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May 5, 3 BBY


Imperial Labour Camp

"Transport the Wobani citizens to Alderaan? That's not allowed. The citizens are to be transferred off world later today. And my orders are to see that through", Major Tedam voiced as he stared at the holographic projection table displaying maps and statistics, not showing the princess even the slightest attention.

"But if there were fewer citizens needing the empire's help , that would make your job easier wouldn't it Major Tedam? Leia enquired optimistically .

"So we'll just…

"That's not allowed. We stick to the rules when seeing things through" Tedam repeated again.


'Deep breaths , deep breaths,' she thought, seemingly trying to calm herself down from the brewing anger threatening to rise up due to the lack of respect and regard the imperial officer was showing her.

" Can you at least let me know who has the authority to renegotiate terms ?"

"Nobody." the Officer replied flatly

"You must have some authority if you're in charge here", leia pleaded

"I have the authority… To send you away from this planet on schedule without delay, with no one aboard except your 'crew members'. Other than that my hands are tied," Tedam said as he now gazed at Leia, who only frowned at his lack of reliance.

"Show her out", he ordered, beckoning two stormtroopers to escort the princess to the door.


'Tch. His hands are tied ? Does he take me for a fool. He hasn't done anything but point blasters at people!' Leia thought in annoyance.

" Its best we head back princess", Lieutenant Batten voiced , bringing Leia out of her thoughts.


30 minutes later

Imperial Headquarters of Wobani

"Major Tedam, is everything ready and in order for transportation?", Colonel Vuld Tansen asked, his holographic image flickering by the second.

"Yes they are Colonel; but forgive me if there are any ... slight delays. There's a humanitarian aid from the planet of Alderaan handing out food and supplies to the people, But I'll have them leave at once ," Tedam reported.

" Ah, Princess Leia , leads this mission I believe? "

"Indeed she does sir…

"There's no reason to push her off the planet Major, let her continue with this humanitarian aid of hers. The Gozanti class cruisers are already enroute to the surface . Make sure as many as possible make their way onboard," the colonel cut him off.

"It will be done Colonel".


" State your name please ?", the Civic officer asked

" Nixa Durran", the middle aged man replied nervously.

"Former occupation ?"

"I was a ship technician sir, before the ..."

"Before what? You can say it you know, I won't persecute you."

"Before the empire came and turned our planet into a prison", he said softly.

"I see. I cannot say I know what hardships you may have gone through Mr Durran ; but I can tell you this, I myself came from a world where we were also oppressed and starving , and as you can see I have risen from that poverty stricken planet.


"Huh, I see Ensign Yulan is putting that silver tongue of his to use. Many may say what they wish about him but you have to give credit when it's due. I don't doubt his ability to convince a wookie to hug a trandoshian." Major Plythe of the 234th Army division quipped while clasping his hands behind his back watching the Wobani citizens in line being processed.

"A great liar he is indeed Sir," Sade scowled.

"You disapprove of his methods Junior Lieutenant?" Plythe asked.

"Not necessarily sir but...

" Then shut up about it, these people are being transferred so they may have a better home and life, than living on this muddy cesspool of a back water, so whatever subtle methods work for their cooperation shall be used", the major stated.

Sade was about to give a reply to the major but was interrupted.

"Excuse me sir are you in charge of these citizens being transported"

Plythe turned around immediately to address the stranger.

White Aristocratic Robes even if slightly dirty in certain areas , a ring on her finger and the accent of a noble, he observed.

"That's correct, Major Jethro Plythe of the 234th Army division in charge of overseeing the processing and safe transportation of the citizens under orders of Colonel Vuld Tansen and you are?"

"Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan , in charge of the humanitarian aid ", she introduced nervously.

"A pleasure princess; and what does the leader of the Humanitarian aid desperately needs so that she's here personally?" he enquired in a mocking tone.

" Well you see Major, i've been trying get approval from Major Tedam over there to transport some of these suffering citizens off planet to settle on Alderaan ; but as you can see my efforts were futile ...

" Hmmm, and now you want to try your luck with me, is that it? " the major interrupted

'- _ -' "It is as you say Sir", she replied.

Leia couldn't outright deny these accusations for the major spoke true.

"My Grandmother was from Alderaan you see , bless her kind soul . So as a favor to her former homeland, I'll allow 200 citizens of your choosing, ones that haven't been processed as yet that is -

"But sir!" Sade was about to protest

But a raised hand from the major beckoned him to remain quiet.

"That's if my superior approves of this, if he does you may have them. They're all going to be transported off world anyway , I don't see the difference," Plythe continued.

Leia didn't know whether to jump around in joy or cry, the fates of 200 now rested in the palms of one man, a man who she hasn't even met. 'Was he somewhat like the nerf herder Tedam or this fair, and thoughtful imperial ( Major Plythe) who stood in front of her'. Her thoughts of the man was making her feel a mild sort of trepidation , she was praying that this superior Major Plythe spoke of was some one similar to him in personality.

"Thank you very much Major, this shall never be forgotten", Leia said joyfully in relief

"Do not keep your hopes up princess, you are still yet to get approval. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be making the call".


"I don't see why not, General Haverel hasn't out right ordered us not to. This will also save us a lot of time , time which would be better spent elsewhere, so you may proceed Major" said Colonel Tansen

"Yes sir", Plythe gave a swift reply.


On Savareen

What was once a small hobble of broken down tents and sheds 7 years ago, had been turned into a large town or city to be exact. One big enough to accommodate over 140,000 people.

A tall 30 feet wall surrounded it's entire perimeter, protecting it from sandstorms which would damage buildings and infrastructures.

Imperial army troopers also patrolled and policed its streets ensuring that no criminals whether pirate or smuggler wondered around within it's walls, while full filling their jobs as protectors of the people.

Savareen City is a testament of modern building and construction. As the once ghost town of a village is now turned into an imperial hub of productivity. Refueling stations for commercial and small Imperial ships that would travel through the system, schools, hospitals houses along with many other infrastructure now lined the streets . Many imperial officers also saw the small city as a place of comfort , as a decent amount of pubs, hotels and brothels were already established in the city.

And on the outskirts of it's walls a Coaxium Refinery was also built , the plant heavily defended to deter any who would attack imperial holdings. It was no secret that the empire wanted to gain production of the substance on a whole , and the refinery on Savareen was another factory added to the many that were already scattered out across the galaxy; but this one would serve as a refinery for the far reaches of the outer rim, processing and refining the raw coaxium bought from kessel into the stable substance it is today.

To be continued....

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