
22. Mors

'You.. You..a reaper?' with a stunned face Lily was stuttering as she asked him.

Ka answered with a soft voice,'Sort of.'  

"You know him?" Rose asked Lily. 

"No! Just met someone like him." Lily answered her. 

The previous reaper took the soul to soul desert. She wanted to know where the Ka was taking Kong's soul. 

'Are you taking him to NIHIL?' she asked without hesitation. 

'You know too much, Lily.'Her name from his mouth sounded very familiar to Lily. 

As if, she knew the tone of that voice. Her eyes were full of surprise. 

'What? What did you say!?' Lily mumbles while standing up from the seat. 

'He will be sent to the underworld and be thrown in the purification fire.' Ka didn't answer her. 

'How long will it take for him to get purified?' Rose asked as she was worried what if Kong were to be reborn as evil again. 

'Maybe even after the judgement day. The essence of his soul is very much corrupted. It's just my guess though. Everything will be decided by his deeds and his deeds.. Better not say anything about it for now.' The Ka could tell what Rose was thinking.

'I will take my leave then.' The Ka nodded a bit to bade them goodbye.

'Sure.' Lily bows as well while saying. 

'Do you want to come with me?' The other souls who were dazed woke up at the call of the Ka. 

The souls were stunned.,'Can we?'

'I can provide you a temporary place till your fate meets you.' the Ka assured them.

'Ok. We will.' They were glad and were relieved to hear him.

Before those souls were refusing to go to the after life. They were wandering in the hospitals but now they agreed as soon as the Ka commands.

'Wait! Didn't you refuse to leave?! Why are you…'Rose was surprised.

The ka stops them to talk,'Shhh! Let's not divert them.'

They couldn't comprehend what was going on. The ka leaves with everyone. He opened a portal and asked them to enter. After they entered through the  gate, they disappeared.

'It was nice meeting you again.' Looking at Lily and Rose, the Ka says while leaving.

'Again?' Lily and Rose exclaimed while thinking together in their mind.

The ka goes inside the gate and it closing itself, vanishes from there. From the gate a red feather flies in and falls on the hall ground. That one feather itself was bigger than Rose's height. It sparkles while touching the ground. 

Lily picked it up and the weight was so light that it surprised her. 'What's the meaning of it?'   Rose shook her head,'I have no idea.'

"I couldn't read…wait...it's the same as Argil." her thought surprised Lily.    

That made Lily so confused. Her concentration fell on Roro.

Roro was standing still in front of his father's dead body. 

'Lord Roro Om!'Lily calls out to him.    

He turned to them with his human face. He placed his hand to his chest to show respect. 

'Yes, Lord Ruan.'     

'I know you have a noble cause,but to involve us was a risky method. What if we had killed you?! Lily asks.

'I wouldn't have minded dying when I had a 100% chance of destroying this clan.' His eyes didn't show any regrets.

The clan's people were free from Lily's domination. Their faces were displaying worries. 

'You are the Seigneur now. Rather than destroying it, why not build it again?' Lily offered him the suggestion as the people were worried.

'You think that's possible? Didn't you take over them?' Roro frowns.

'I didn't. I didn't apply my monarch power.' Lily assures him

A clan won't bow to anyone without the power domination from the monarchy and Lily was saying she didn;t apply it which was not matching with the action they took.

'They bowed to you..'Roro asked with confusion fearing there must be something more dangerous of what he never guessed.

'It's necromancy.' Rose smiled while reading his confusion. 

Roro couldn't believe what she was saying,'But they were living beings'

That's what makes my necromancy different from others.' Lily said without any bother.

'It's...how do they accept you?' Roro wanted to know that being different doesn't allow one to stay peacefully.

'They can't oppose it.' Lily said.    

'You are so lucky that you were born Pureblood. If it was like your uncle,Erza, no one would have accepted you' he said with a soft smile.

'You know our uncle?! How?' Rose asked.

'He was a Necromancer too.'

That word silenced their curiosity.  In the past, when the Om clan used to hunt, their path crossed sometime while hunting in the Ruan territory. Roro recalled the past. 

'Could you win?' Lily was curious.

'Of course not. Not even in a single hunt.'

Rose read his mind, how the Om clan would get defeated in a blink. The reason they didn't hunt in the territory of Ruan's was because of their Uncle and mother. Smile slightly touched the girls' expression while hearing Roro's comment.

'Your mother wields Ashrith and that's a very difficult weapon to deal with.'

The weapon Roro mentioned was a blood-weapon that has been passed down to the Ruan's clan from their ancestors. Currently her mother is the wielder of it, he also knows the possibility of disaster he would have brought upon himself . Even after knowing that Roro took the risk.

'Anyway. Stay careful now even more.'Lily's advice sounded like a warning to him. 

'I would' he nodded.

'Call your commander and hand him over to us,'Rose demanded.

'Yes..' Roro turned back to call the commander.

'Talitha!' the moment he calls out, a lady comes forward and bows. 

'This is Talitha Dalton. She is also my cousin and heir of the Dalton clan.Talitha, from now you will serve the Ruan clan.' Roro introduced Talitha to the girls.    

'Yes, Lord.. .' she paused. Roro was not the clan's Lord anymore. She corrected herself, 'Seigneur Om.'

Looking at the girls she bows. The girls responded too.

Rose had a bad feeling about getting this late, so she said,'Let's not waste our time anymore' she urged Lily to go now.

'Talitha Dalton.' Talitha understood what Lily wanted to say. 

'Yes,Master! I will lead the way.'Talitha showed the way to them. 

An exit portal appears and they enter into it. The exit was near the field of Ruan's Castle. They started walking there. The field was vast and the girls were walking slowly and quietly. A hostage like Talitha should be kept imprisoned or binded but the girls were not showing any signs of doing that, so Talitha asked,'Masters, won't you bind me?'

'Bind you?' Lily didn't understand why she was talking about that.

'Why?' Rose ended the sentence.    

To see them sync,Talitha becomes surprised,she tells them,'Because I'm a prisoner!'

Lily frowned, 'Who told you that?'

'Aren't you gonna imprison me!?' Talitha's confusion made them have a clear idea what Talitha was thinking.

'Talitha Dalton! Who said we are gonna imprison you?'  Rose's eyes became cold. 

Talitha shivered seeing her eyes like that. 

'No one!.. I.. Just..thought..' Talitha tried to explain but stopped. Lily cleared her misunderstanding,'Don't think ahead. You will not be any prisoner.' 

Lily was still walking ahead of her. 

'Rather… you will be my knight.' Lily brushes over the crops while walking through the field looking ahead. 

Talitha stopped walking because she was surprised,'Your knight?' 

'Yes!' Lily was thinking through a plan that Rose couldn't find any reason why. 

'You will be my first knight if I ever lead a clan,you will be my right hand.' Lily telling her something like that made Talitha literally astounded. 

'My Lord! It's truly an honour.' Talitha knelt down on her one knee and showed her respect towards Lily. 

Rose while getting in peeps through the Knight's quarters,'Fuhh! Glad that Benji is not here.'

Rose pokes Harrison,'Thanks that you didn't inform him.'

'I would have. But they didn't let me leave.' Harrison answered while walking with tiredness. 

'I should have beaten them up more if not you. What kind of lover you have that doesn't even know where his lover is!' Rose was irritated. 

'Say what?!' hearing Benjamin approach them from behind and listening to them baffled Rose turned to see Benjamin, 'You!! What…'

Seeing Benjamin was standing behind them,Lily took Talitha and left from there by teleporting. From the castle's window Lily waves at Rose, "Have fun!"

"Lily! silly Lily!" she screams inside Lily's head.  

"God! If I couldn't read mom,I would have died with worries." Lily had a fake smile on her face while eating. 

At the dining table the environment was not comfortable.

"Why did you have to do this so early in the morning!" Rose was still feeling sleepy and tired.    

"Shut it." Lily told Rose to shut her talking inside her mind.

Ruan Erliyen had a blank expression on her face. She kept eating the food while Lily and Rose were sitting in front of her. Talitha was standing behind Lily.

'Mother.' hearing Lily talk Erliyen stopped eating and looked at her.