little blush came to his face.

Murmur! Murmur! Murmur!!!

Everyone kept whispering things about them. It made Anita very uncomfortable.

Then this... "Am sorry at what happened the other day." he smirked... "I really don't know what got into me. I hope you didn't feel so bad about it." He said feeling sorry about it.

Anita froze for a moment then said... "Uhm, no am good, it's fine." she startled.

She scratched the lower part of her head and gave a funny smile.

Austin gave a small smile as she went back to eating but was still uncomfortable having thoughts on other's different opinions about her.

"Are they dating?" "Awwn they look so good together." "She's such a loser." "slot." they all chattered.

Austin noticed how uneasy she was and so he placed his hand on hers to calm her nerves down.

She felt electrified, her eyes almost popped out.

"Why am I feeling this way? why does my heart want to explode?" She thought as she pinched on her skirt with her other hand.

They just kept on chatting until she was done.

School was over... as Anita carried her back pack and lunch bag, about to leave with Betty when...

"Thanks for today." Austin gave a wider smile and it made him look cute like a puppy.

"Wait. what's with that smile? How can a guy be so perfect looking?" she thought hard.

"it's was great." She cracked out.

"Alright see you tomorrow." He said as he left the classroom.

"Awwwwn, someone is in love." Betty said poking her from behind.

"Who? me?" Anita tried to hide her blush tucking the top of her dress for some air.

"How was your short date? tell me about it." Betty asked sticking her lower lips out.

"No, it wasn't a date." Anita stepped out of the classroom with her.

"Please tell me." Betty kept on insisting as they walked down the hallway.

"Wow, now am refreshed." Anita slammed herself in bed then took her phone.

"Let's see what's going on, on social media." it's been a while I updated my Facebook." she scrolled through some online pictures.

"Whaaaatt!! a friend request from Austin Jones?"

"Why would he send me a friend request?" She was shocked.

She accepted the request then an hour later got a text...

Austin Jones: hi there, I'm glad you accepted my friend request.

Anita: hey Austin it's no big deal. (trying to sound cool).

Austin Jones: here's my number 0100****...

Anita: oh, alright got it.

Austin Jones: will you be free this weekend? I would like us to go to the movies.

Anita: Alright but I love horror movies. (still cool).

Austin: really cool, I love horror movies too.

Anita: I guess I will be free.

Austin: will see you there then...bye.

"Whaaat! was that a date with Austin I've got to tell Betty about this.

At A Plaza...

"Really? he sent you a friend request on Facebook and asked if you will be free this weekend." Betty was surprised at what Anita told her.

"Yes." She answered as she showed Betty the text on her phone.

"Wow, this is unbelievably amazing Anita. I think he likes you." Betty said excitedly.

"You think he likes me?" Anita doubted that for a moment. "Should I ask him?" She asked again.

"Uhm nope, you don't have to. Let him tell you himself." Betty aligned.

"Oh okay, alright it's a date then." She looked at her phone and gave a perky smile.


Bella and the other kids messed up Anita's desk. Poured all sort of drinks with snacks with torn tissue papers and negative words where thrown at her...


Anita was shocked when she entered the classroom along with Betty, everyone was laughing at her calling her ridiculous names murmuring she snatched Bella's boyfriend all sort of nonsense.

She ran out with tears on her face, she as never felt so embarrassed in her life, except from when she fell into pool of mud in junior school when she was twelve but it wasn't so embarrassing as this.

"Hey Ani.." Austin tried to say hi to her in the hallway when he saw her running out with her back pack still on her and was weeping badly.

Then he hurrily went to the class room to see what must have happened. He got there and saw the mess they caused and Betty reprimanding Bella for what she did, that she has to stop all this she's doing or what ever trouble she's causing.

Everyone went silent when they saw Austin, he was really mad at what they did to Anita and also buzzed out of the classroom.

He looked for her in the school environment, then he saw her on the race field seated and crying really bad. He moved close to her and sat close to her, just then unexpectedly she threw a wet face in his chest. Shock streamed through his body.

He hugged her and pat her back softly.

"You will be fine." He said.

She then cried all her eyes out, for a moment it lasted. She opened her eyes and realized she as teared on his cloth. She rushed up on her feet and wiped off her face very fast.

"Am so sorry." She said covering her mouth with a shocking face.

"That was noth..." He was about saying as she gave a quick bow and buzzed off towards the school building.

He tried stopping her but he couldn't.

"Gush she left her phone behind. I have to give it back to her." he brushed his hand into his hair.

She walked weakly to the classroom Betty saw her and ran towards her she asked if she was fine.

"Yes am better."

she said facing the ground.

Everyone kept staring at her.

Her tears were all dried up now, she and betty took out the messed up chair, then she got a new on at the corner of the classroom. she sat there all dazed and sad.

Austin walked into the classroom walked towards her desk and returned her phone back to her. She was surprised to she her phone.

"Gush I must have left it out there." She stretched out her hand to take the phone from him.

"Thanks." she really appreciated it.

"You welcome." He had a beautiful smile on his face as he went back to his desk and put on his earpiece.

All Betty could do was to give her friend a comforting smile from her desk.


"Bella what's Austin's deal?" Stacy another friend of bella said feeling so frustrated.

"Why is he getting in our way and being so nice to that newbie?"

Bella who was raged..

"Aaarg I hate that Anita girl so much, I really feel like squeezing life out of her." Like you guys just broke up and he's trying to move on with someone from nowhere." Lilly said. She's such a wench" Hannah also said chewing a gun in her mouth. "Weve got to do something about her." Bella said like her heart was bleeding out blood.


"Hey Austin." Anita called him from behind. "Thanks for earlier." "Hmm if you are really thankful, why don't you treat me to dinner tonight." He said with a punch in his chest.

"Oh right, yes I will treat you to dinner tonight, it's on me, she gave a better smile. "I will text you the location later today" she said.


"Hey Ani I've been searching all over the place for you, I was worried you must still be feeling bad about what happened earlier." A plain stare came to her face. "Not at all, am fine now, I just told Austin I would be treating him to dinner tonight." "Wow, I guess you two are now so close." "I feel I've meet him before, somewhere woooooops but I don't think so." She giggled. You know you'll always be my number one friend." How about you come over to my place tomorrow and do some girls makeup." She said. "Wow that would be amazing." Betty said joyfully.


Wow it's always good to feel so refreshed..

" Today wasn't so good at school, I felt so embarrassed.." she thought. "Yes I've got to text Austin the location of the place we'll be having dinner. She logged in to Facebook..

Anita: Hi Austin, this the location to the place we'll be having dinner (MR PIZZAS RESTAURANT)

Austin: Hi dear, okay got it..

"What would I wear to the dinner she brought out her makeup kit and checked out some dresses in her wardrobe. She brought out a off shoulder gown "This would be just perfect for the dinner"she said with a lovely smile.


Anita was already seated in the restaurant as Austin walked in though the doors of the restaurant. " Wow look at him he looks like a god, I must be dreaming, he walks like prince charming...Anita calm down why is you mind wandering around." She said daydreaming.

"Hi Anita, sorry am a bit late." He apologized..

"No it fine you just in time." "Alright, you looking gorgeous."he said with a blush. "Thanks" her heart melted.

Just then the waiter came and asked for there orders.. they both picked up the menues and glanced through it. I will take 1 margherita pizza and I will take A pane pasta. Everything went awkward! awkward! Awkward! for a moment."uhm we'll be graduating soon what do you plan on studying in college?" She asked as she swallows a tough spit down her throat. "Umm I plan on going to Harvard University to study Hotel management. Whaaaatt.. hotel management, Why that?" She faded. She was even more shocked than when she ask her out to the movies. "Mum mum was an hotelier, she used to take me to the hotel with then, I washed her welcome guest into the hotel and it inspired me." "She sounds like an amazing mum." She complimented her. "Yeah, only that she's dead." The air went blank in her. "Am so sorry about that." She felt really sorry for him. "But my dad agrees with me on it though." What about you?" "Me?" "Ow, I want to go to a fashion academy to study fashion and become a fashionista." She said. "So do your parents agree to this fashion academy thinny?"

"My dad left since I was nine, and I've never heard from him since then, for any reasons why he left, he's good as dead to me." She gave a hate-sad look. He then grabs her hand from the table to wash it off her mind. She dropped a smile.. "But my mum, I've tried wanting to tell her, it's just not a thing she would want me to go for and besides the tuition fee is high like very." "Am always like... Hey mum you know dress stylist this days are making quite a lot of money and have got amazing designs...then she's always like.."she wants her daughter to go to the best school of law there is and to be the best lawyer ever known." "My grades are not quite good either." She said as she gulped a glass of pineapple juice. " Wow that was nice." She said. "Hmm cool I hope she gets to agree to it, it suites you." He said. "Thanks for listening." She said.

Now they were done with dinner.."Now that hits the spot." She praised. The waiter came and she clears the bills.. they got out of the restaurant. "Let's try that some other time." Austin said. "I was quite fun." She complimented. "Let me walk you to you place." He said. "Oh alright." "I hope you've not forgotten this weekend, we'll be going to the movies." "Yeah, i didn't forget." They both walked down the road and a few miles got to Anita's home.. "You've got a nice place".. thanks" she said. "It was nice eating with you today." "It's fine you welcome." He said. She waved byee at him as he walks away.

"I hope you enjoyed dinner?" Her mum asked. "Sure mum I did." "And who is this friend I do not know?" Mum looking curious. "Mum, he's just a friend from school." Just treated him to dinner that's all." She said as climbed the stairs to her room.

Now in her room... Was on video call with Betty.. Betty: how did it go with you guys

Anita: it wasn't all bad dear, we had a great time

Betty: really tell me about it, am dying to know babe.

Anita: she just had some conversation, he said he wants to go to Harvard to study hotel management.

Betty: wow that's odd

Anita: do you perhaps know anything about his family like his mum.

Betty: Yes I heard she died when she we were in junior class.

Anita: That's sad. I really do feel like I've met him before, like I used to know him, but guess something happened I just can't remember.

Betty: you sure?

Anita: yeah. So we just had few talks and he walked me home.

Betty:that's cool babe..don't forget the makeup for tomorrow

Anita:No I won't

The two giggled...and chatted on.

The next day...

"Gush I got a headache, I just have to go to school still..."Anita Lamented. She got dressed for school and left the house..

"Byeee mum." "Byeee sweetie."

In School....

"Anita you don't look so good." Betty said. "Yes, you noticed? I woke up with a headache this morning." She said. "Taken any pills." "I just hate taking pills." "Uhm girl you should soon." "I will try." She said.

"Why are the classes today so long? I thought today is Friday." She placed her head on the table. "I will just endure this through out today."

At the school cafeteria....

Anita went to the cafeteria with Betty and felt so dizzy all of a sudden. "What's wrong with me." She felt like she was not in control of her body. Her leg stumbled as she lost control and fell to the group in the cafeteria. "ANITA." Betty shouted out her name.

"Lol what's gotten into our drama queen." Bella laughed out, same with her friends...

Just then Austin ran into the crowd and carried her from the ground and rushed her to the schools clinic...

At the schools clinic... Mrs Sandra the school doctor diagnosed her. "She would be fine." She said to them.