
Chapter 65/ Character Info

It took a week for word to get back to Jial but all 4 designs that he sent in were approved. The groups wanted to purchase all versions and upped the payment to 20 quadrillion for the designs of all 4 droids. The representative came with the credit chip a few days later in exchange for the blueprints that Jial had come up with. They also had Jial sign a contract, signing over the patent to ensure that he did not try to recreate or sell any models of the B-Series as they called it.

Once they were gone, Jial had some downtime that he hadn't had in a few years. Thinking that it was time to spend time with those he was close with, Jial decided to visit Nott first.

The Feeorin walked through the streets of Wyne until he happened upon The Clocktower. It was a large tower with digital clocks on all 4 walls of the highest floor. This was where she led all of her groups: The Acolytes, Astartes, and the Inquisitors.

Acolytes were the Force Users of the Yautja. Jial's only rule was to keep their numbers around 1,000 since any larger would be troublesome to deal with in case any rebelled or turned traitor. They only had to deal with a small one consisting of 30 which were quickly put down.

And because of that, the Inquisitors were formed. The Inquisitors were the elites that Nott had personally scouted and those who were absolutely loyal to her. They were in charge of investigating anyone except for Jial's Inner Circle and had the authority to arrest or kill anyone without having to bring it before Nott or some other high-level member first. They also investigated potential enemies and vassals and were allowed to make first contact or order primitive assaults. This gave them an incredible amount of power but since they were the ones trusted by Nott, Jial let them be. If any betrayed her trust, it was far worse than what would happen if he caught them. 

Jial entered the Clocktower and took the elevator to the top floor where Nott's personal space was as well as the Inquisitor's base. When the members saw him step off the elevator, they all gave a small bow before resuming their usual activities. These were some of the few who did not worship Jial like the others.

Jial walked past all of their desks to Nott's office where he knocked on the door. 

"Come in," the familiar voice called out

Jial opened the door to see the red-skinned woman sitting at her desk and typing away on her console not even looking up. Jial walked over to the chair in the office and picked up a datapad that had some of the information that the Inquisitors were investigating. A few rumors about a group of Sith artifacts on Korriban. 

Korriban was known as the Sith Homeworld from the old days. Every major Sith organization had its headquarters on Korriban and even the Sith Academy was on the planet. But after so many wars and battles, the planet was now deserted. Many had traveled there and looted the place, so there was little chance of something being found. At least that is what Jial would have said if it was anyone else. But if it was Nott's Inquisitors who were investigating it, it meant that something important must have been found or there were a large number of rumors that were reliable. 

While he was reading over the data, Nott walked over and sat in the chair next to him while looking at Jial's focused expression. So much work had been building up that they had little time to just hang out together. The organization had finally reached a stable period so they were able to take it easy for the time being.

"What do you think?" Nott asked, wanting his opinion on the matter

"If it is in your office, the rumors must be true," Jial told her honestly. "Who are you sending?"

"Me, 2nd, and 4th are all going," Nott told him, referring to the titles that they were given.

Each Inquisitor besides Nott was given the title of 2nd Sister/Brother or such depending on their gender. The numbers did not denote rank except for the 2nd being the 2nd in command and the Grand Inquisitor being Nott herself. The rest were simply numbered in the order that they were recruited. 

The 2nd Inquisitor was Caina who had also undergone Gene-Seed implants all those years ago. Just like Nott, her skin and hair also turned red while her Force Powers increased significantly. But out of all of those who received her Gene-Seed, only those two experienced the mutations.

"I see. Make sure you bring some backup, though. You never know what dangers may lurk on the planet," Jial warned her just as he did when she was younger

Nott laughed at his words but didn't disagree with him. She was probably the most powerful Force User that currently, and may have ever, existed but he was still worried about her even when she was bringing along two other power Force Users as well. 

Nott got out of her seat and gave Jial a small peck on the cheek.

"Of course, Father," Nott called him the name that she and Mira only called Jial in private. "I'll be sure to be careful."

Jial rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by her calling him her father. Even though he felt like they were his daughters, he was still not used to them calling him that.

"*cough cough* Good. I have other matters to attend to so I'll just head out and leave you to your business," Jial made an excuse and quickly made his way to the door but not before he could hear Nott giggling behind him. Her knack for torture even extended to her Master.

When he was gone, Nott picked up the datapad and scrolled to the last page that Jial hadn't reached, her face turning serious. 

[Red male Twi'lek and Bith spotted. Speculated to be the current Sith Lord and Apprentice. May be on the planet and searching for the artifacts as well. Extreme caution recommended.]

Nott had stopped Jial from reading this part because she feared that he might have tried to stop her. She had learned about how the current Sith Lord was the apprentice of the former who tried to kidnap her and her sister as well as the person they spared in the arena so she was looking for revenge. Although the Jedi killed the Master, she felt that the debt the Sith owed her and her family had not been paid in full.

'You must pay for the sins of your Master for trying to separate us from our Master as well as kill one of us,' Nott could tell exactly what the Sith's plan was. The easiest way to make someone fall to the Dark Side was by taking away someone they loved. If he was successful, he would have surely killed either Nott or her sister. 

Her plan was to kill the Master and give the apprentice a warning that the Yautja were off-limits to not only the Republic and Hutts but to even the Sith. None could extend their reach into their growing empire.


Character Glossary: (let me know if I forgot anyone but I'm pretty sure I didn't from all the important people.)

Jial: MC, Feeorin, Genius. Don't get on his bad side

Nott Hash: Changed name due to how much I hated her name. Twin sister of Mira though their current appearance would not suggest that. Adoptive daughter and apprentice of Jial. Very powerful Force User. Can get information out of anyone

Mira Spar: Twin sister of Nott. Has wolf ears and a tiger-like tail. Adoptive daughter and apprentice of Jial. A deadly warrior that combines technology, blasters, the Force, and her lightsabers. Hot-headed

Boxe Spar: Current leader of Clan Spar. Former almost-lover of Jial. Very blunt and foolish at times but an excellent commander and warrior. Loves dangerous situations for herself but she is not willing to put others in such situations

Suxon Spar: Older brother of Boxe. Cold-headed and calm, the opposite of her sister. One of the best naval defenders of the Yautja

Darth Talon: Jial's lover and the deadliest lightsaber duelist amongst the Yautja. Rules over the Great/Grand Colosseum on Coruscant alongside Kroq. 

HK-47: Deadly droid. Great at killing Jedi and other Meatbags.

Sektor: Assassin from MK universe. Hard to determine if he is a full cyborg with almost nothing but robotic parts or an android with a human's mind implanted into it. Deadly assassin.

Beta: Yautja hybrid that can kill Wookies with his bare hands. And bears too. 

Cleopatra: Yautja pureblood that has over a thousand years of experience. Most famous in Egypt, hence the name. 

Sidon Ithano: First companion of Jial. Excellent commander and a better sharpshooter. None have a quicker draw than him. 

Sev'rance Tann: Best tactician amongst the Yautja. Comparable to Tawn if not for her arrogance getting the better of her. Force User

Kroq: Warrior of the Saurus Oldbloods from Warhammer Fantasy. One of the few individuals who can fight on par with Jial and not give in. The strongest duelist in the group besides Jial. 

Seviss Vaa: Sith sorcerer of old. Mainly in charge of genetic alterations to Praetomorphs. Powerful sorcerer that can cast illusions over an entire planet or project images from sectors aways. 

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