
Starting from One Piece: Multiverse Simulation

"My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Go and find it! I left everything in the world there!" With these words, the Pirate King, who had just died, sparked the Great Pirate Era. On Maple Leaf Island, a young lumberjack reads the headline in the newspaper, but his face shows a deep sense of melancholy... -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.- Title: 从海贼开始万界模拟

Betek · Tranh châm biếm
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168 Chs

Chapter 76: I, Wood, Marine Headquarters Major!

Fleet Admiral Sengoku's gaze was rather intimidating. Combined with his stern expression and natural authority, an ordinary person might have been overwhelmed by his presence and unconsciously revealed the information Sengoku sought.

But who was Wood? In terms of appearance, he might seem like a novice. However, having lived two lives and gained experience over the years, he might not be a match for the old veterans, but his mental fortitude was quite strong.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, you must be joking. It was just the two of us on the mission. How could we possibly have more detailed information than Marine Headquarters?

This time, Colonel Gion and I completed the mission smoothly. After escorting the slaves from Sabaody Archipelago to Mariejois, we left immediately.

We were also deeply saddened by what happened at Mariejois. We didn't expect those villains to be so audacious. This is like a direct slap in the face to the World Government!

On our way back, we encountered a group of Fish-Men. Suspecting they might be connected to the chaos at Mariejois, we were furious and gave chase.

However, their strength was formidable, and since it was just the two of us, we were outnumbered and they managed to escape, which is why it took us several days longer to return to Marine Headquarters."

"Although we returned later than planned, we have no excuses. We hope Fleet Admiral Sengoku will punish us accordingly.

But for the sake of justice, we do not regret our actions in the slightest. If given the chance, I would make the same choice again!"

Before Gion could say anything, Wood delivered his report with such passion that both Gion and Sengoku were left speechless.

Wood's righteous and unflinching demeanor even made Sengoku momentarily doubt his suspicions. Could it be that he was mistaken, and that these two really had nothing to do with the events at Mariejois?

However, when he noticed Gion's similarly stunned expression, Sengoku wasn't entirely convinced and turned his gaze to Gion. "Colonel Gion, is what this Marine said true? Did you really encounter a group of Fish-Men on your way back, which caused the delay in your return?"

Faced with Sengoku's piercing gaze and overwhelming presence, Gion's mental fortitude and composure couldn't compare to Wood's.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, this matter…"

"I want to hear Colonel Gion's report. You're just a Seaman Third Class. Reporting on a mission is typically the responsibility of your superior.

Your earlier actions overstepped your bounds, but considering the successful completion of this mission, I won't punish you for it."

Gion took a moment to collect herself and then seriously nodded at Sengoku. "What my subordinate Wood said is largely the truth of our mission.

As for the Fish-Men we encountered, they initially tried to drill through the bottom of our ship from the sea.

If Fleet Admiral Sengoku wants a detailed account of the battle, I can write up a full report later."

Hearing Gion's response, Wood mentally gave her a thumbs-up.

Gion's account was 70% true and 30% false. They had indeed encountered Fish-Men, but that was before they went to Mariejois.

It was a bit difficult for Gion to lie to her superior, but she spoke the truth about their real experiences with conviction and sincerity.

Although her expression was somewhat unnatural when she said "Wood's account is true," she still managed to keep her composure, which was quite impressive.

"Alright, I understand. You both can go rest now.

As agreed before, Colonel Gion, your rank will be promoted to Rear Admiral after this mission.

As for Seaman Third Class Wood, given your outstanding abilities and the strong recommendation from Colonel Gion—no, Rear Admiral—I will promote you directly to the rank of Marine Major."

After leaving Sengoku's office, Wood walked down the corridor, grinning from ear to ear as he looked at his promotion order, so much so that even Gion couldn't stand it.

"Enough already! It's just a Marine Major rank. Do you really need to act so smug?

Anyone who sees you would think you've been appointed as the Fleet Admiral…"

Gion genuinely thought Wood was being ridiculous. She had just been promoted to Rear Admiral, but she wasn't particularly thrilled. Her sights were set on becoming the strongest force in the Navy as an Admiral.

Yet here was Wood, despite his impressive skills, intelligence, and only minor flaws in his character, getting all excited over being promoted to Major…

"You don't understand! You just got promoted from Marine Colonel to Rear Admiral, which is only one rank higher.

But look at me! I jumped straight from Seaman Third Class, skipping over Second Class, First Class, Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Warrant Officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade, and Lieutenant, all the way up to Major—a leap of eight ranks!"

Becoming a Marine Major was truly a delight for Wood, as it fit perfectly with his expectations.

It allowed him to apply for transfer to a regional base while remaining a low-profile rank within Marine Headquarters.

What Wood didn't know was that the "Marine Major" rank he was so thrilled about was actually considered too low by some.

After Wood and Gion left, two figures emerged from a discreet corner of Sengoku's office—a man and a woman.

If Wood and Gion were present, they would have been shocked to realize that as swordsmen, they hadn't even sensed these two in the room.

But this wasn't surprising, given that these two weren't ordinary people. They were none other than Vice Admirals Garp and Tsuru, both well-known to Wood and Gion.

"Hahahahaha, that kid Wood is quite something. He's got skill, talent, and a thick skin.

Sengoku, you old fox, only promoted him to Marine Major? From what I've seen, he's got the potential to be an Admiral."

Garp was no stranger to Wood, as Zephyr often spoke about this troublesome student of his.

The recent events confirmed what his old friend had said: Wood's strength was definitely on par with, if not greater than, Gion's!

"Gion lied. Her story was half-true, half-false, but I'm certain there were lies mixed in. The encounter with the Fish-Men might be true, but they were definitely involved in the events at Mariejois."

Vice Admiral Tsuru had watched Gion grow up, so while Gion might be able to deceive others, she couldn't fool Tsuru. The fleeting awkwardness in Gion's expression hadn't escaped Tsuru's keen eye.