
Day 6 - Adventure Time

I wake up in the morning with a very refreshing feeling. I scratched my head, which is bald, and yawn loudly before leaving my bed. I went straight to my bath, which is an onsen built up by me. I wash my body before entering the hot spring. It quite big, as expected. I truly overdid it.

In few moments, I end my bathing time and go to my kitchen. I open my refrigerator to prepare my breakfast. It's wolf meat again. I will look up the ingredients in the forest later. Maybe it's better I created a new skill.

Appraisal, a skill to learn and identify things easier. I tried checking myself and a magic screen appear in front of my sight.

Name : None (Unnamed)

Race : High Goblin

Level : 1/50

HP : 10000/10000

MP : 3000/3000

Experience : 0/1000

"High goblin?! When did i get evolved?" Thinking again, I did kill entire goblin tribe and a wolf pack. I also pass out two times, maybe that's when I get evolve without knowing it.

"Well, it's useless to cry over the spilled milk..." I using my skill as always to cook and eat it while enduring the tasteless meal. That's a motivation for me to hunt down the better food.

I when out for the hunting and begun the quest. I found plenty of fruits around here and manage to caught some deer-like creatures, deary, which can fire up a Mana bullet using it's horn. I also grab some rabbit-like animals, rabbear, which as big as bear, and defeated some weird snake that species called Naga King which so big and fierce. Well, all of them being frozen to death by me. I dismantled all of them and keep all of it in my magic bag.

When I checked my level, it's unbelievable that I managed to achieve level 30 in one day hunting. That bring a smile to my face. I also manage find rock salt, with valuable to me, and produce some sugar by turned it from tree saps with my skill. I analyst plenty of plants, searching for herbs and spices to make my meal delish. I pick up some mushrooms, and quite surprisingly, all of them are not poisoned and safe to eat.

By securing the ingredients, my daily magic creating better food, and make my meal so delicious, especially the rabbear meat, which so tender and juicy. I also make my own tea using the tarik leaf which I identify in my hunting today. Today hunt bear lots of sweet success.

I used the skins from my prey to create my spare clothes, shoes and daily necessities. The Naga Skin is so great as I used it to make my jacket and shoe. It's feel like I'm wearing some expensive branded product, but it doesn't change the fact that I am a ugly high goblin. Huh....

After changing to my pajama, I went straight to my bed, and close my eyes.

But my sleep were shortened, because suddenly I wake up because my instinct warned me about danger!

A big spider appear in front of me. It's want to attack me, but I don't waste anytime but to activate my skill.

"Ice Age!"

My consciousness fade away again, at the third time.

Thanks man for supporting me. In few early chapters, it will be short but fear not, the story will become more and more longer, as the plots deepen.

For all reader, please do some reviews if you don't mind.

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