
Day 10 - Help! Giggle Sensei!

I realized that I lack of knowledge and information about this world. I know that you all will said to me; "Are kidding me?! Why now?", but it's doesn't really matter anymore. This is my tenth days living alone in this scary jungle, alone. Yes, I repeated the 'alone' word because it's important. Don't mention about the maid, they are just like NPC, couldn't respond or act like normal human, do nothing but what that I ordered.

The most scary thing when I get up is my status. Well, be prepared for the surprise;

Name : None (Unnamed)

Race : Sorcerer King Goblin

Level : 1/100

HP : 9000000/9000000

MP : 70000/70000

Experience : 0/100000000

Why Sorcerer King? Am I the supreme one who lead the powerful monsters in creepy tomb?! My day began with shocked news but I have already numb with the surprise. Yes, nothing surprise me anyone.

Nope, that thing doesn't stand long as I became speechless after seeing a big monster like a T-Rex with wings, laying down death in my garden. My maid actually in the process of dismantling the corpse. The monster called Earth Cutie Dragon, which make me want to do a tsukomi; "What so cute about that!". In few minutes, the dead body gone and Aka, my maid present me the monster core, which a SS ranked.

"Thanks Aka. Is there any monsters attacking us other than that?" I asked her after receiving the core.

"Already cleaned by me, master. All the dismantle parts have been keep in the storage room. I hope master will make another storage in the future."

"Noted. I will create it later...." After I saying that, she left me to clean up the mess. Damn, the attack become most intense lately, so I need to upgrade my defense golems for my safety here. This jungle quite creepy, unlike it's beautiful scenery and comfortable greeny place.

So, I need to have some skill in order to get the information and knowledge, without depending on human or others, which actually non-existent to me. I, the one who lead the world market business, very much appreciated the information as the the pen more sharper that the sword. If you prepared, you can won a thousand war, said Sun Tzu. As for my case, vis pacem, para bellum; if you seek peace, prepare for war.

So after having my breakfast, building a new storage, enlarge my garden for my new created plant called coconut tree and upgrading the wall and defensive system, I created a new skill called Giggle Service. Giggle Service is the major internet browser in my past life, which I have owned quite shares on that company. I buy about 20 percent shares and become one of the board members in the Giggle company.

I begun my skill usage, and as it's trademark, it's started with a giggle sound "Ara Ara Ara..".

(Welcome to Giggle Service. The user registration already completed. The Giggle integrated information search service now will be available)

"Eeh?" A sound resounded inside my brain. I feel like this skill quite same as some siscon prince with the Germany-like name, so I tried to ask;

"Can I order any online products?"

(The service only for information searching. We have Giggle map and Wakapedia for details information. This service also included the recorded information that you can watch it on Wetube.)

"If I want to watch some movies?"

(You still can access it in Wetube, but the film or any entertainment that serve here only fan made or some thrillers. The service don't provide any pay per view or pirating others work, that broke the rules of the intellectual property.)

"It's this service connects to the internet?"

(This skill actually connected to the Yggdrasil, the supreme wisdom connection in this world. The Yggdrasil also can reach out to the Earth internet connection, so this service are available to search the information about your old world. Unfortunately, you can only access but can't send any data there.)

"So, I can used it to search the information about this world without any problem?"

(Yes. Do you want to activate your account now?)

"So be it."

(Your account already activated. You can use the service just by thinking the key world.)

"Where am I now?"

(Answer : In the middle of the jungle called Diesel Forest, in the Sedan continent. This world called Rac.)

"I want more information about the Diesel Forest."

(Answer : Diesel Forest is one of the three dangerous place in Rac. While two of the dangerous place are the dungeons, this jungle rival them because of the population of the monsters here are high level and dangerous. The other species besides the high grade monsters will not be able to live here because of the dangerous. This jungle also quite large, about as big as small country in the Earth.)

"I should know about the reality, anyway. Tell me about Sedan continent."

(Rac worlds only have two continent, Sedan and Sport. The Sport are the largest one, while the Sedan is half size of it. Most of the population in Sport are the humans, whilst the Sedan has a mixed variety of species here. The Diesel Forest located at the middle on the Sedan continent, surrounded by various tribes territories. The goblin and other lower creatures living at the southeast outside the jungle, where you actually belong. The Elves tribe reside at the Northern part, outside the forest, with a quite big city manage by the king of elves, named Mercedes. The humans, quite minority in the continent, live at East part, ruled by the king in a kingdom called Toyota. West part outside the jungle located the beastmen tribe city called Jaguar, which lead by a group of elders. The demon tribe control the South with their own country called Chevrolet. Other than four countries, the only country that outside this jungle range called Perodua, a port city that connected the Sedan continent with Sport continent. The port is free city, manage by a group of merchant. This city however influence on the others country as it's control the markets.)

"Can I connect you to my golem?"

(Just activate the service on core of your golem.)

I called my housekeeping maid, Aoi and attached the service to her. I created plenty of paper and pen so she can write down the information about this world and important knowledge for my reading. After outsourcing the searching information work to my maid, I having my lunch and continued my research. Surprisingly, I have three important information that I can't ignore it;

1. The sorcerer king Goblin was never been found before. I'm the only one right now.

2. The goblin will become adults one in twenty days. After that, their sex libido became active. If the goblin doesn't mate in ten days, the goblin became sex crazed and lost its mind.

3. I need to find female before I became insane.

The most surprisingly part is the goblin race traits, the ability to impregnate all female race and let them bear the child, which will only take twenty days to born. What the heck. In the two months, I could have three childrens?!

I got ten more days before adult, so I need to do proper preparation in order to receive my family. So, I overdid the construction of my new house (mansion) and enlarge the size of my estate so I can handle a lot of children in the future.

Nevertheless, will I finally throw my virgin status in this life?! Let have my dinner, bath and sleep, run away from that thought.


Damn, long chapter. Thanks for reading and please review it.

loliconistcreators' thoughts