
Stay with Me!

"Girl, your body is like a neighbourhood, I want to drive my lips all around it" She rolled her eyes at another one of his pick up lines. "Why don't like you park your lips somewhere away from me" Pouting the man said "But I only like parking in in your garage" before grabbing her to pull her close...… He catches his little tigress being naughty in a very awkward situation but falls for her instantly and he uses the incident to his favor and continues to stay by her side. Now faced with a fake relationship with lots battles to come in the war of love, will this couple survive to make it to status of an official couple!

KKB88 · Thành thị
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12 Chs

A fitting name

The young lady smiled at her as she made her way forward to hug her arm. They soon spotted their friend who is the host of the party they were attending, Maxie making her way forward. "Hey you're here", she lowered her head to speak in a lower tone to her two friends having seen all that had happened "I don't know the story but I'm liking this", looking to the side at LT who in turn smiled and then to the trash couple, "I'm liking it very much much" she said with a wink implying she wanted details, only these two women know what the young lady suffered and had to go through thanks to the trash couple not standing too far away from them. It was heartache for her but not because of the man but more so her father who was hurt the most. Both her sister and close friend were happy to see some role reversal just by seeing the annoyed faces of both the scumbags.

The young lady who was just moments ago passionately kissing a stranger rolled her eyes at her friend "I will explain later, this isn't the time", Maxi disregarding her friend walked over to the handsome man, "Hello, It's great to finally meet you" she said while extending her hand out to him. "You too" he responded while mutually extending his hand for a hand shake. "I wasn't expecting you but I glad you made it", she continued with a wide grin.

"Honey, this is?", a tall man suave man said where approaching the both from behind where his wife left him. This particular man had his brown hair comb backed, he had slightly round face but was handsome with a rugged look. He was wearing black dress pants and black shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing his arm tattoo and an expensive watch which had caught the attention of LT. Although he was dressed simply the shirt accentuated his toned body and exuded confidence much comparable to our LT and fit to match his wife Maxi who had a ethereal beauty to her with her jet black curly locks and her fiery red maxi dress which flowed down her long legs.

"Hey honey, this is Riri's boyfriend, I told you about him remember?" she exclaimed while nudging her husbands arm hoping he got her hint. Luckily for her he did, "Aha so your Rhiannon's new man!" he practically shouted with a hearty laugh he also extended his hand for a handshake however there response from the other man was not there. Puzzled the man lifted one eyebrow while he kept looking at the man who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Rhiannon, what a fitting name for her, Goddess!" he mused while lost in his thoughts.

"Ahem", the puzzled man opposite him cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Ah I'm sorryyy" LT said while quickly noticing and responding to his handshake. "Haha no worries I'm Ant, nice to meet you" Maxi's husband said as he tried to clear the awkwardness.

"Oooh nice hubby getting his name is important for us to keep this act going", Maxi smiled while looking back at her friends who also had the same thought. "I'm Rafi, nice to meet you man", the Lieutenant said while still shaking hands, both man looked at each other for a moment, Rafi gave the man a smirk which seemed weird to Ant but also gave him a sense of acknowledgement, Ant smiled back and a bond of men was built.

Riri walked ahead to join Rafi as he continued to talk to Ant, Maxi noticing that the crowd of onlookers and the trash couple still present, walked over to them and begun ushering them back into the party, Clara came over to assist again taking on her elegant persona as she sauntered over. Maxi seeing this winked at Clara and walked back to the group of three where her husband and the mysterious stranger were still conversing.

"Let's continue this conversation inside hubby, we better get back to the guests for now" "Your right, we better calm down the commotion caused by R&R. "Woah I like that nickname, R&R please follow us into the party for some R&R and fun". Dumbfounded the young doctor could not believe her well to do friends were behaving like this, wait actually she could, although they put a mask of sophistication and elegance her group of friends were actually quite childish and often mischievous. A small smile appeared on her lips as she thought about her little group which did not go unnoticed by Rafi who was now looking at her.

Riri looked over him and couldn't help but take in his handsome face once more, Rafi looked away from her which brought back to her senses "I would love to join for some R&R with my goddess", he said while smiling cheekily. The young doctor found herself rolling her eyes again while thinking why was this man being as childish as her friends however she also found a familiarity in it. "I just have to make a quick phone call, why don't you go ahead with your friends and I will catch up with you, if that's okay with you" he said with one eyebrow quirk, he was subtly asking her so he could see whether she wanted to continue this, he didn't want to force her into anything that she was uncomfortable with even though he had kind of already done that on his own impulse.

The young lady caught on to his question quite quickly, she looked away from him immediately while she pondered this question. She looked at the direction of the party venue and then to her friends before taking a deep breathe "Okay I will be waiting at the front for you", she said while looking up at him with her decision. He and the married couple smiled at her for giving her permission for him to continue to accompany her. As Riri walked to the venue away from Rafi she felt herself taking more deep breathes to calm herself down, it was crazy to think about all that happened in last few minutes and she found herself crazy for accepting to keep on with this act.

Meanwhile Rafi after realizing his intercom was on earlier when he heard some gasps which he knew must of been Rio, "Ahem", clearing his throat, "Although I already told you I was coming off comms I realized that I made a mishap and you all heard what just happened on my side"

"...." Silence from the other side. The three who were currently on his team and one being is closed friend were to shocked to reply. Never in there wildest dreams would they have expected this of their Lieutenant, Gary YES, Rio MAYBE but NEVER him. A man that oozed refinement and order had gone up to a stranger, as a policeman threatened her with criminal acts which would hardly stick in court and then proceeded to passionately kiss her. These were the main events to which the group had heard through the intercom.

"Hmm", Rio began who was now sitting on the floor after dramatically falling from his chair in shock earlier. "I am just going to give this warning just, ONCE RIO, whatever you just heard over the intercom did not happen", he interrupted, "It was a figment of your combined imaginations from working long hours lately. I, your lieutenant am quite concerned by this and I very much advise you not to tell anyone else your delusions as to not cause further concern, this stays between us OK!" Rafi said with a frightening dark voice.

"....." Silence continued from the other side as they were too scared. After a couple of seconds "OK!, You all have been working hard lately, I am thinking of putting in a good word with the captain about some extra vacation days for you all", he continued.

"Yes LT, understood!", all three unanimous immediately their reply and confirmation to keep his secret, not that they were being bribed with some vacation time which was very rare!!

Rio began to silently laugh and roll around the floor in his excitement for the vacation days and for this juicy gossip about LT, although his friend said they shouldn't tell anyone, he just had one person he needed to tell, the other person who claims to be Rafi's best friend. "Hahaha this will kill him when he hears about it, especially since it will be me who tells him", he thought with an evil expression on his face.

Just before the lieutenant could fully take out the intercom from his ear to disconnect it completely, he heard faint voices say, "We wish you all the best with the future Mrs. LT, LT", "Ditto", "Ditto x2". It was time for them to clock off so he didn't waste his time with a response, he also had more important things to attend to. He scoffed in response, maybe their not so bad he thought as he began to walk over to the location where his goddess was and where some unexpected occurrences were going to happen.