
Starting from the Dragon Tribe!

[This webnovel is based on the critically acclaimed best-selling Chinese novel series, Dragon Raja] A boy with abnormal physical prowess, Lu Chen, arrives in the world of the Dragon Clan. Lu Chen is shocked when faced with the enrollment for Cassell College—it’s full of beings who have dragon blood! Only he isn’t a hybrid… How will he pass the 3E exam? This is the story of a boy who eventually reaches the pinnacle of Cassell College. ******** I'm not the real author of this novel im just uploading it here so people can read it

TAICHI · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

That Ramen Guy has got to be a Master, Right?

[Translator – chieftanin]

[Proofreader – Karane]

"Generally speaking, the physical capabilities of hybrids are much greater than that of ordinary people, but when not using Kotodama, they can still be categorized as human. To be able to generate thousands of kilograms of power purely using physical strength obviously does not belong to this category… but there are always exceptions to everything," Anjou finished his sentence, then added more tea to Lu Chen's cup.

"Principal, you're not scared that I'm the Dragon King disguised as a little monster?" Lu Chen saw that the principal wasn't interrogative towards him, so he couldn't help joking a little.

"Dragon King? Now you have my attention. Tell me, are you?" Anjou also replied back jokingly, like a humorous elder would, but when mentioning the two words, "Dragon King," Lu Chen caught a flash of harshness in his eyes.

Just what did this old man experience back in his day? Had he faced the Dragon King directly?

"Of course not; I am very clear about my childhood experiences. I admit that I was a warmongering brat, not to mention my humongous appetite, but I can't imagine myself as that lizard-y thing," Lu Chen shrugged.

"Lizard?" Anjou's face was dumbfounded, then, losing his composure, burst out laughing, as if he heard the joke of the year, "Now that you say it, I do see the similarity. The experts of the college are sometimes quite puzzled about it, because they have yet to find genetic similarities between lizards and dragons."

After laughing, Anjou regained his composure, "Don't worry, the college does not suspect you of being the Dragon King. Though you are an orphan, Norma was able to gather all information related to you. You did grow up as a human baby to the current you, which means we can rule out the possibility that you are the awakened Dragon King."

"Then…" Lu Chen looked down at the photo in the Pad.

"Now that it is the 21st century, technology is developing rapidly. Humans believe they have mastered the power of the new era and that they are moving towards omniscience, but there are many things still only partly understood, such as about the dragon species, about the hybrids, and so on. At least I do know that there exist hybrids born with extraordinary physical qualities like you."

Anjou's words made Lu Chen's eyes light up; not only was he happy to be ruled out of suspicion, but he was also interested to hear from the principal's own mouth about hybrid species with extraordinary physical abilities like himself.

"Where are they? On campus as well? Or the Execution Bureau?" Lu Chen really wanted to meet that hybrid, and if they were willing to spar with him, then all the better.

"He is not in the college; he is not even in the Secret Party. He should still be in Japan right now." Anjou shook his head.

"Japan? Then he must be a famous powerhouse over there, then?" Lu Chen was confused.

After that was mentioned, Anjou's expression was a bit strange, "As far as I know, he should still be selling ramen on the street right now."

"Selling ramen!?" Lu Chen's eyes widened, thinking, could this be a master's initiation rite?

He imagined a man with hidden greatness, standing on the streets of Tokyo with a white cloth tied around his head, his hands firmly kneading dough. To outsiders, he looked like an ordinary ramen master, but in reality, he was comprehending the wonders of some martial art, like Tai Chi, while kneading dough.

After thinking about it… he really does seem like a master!

"Although I'm not quite sure what goes on in the heads of you martial arts practitioners, but the expression on your face tells me you're letting your imagination wander. He is indeed simply selling ramen noodles and muddling through." Anjou looked at the excitement apparent on his S-grade student's face and knew that the other might have misunderstood what he meant.

"Ah?" Lu Chen's face was full of incomprehension and confusion.

"That was the lifestyle he chose for himself. We can't judge," Anjou sipped his tea, "But you obviously don't look like you're going to sell ramen, so Cassell College is indeed a good place for you."

As he spoke, Anjou snapped his fingers, and the speakers in the office started playing an elegant piano piece.

"Your outstanding power means there is less strain for you when using Split Second. The restrictions of physical laws on Kotodama will be weakened in your case. In the future, you'll become the strongest of all Split Second users: every time you climb a tier, you'll widen the distance between you and other same-tier users. Your great strength would also mean that you'd be able to cut through anything, which is why I said a cold weapon suits you best," the principal returned to the topic. His finger, swiping the Pad, opened another interface; on it was the number 230, and Lu Chen also saw the unit on it: pounds.

"Principal… isn't this an invasion of privacy?" Lu Chen covered his face. It was a good thing he wasn't female, or else he probably would've exploded in anger upon seeing that number.

Anjou only smiled indifferently, "In reality, the initial physical test was much more comprehensive; height, weight, and such were all measured in detail. There were even blood tests, but that was a taboo for some hybrid families. Several school board members jointly resisted, and it was canceled. Height and weight were considered irrelevant, and were later removed."

Lu Chen was a bit embarrassed, "I'm just built slightly sturdier."

230 pounds, or 104 kilograms, was his weight.

"That's very normal. If you were only 150 pounds, I'd have captured you to study you. Your bone and muscle density are obviously far above average, which is one of the reasons for your abnormal strength." Upon saying that, Anjou seemed to feel the atmosphere was a bit tense, so he joked, "It's just that it'll be a bit difficult for you and the poor girl you lay in bed with in the future."

Lu Chen froze, evidently caught off guard by such a remark made by the gentlemanly 130 year old man; after all, he was the principal of a college and a pioneer of education.

But this remark just made him look like any other old hooligan.

"Don't look at me like that. I too was young once, and even now, I'm still very popular with the ladies."

"I can see that," Lu Chen nodded. The principal was indeed very charming, and while he claimed that he was 130 years old, he looked no more than 50. Combined with his temperament like that of aged wine, elegance and wit, it was easy to see how he could make the ladies swoon.

Anjou snapped once again, and the music stopped, "I was still hesitant about letting you get in contact with that piece of technology, but it seems there's nothing to hesitate about anymore. You and that old friend of mine may have some blood relations."

Lu Chen thought the principal's words were out of the blue.

Anjou pointed to the speaker in the distance, "Kotodama: Emperor, but it seems like you have no reaction to it. Be not afraid; in a sense, this is a good thing, because your lineage has a talent that all hybrids envy. Even if you crossed the Critical Blood Limit, you'd still be able to retain your humanity."

TL Note: If a hybrid's dragon genes exceed 50%, he/she will start to uncontrollably dragonize.

Lu Chen was mystified, but he seemed to understand a little. The principal seemed to believe he was of a particular lineage of hybrids, and these hybrids possessed special attributes. Though he was a fake, this was a good thing: at least the school wouldn't capture him. Everything about him had a "legitimate" explanation.
