
Status Report One

Status Report One, Day One

We made it to the island, no one knows what on it, but word has it that there is a Terrorist organisation here. Also there is a rumor going around that there is also slave traders, drug traffickers, and pirates here. Our commander said be on the look out for anything that moves.

There is a lot of wildlife here, I and many troops had to fight of a tiger that attacked one of our men, his whole leg is bleeding. We took him back to medical base thinking that he would die from blood lose but we got him there before he even passed out. I stayed there with him while the others moved forwards, he was a good friend of mine. So far this island has been a disaster and we got here today. The medical team has been busy due to poison from snakes and heck some one got ran over by a charging bull, lucky they survived but two men died today.

After an hour or so I went back out to search the island, I decided to go alone to be more stealthy, you know. Some how I found a village and I walked right thru. I heard chit chat about them calling us snow whites. Sounds kinda familiar, but i kinda brushed it off. Until some one come over and yelled at me for ruining the island. That's when I got ticked off. I stormed out of the village and headed back to base.

When I came back my buddy was getting worse then before, he was wasn't moving and when I got a medic they said that he died not to long ago. My eyes started to tear up and I sit right next to him. First day on this island and I lost one of my members. I'm going to end this here.

Write again soon.

End of Day One.